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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 522 - Mother’s Worry
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In the meantime at the Zhuang family residence situation is not so peaceful, a loud voice broke the tranquillity "Zhuang Li Yu where do you think you going?" a beautiful woman in the early forty lifts her skirt then she takes long strides towards Zhuang Li Yu with eyes brimmed with anger and anxiety. 

Zhuang Li Yu pouted her lips like a naughty kid caught doing something bad "I just want to apologize to Brother Li, I want to clear up the misunderstanding between us Ii can't let him think badly about me, so mother.... please let me go, I will be back soon" she begs wholeheartedly.


"Are you out of your mind!" the beautiful woman glare at her daughter with bloodshot eyes "Yesterday you are not just infuriated Li Mo Zhen you even have a gut to provoked Long Ming too, don't you know what kinda man Long Ming is, do you wish to die!" she shouted furiously, she can't believe how stupid her daughter is, how could she didn't realize how grave her mistakes were.

Infuriated Li Mo Zhen is one thing but Long Ming is not someone they can trifle with, even her father-in-law didn't dare to provoke Long Ming directly, and this foolish brazenly poked Long Ming reverses scales which is his wife!

Zhuang Li Yu is a stubborn, naive, and spoiled child, living under the protection of the Zhuang family she never consider that other are other people that stronger than her family, she thought because she is the legitimated daughter of Zhuang family no one dares to lay a finger on her.

"This is not Long Ming business, he can interfere with my personal matters, who does he think he is, Does he think he is the emperor, why should we afraid of him?" Zhuang Li Yu said in indignant, she is completely oblivious what Zhao Li Xin capable to do since she raised as naive and ignorant young girl, she will not believe Long ming dare to hurt her especially at Shang Hu city where is Zhuang Family rules.

The beautiful Lady almost fainted on the spot when she heard her daughter retort, the beautiful lady name is Jiang Yu Ran, as a first wife of the next successor of Zhuang clan she is very smart, cunning and prudent.

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Yesterday her husband was extremely furious when he found out what trouble his two children created with Li Mo Zhen and Long Ming, he worries that Zhuang Li Yu's action would enrage Zhao Li Xin and ruined their plan. because of this, her husband punishes her daughter to stay in her room for a month and her Son who never been punished before has to kneel for three days in front of the ancestor chamber.

"STOP IT!" she shouted angrily "I will not allow you to leave the house, just try if you dare!" Jiang Yu Ran too tired to deal with her daughter wilfulness 

Zhuang Li Yu startled, her mother never scold her before soon her eyes filled with tears and her lips trembles she doesn't understand why her mother angry soo much, she just wants to see Li Mo Zhen, she will not bother him, she just wants to see his face again, why is that so wrong!

Zhuang Li Yu forgot the keyword 'Married man' and the existence of the man's wife.

 "Bring your mistress back to her courtyard without my permission she is not allowed to leave the Manor!" Jiang yu Ran said firmly, and the maidservants who follow Zhuang Li Yu bend their waist repeatedly. Zhuang Li Yu feel wronged, she turns around and leaves with tears on her cheeks.

Jiang Yu Ran patted her chest as she watched her daughter left with anger, the old maidservants immediately comfort her "Madam, please don't be so angry is not good for your health"

Jiang Yu Ran sigh "If not because Jin Kai forces us to stall Long Ming, do you think Zhuang family dare to provoke Long Ming?" she shakes her head helplessly "Although we are under that person protection, however, Long Ming is a mad man do you think he would hesitate to kill us all, does everyone forgot what happen to Lu clan and sacred Mountain peak? The truth is I don't understand what is my husband thinking, why would he take a big risk?"

