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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 534 - The Power Of The Fragments
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Lory knew it's going to be easy to explain about the spell, Demon, Which craft and etcetera to the people who don't even dream these all could be real. Lory scratches her head, she tries to find the easiest way to explain to Zhuang Mu Zi, thankfully Lory is an honored student who got 'A' in gift and magic theory. For that she grateful for the school and the teacher.

Lory moves the stool in front of Zhuang Mu Zi, as a victim Lory realizes he deserves to know what and why this happened to him "Okay, first I need to remind you that you need to be open-minded because what I'm about to tell you is.....out of this world, so here it goes..." Lory takes a deep breath while behind her Bei Li Yan and the other already take a comfortable position to hear Lory's story eagerly.


"What happened to you is not something caused by normal sickness, is not poison or anything that came from this world, what happened to you is caused by...Dark Magic"

Zhuang Mu Zi stunned, he doesn't believe it but he had no other explanation about his sudden sickness either "So, someone uses dark magic on me, but why? Who?" he doesn't understand, he only an illegitimate master without position or authority in his own house, why anyone want to go that far just to hurt him? why not just kill?

"I don't know why but I know who did this to you, that person is Lao Min Na," Lory said without a shred of doubt, who else could pluck Lazarus scale without the demon consent.

Zhuang Mu Zi frown "So it's really her, still, I don't know why she did this to me, I don't even know her before she came to the Manor and we rarely speak to each other" he balled his fist in anger, he doesn't know what he had done to make Lao Min Na hate him this much.

"Honestly, it might be because she wants to delay our time departure to Hui Gong continent, for what reason, I also not clear about it" Lory shrug in perplexed.

Zhuang Mu Zi expression turn stiffed "But...what if you don't help me, is that mean I would become paralyzed all my life?" his lower lips quiver, is his life is so meaningless in front of Lao Min Na? how could she be so cruel to someone she barely knows.

"Calmed down, we here to safe you aren't we, well is our fault, to begin with.....Sorry about that" Lory scratches her nose awkwardly.

Zhuang Mu Zi shakes his head "No, it's not your fault, is Lao Min Na that witch fault, I'm grateful for your kindness" Zhuang Mu Zi genuinely thankful for Long Ming wife kindness.

"Wait a minute, is that mean Lao Min Na is a witch now?" Bei Li Yan raised his hand as a good student asked for a question. Bei Li Yan was disturbed by the new fact not only Lao Min Na is a talented alchemist and cultivator but she also adds witchcraft on the mix, is that mean she become a formidable enemy now? 

"Unfortunately, she is, but I don't think is a good thing for her, there should be a hefty price for asked the Demon favor, nothing will good happened to her and that I'm certain…" Lory make ironic smiles for a second, who knows if she talks about Lao Min Na or herself. 

"So, what Lao Min Na did to me, what is that in your hand and that painting on the floor"

"This thing?" Lory raised the black scale on her hand "This thing is incited your greatest fear, maybe your greatest fear is being weak and useless, this thing increased your fear to a whole another level, it's enough to make you 'think' you are paralyzed and decreased your cultivation"

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Zhuang Mu Zi flabbergasted "You...you think I'm not....is that means I'm not crippled"

Zhuang Mu Zi is not the only one who shocks and so is everyone in the room, they all make an astounded face.

"Do you never heard all sickness first came from the mind, as a human all of us influence by our mind, sad, angry, fear, love everything came from the mind, a simple example when people scared some people can't move their body, other people run as fast as they can until their feet blister, who make them di that....the brain" Lory poke her temples.

"That make sense" Jin Hao stroke his chin, his interest piqued by Lory words.

"When you are weakened from the inside by this thing the weird painting under your bed is feeding by your fear and desperation, it should drive you crazy soon or later before it gets stronger and influences more people, I believe less in three months it will drive everyone inside the manor crazy before it spread to the city" Lory let out a long sigh.

"The whole city will be affected too?" Zhuang Mu Zi and everyone is overwrought.

"Yes, it is a very malicious spell, I don't know what inside Lao Min Na head when she plants this kind of spell, crazy is not well described of her action"

"She is F***ing NUTS!" Bei Li Yan snorted in anger.

Lory tilt her head 'That would do'

"Okay then, prepare your protective amulet everyone and pleased leave the room because is going to be a blast" Lory clapped her hands as she giving orders like a kindergarten teacher.

"Lory, I will not allow you to hurt yourself" Zhao Li Xin expression deepens, he will not let her fall in a coma again only after she just awoke.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine this time" she raised her thumb.

Of course, Zhao Li Xin didn't believe her since Lory tracked record is prove unreliable "You always say that…" he said with the expression 'Who do you think your kidding'.

"I mean it this time" she convinces him again.

obviously Zhao Li Xin is not convinced, but he also knew he can't stop her, he could never stop her and it begins to disturbed his nerves, he can only grit his teeth and swallow his dissatisfaction.

