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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 533 - Mind Deception Spell
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"GET UP! who said you are dreaming!" Jin Hao lifts the blanket harshly then pull Zhuang Mu Zi's wrist despite the man's reluctance. 

Only know Zhuang Mu Zi was sure that he is not dreaming, he wants to say something but the people inside his room looks unbothered by the situation, they leisurely drink and chat as if everything is normal.


"What do you think?" Bei Li Yan bobbed his head.

Jin Hao beautiful eyebrows furrow "Normal, everything is normal, other than a rupture on the ligament everything is fine, with the right care for the inflammation and therapy he should be able to walk less than a month" Jin Hao stroke his chin with puzzle expression. Other than damaged on Zhuang Mu Zi right knee he didn't find anything else so how could Zhuang Mu Zi both legs paralyzed and why his cultivation decreased rapidly it's like something suck his Qi away from his body.

Jin Hao shifts his gaze at Lory "I think this is more to your area because I don't see anything else other than a small fracture….I believe there something else happened here…" he said with a meaningful gaze.

Zhuang Mu Zi become more anxious after he heard Jin Hao diagnosis if the most talented physician and alchemist in the continent didn't know what happened to him is that mean he had no hope to stand on his feet again, Zhuang Mu Zi feel his heart drop on the floor as his hope evaporated.

Lory scratches his head "Well, after I got confirmation about master Zhuang condition, now is my turn" Lory slap her knees then raised from her seat.

Zhuang Mu Zi stupefied, he looks Lory with disbelieving "Miss….You, you can help me?"

"That's why I'm here for" Lory wink in jest.

"Don't worry Master Zhuang, I've been in your situation before, it was Miss Luo who saves my life" Li Mo Zhen encourage him with kind smiles.

A light of hope flickered in his heart, he knew Li Mo Zhen temperament, he is a righteous and honest man he will not lie to him and what for? He is only an illegitimate son who has no position in his own home.

"Okay, everyone takes a seat and is quiet, I need to concentrate here!" Lory claps her hands.

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Jin Hao, Bei Li Yan, and Li Mo Zhen immediately take a seat as her order, the round table is not too big so the five people sat closely with their shoulder press each other, other than Yang Xi Ying who is forced to lean on Li Mo Zhen embrace everyone sits with an uncomfortable expression.

Lory doesn't care, who told them to come anyway. Lory takes a long deep breath then slowly she closes her eyes and the mana inside of her flow in her veins to all her five senses suddenly she feel tingling sensation from the tip of her index finger then run to her palm, she opens her eyes then look down on her palm, she opens and closes her palms as the numbness sensation remains.

Lory raised her hands in front of her but the sensation become faint, she frown slightly then she moves her hands to the side suddenly the tingling sensation increased it feel like her hand is electrocuted, Lory body jolt, she retracts her hand and winced.

"LORY!" Zhao Li Xin raised from his seat abruptly.

"I'm fine!" Lory quickly calmed him down "It's just being a while since I felt like this" Lory rubs her hands together to ease the numbness then she gives Zha Li Xin comforting smiles before the Lord carry her back home.

"Why Lord Long Ming called Ri Yi Lory?" Yang Xi Ying whisper at Bei Li Yan.

Bei Li Yan and Jin Hao stunned than they realized that Yang Xi Ying and Li Mo Zhen is the only ones who close with Lory who doesn't know about Lory's real identity. Bei Li Yan didn't dare to reveal Lory secret without her permission, Bei Li Yan then make a hush gesture on his lips "Is her nicknames…"

Thankfully Yang Xi Ying accepts the reason easily, Hei Shen people are known for their quirkiness so Yang Xi Ying didn't ask further. 

Meanwhile, Lory let out a long exhale then she stretch her hand again, she feel like thousands of ants run from her palms to her elbow, she forgot how uncomfortable it would felt. She let out a heavy heaved then follow where the sensation takes her, the closer she gets to the source the worst the sensation would be.

Lory slowly walks towards the bed where Zhuang Mu Zi is, the man himself stare at Lory with a puzzled expression, then Lory stops right beside the bed instead of looking at Zhuang Mu Zi Lory's eyes fixed on the bed. Her eyebrows creased very closely then she clenches her hand into a fist.

'Something is under the bed!'