Jiang Yu Ran plops on her seat under a small pavilion while her old maid serves her with warm tea. After she served the tea the old maid said "From what I heard Long Ming didn't make a fuss, he doesn't let anyone enter his ship but he agrees to re-register his permits. Long Ming might not as dangerous as we thought"

"Is he?" Jiang Yu Ran sip her tea then slowly put down the teacup on the table "Long Ming was the sixth prince of Jiang Wei Kingdom for years he pretends to be weak, he let other people mocked and humiliated him while slowly he builds his enormous power right under the Jiang Wei Emperor nose, and when he strong enough he ruined the kingdom economy, as a result, The emperor couldn't do anything under Long Ming pressure but to give in on him, someone like Long Ming who can subdue the whole country without creating a war is more than dangerous, he is deathly"

"But Master Jin said if we can stall him for here days, Long Ming no longer become a threat," the old maid tries to ease her madam worries.

"Is not Jin Kai who said that but instead that woman…Lao Min Na" Jiang Yu Ran expression hardened when she remembers that woman exquisite face Jiang Yu Ran feel her chest got tight, not because she jealous with that woman beauty but she terrified, something about that woman scared her, that's why she avoided Lao Min Na as much as he can when Lao Min Na stay at Zhuang Manor.

"Have young madam told Master about this?" the old maid asks.

Jiang Yu Ran stifles "I did, but he thought I'm jealous with her, how ridiculous, does he think I'm a young girl who easily got jealous every time beautiful woman enter the manor?" she snickered as her expression filled with self-loathing.

when she marries Zhuang Mu Tao the heir of the Zhuang family she could never be happier, Zhuang Mu Tao is a handsome, refined, and talented cultivator. It was love at first sight for her, but that was expected since she only fifteen at that time.

She married Zhuang Mu Tao a year later, only then she realizes that Zhuang Mu tao is a helpless romantic man. He easily attracted and falls in love with other women.

In her early years, Jiang Yu Ran used to fight fiercely with Zhuang Mu Tao concubines and countless bed warmer but after ten years she grew tired with her husband's infidelity.

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Her heart grew cold then she stops fighting with her husband women, for Jiang Yu Ran as long these women didn't stand in her way he will treat them just like air. S

Then she spends her time inside her courtyard and attends the formal banquet with the other influential wives, he also diverts her focus to her children's upbringing, and her husband….she treat him with lukewarm attitude, not too cold but not to warm either, she rather thinks him as a partner than a lover because of that the pain in her heart got lessen over the year.

"That woman, she is very beautiful maybe the most beautiful woman I ever saw, she is well-spoken, gentle and very cunning. No wonder master Jin interested in her, but I heard that she already engaged with the third prince of Jiang Wei kingdom but here she goes run around with other men, I don't think she is a good woman" the old maid shakes her head she doesn't hide her disdain.

"I heard prince Zhao Yi Chen has severe illness and Lao Min Na search the cure for third Princess, I don't know if that true or not but she doesn't look someone who worried about her fiancee" Jiang Yu Ran sigh.

"Well, that's true…but that woman is not easy to read, even I who had served the imperial palace couldn't discern what she's thinking," The old maid said with perplexed looks.

Jiang Yu Ran sip her tea then she gazes to her spacious garden with a contemplated look "Do you remember after Lao Min Na came to my children gradually change" her eyes fixed on the beautiful hibiscus flower near her pavilion for a few minutes then she glances at the old maid next to her "You see how Zhuang Li Yu behaved lately, Even though she always been haughty and strong-willed since she was a child but she still has self-respect for herself but now…. the old Zhuang Li Yu will never push her feeling to a married man who clearly loves his wife dearly, she becomes more arrogant and obstinate" She massaged her forehead feeling angry and tired.

"And if that's not bad enough Zhuang Bao Jie also the same, I have a bad feeling when I saw him smitten by that woman, he who born with talent and wealth always on top of everyone else but when he sees Lao Min Na talent and beauty is easy for him to fall for her then soon his behavior change too…"Jiang Yu Ran feel helpless, she doesn't know what went wrong, how could Lao Min Na influence her children only in a short time.

"He becomes more ambitious, greedy, and overbearing, even before he already a proudful young man but now’’." Jiang Yu Ran heaved deeply "And now we provoke Long Ming…."

"But madam, Lao Min Na said if we can delay Long Ming departure, he wouldn't be a threat anymore…" said the old maid.

Jiang Yu Ran scrunched up her face "That what worry me the most…."