"Okay, everyone, first I need all of you to leave the room, and don't forget to activate the protective amulet everyone" Lory reminds them again with casual tones "You too dear, you cannot be here" Lory pleaded earnestly.

"I'll stay!" Zhao Li Xin rejects her plead firmly.

"But, is dangerous…"Lory reminds him.

"Then you should not do it either!" he is adamant to stay.

Lory pouts her lips as she scoffed at Zhao Li Xin "Why are you so stubborn!"

Zhao Li Xin sneered "I can say the same thing to you"

Bei Li Yan and the others exchange glance between Lory and Zhao Li Xin like a lost child waiting for their parent decision, should they got out or not?

Then Zhao Li Xin glared at his subordinated "The rest of you leave!" 

without farther ado, Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan scurry out of the room in, but not forget to carry Zhuang Mu Zi in a process too. The poor third master is carry on the shoulder by the feminine guy Bei Li Yan like a rice sack in ordinary days this would hit Zhuang Mu Zi's self-esteem but when he thinks again that he was carried by the great King Palace of Hei Shen Sect somehow he feel… honored.

"Master, what are you doing to my Master!" suddenly Yu Qin marches towards them with a broom in her hands.

"Wait, wait Yu Qin this is me, do you remember me?" Yang Xi Ying blocks Yu Qin's movement before she hit Bei Li Yan.

Yu Qin startled when she sees Yang Xi Ying's beautiful face "Miss….Miss Ya…Yang?" Yu Qin stutter because of the shock.

Yang Xi Ying sigh I relief "Thank god, you remember me, we here to help your Master so you don't have to worry" Yang Xi Ying smiles kindly.

Yang Xi Ying dumbfounded 'Help Master? Not abduct him?' she looks hesitant, Yu Qin is not wrong they look like suspicious people who try to abduct someone.

"Believe it or not…" Yang Xi Ying make a dry smile. Ironically if it was her, she will not believe it either.

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Suddenly Mong Ki and Mong Yi appear behind Yu Qin, the girl almost shrieks if not Yang Xi Ying covers her mouth with her hands. On the other hand, Mong Ki and Mong Yi seem didn't care, Mong Ki search for his Lord and madam face then realizes they were not there.

"Where are madam and Milord?" Mong Ki's scrunched up his face in worry.

"They try to solve whatever it is in that room," said Li Mo Zhen, "Miss Luo told us to use the protective amulet, I will set up protective array too just in case" Li Mo Zhen then take out crystals from his sleeves that put every crystal on the three-point then a minute later they are cover with a thin barrier around them.

Bei Li Yan put down Zhuang Mu Zi on the bench and Yu Qin withstand his shoulder so he could sit, Zhuang Mu Zi stare at his room with a curious face "What is she going to do?" he asked.

Jin Hao stifles "When it comes to our Madam, we just wait and surprise" his eyes glint with anticipation for what about to come.

"San Bo and Jin Wei must be jealous if they knew about this" Bei Li Yan chuckles as his face beamed excitedly.

Li Mo Zhen doesn't want to show it but he also can't wait to see what Lory would do, besides her Yang Xi Ying tightens her grip on Li Mo Zhen's hand, unlike the others she is extremely worried for Lory safety.

In the meantime, Lory stands right on the center of the pentagram, while Zhao Li Xin watch from the side with a stern face and whole his body tensed up.

Lory takes a deep breath to calm her nerves [Girsha...] she whispers.

The bird turns to white orbs then pierce to her chest soon a pair of giant white wings emerged from her back, then the shapeshifter spell disappear and her disguised wash off. Zhao Li Xin's breathing becomes heavy, no matter how many times he saw Lory with wings on his back he can't stop to feel amazed, in this appearance she is not just Lory anymore but Princess Lorient Jean Frau Lucient, the protector of Harland Kingdom.

Slowly she squeezes the black scale between her palms, the wing behind her spread and pushes everything near it, then whirlwind appears from thin air it circled around her, her eyes shine with dimmed purple light. Lory clenched her jaw as she squeezes the scale harder and the whirlwind moves faster and faster.

Zhao Li Xin watched Lory without blinking, the harsh wind didn't bother him. The enormous Qi around him block the wind he stood there unmoving as if his legs nail to the ground, he not even shaken a little bit, his eyes fixed on Lory, one sign show she is hurting he would jump towards her.

[How are you Lory?] Girsha called her thorough telepathic connection.

[I'm good…I can do it!] she said with determination.

She could feel the scale try to resist her but she will not back down, she has to destroy it!

Suddenly four white light burst from inside her each of them illuminated with white light when the light dimmer it turns to shards of staff, then shards floating around her. Lory pressed her palms harder then she let out a long scream, she spread her arms then the shards simultaneously thrust against the scale.

The scales shattered to pieces but the shards are not over yet as it pierces through the pentagram. the pentagram cracked and soon explode, and everything is engulfed with blinding purple light. Jin Hao, Bei Li Yan, and the others cover their sight with their sleeves, for a minute the night turns as daylight.