"Someone help me to moves Master Zhuang from the bed!" 

Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan didn't need further instruction, each of them put Zhuang Mu Zi arms around their shoulder then moves him to the couch, Zhuang Mu Zi didn't have time to asked or refuse, he was taken swiftly without asking permission….again!

After Zhuang Mu Zi left the bed, Lory lifts the blanket, she searches under the pillow and the sheet she rummaged the bed but she got nothing but she is sure one hundred percent that thing is here. Lory then lifts the mattress she but still got nothing Lory click her tongue exasperatedly, she rests her hands on the waist then she examined the bed.

Lao Min Na must hide that thing somewhere that no one would be expected "But where…..?" Lory tapped her lips with her fingers as she pondering.

"Where is the place where no one would bother to clean up?" Lory mutters to herself.

"Above the canopy" Zhao Li Xin suddenly comment.

Lory turns around in motion towards Zhao Li Xin with her widen eyes she cursed "That Son Of A Bit**!!"

Girsha flew above the bed canopy he flapping his wings and there he saw something [Lory look…] he throw something on her, Lory catch swiftly whatever Girsha throw at her. Lory opens her palm and her expression turn grim.

"Dark material" she hissed.

[Made from Lazarus scale himself, it's clear now, Lao Min Na is Lazarus minion no doubt about this…]

"Lory, what is it?" Zhao Li Xin becomes anxious when he saw Lory's uneasy expression. Bad thing always happened when she make that kinda face

"Something that should not belong to this world" Lory shows a dark scale in the size of palm on the surface of the scales it engraves by a language he could not understand but he had seen this letter before.

"Is that snake scale?" Jin Hao and the other lean towards Lory with a curious face.

"I've seen a green snake, a white snake, a red snake but I never seen a black snake before, and by the size of the scale is a big snake," Bei Li Yan said in awe, he didn't regret his decision to tag along with Lory, it's never a dull moment when Lory is around.

"It's should be larger, much – much larger…so I'm not the only one who loses power" Lory sneer coldly.

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"Eh, it should be larger?" Bei Li Yan shocked.

"And what is written on it?" Yang Xi Ying asks.

"Is Ethion language isn't it, what is it said?" Zhao Li Xin chimed in.

"Yes, is a singing grace for the God" Lory sigh.

"What is that mean?" Li Mo Zhen confuses, is this mean bad or not.

"Writing something holly on something dirty is a God blasphemy" Lory clench the scales tightly as anger rise within her. No wonder Zhuang Zi's health affected, and not just him soon or later everyone in this Manor will be inflicted by this, this thing will drive everyone mad. But why Lao Min Na did this, it can be only to stop Zhao Li Xin, isn't it? 

"All of you help me to moves the bed, hurry!" Lory words startled everyone.

Jin Hao was the first person who carries out Lory order without further question, with his palms he hit the bed one time and the heavy bed moves two meters from the original position. Lory then make a long stride to where the bed before and just like she thought she see a pentagram on the floor with rune write around it.

’It's a Minds Deception!" Lory exclaimed.

[This is bad Lory, it's really, really bad] Girsha shook his head in worry.

"If we don't stop it, it could spread to the whole Manor" Lory heart beating like a war drum, This is a horrendous ancient spell, now she understands why Zhuang Mu Zi become paralyzes and become sick, this spell is materialized the victims deepest fears. 

Zhuang Mu Zi fears perhaps is being weak and useless, When he got fractures Lao Min Na might do something that make his health decline, it might incite Zhuang Mu Zi deepest fear, that little worry enough to make the spell reacted, what make thing worst he lives directly above where the source of the spell is, no wonder he got the worst hit.

"Miss, can you explain to me what happened?" Zhuang Mu Zi who is paralyzed couldn't go anywhere, he can only surrender when the strangers in his room wrecking his bedroom without giving any regards to the owner of the room.

"Well, the good news is You are not crippled, sick or whatever, you just think you are" Lory try to explain but Zhuang Mu Zi expression show he doesn't understand what she means, Lory pinch her temples tiredly "And the bad news is, if we don't solve this problem the whole Manor will be in danger"

This time Zhuang Mu Zi make a strong reaction, Jiang Yu Ran and Yu Qin's faces flashed in his mind "WHAT?"