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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 518 - Delayed
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After the commotion with the Zhuang sibling ended, Lory insist to continue with her previous plan which takes a stroll on the street, she never visits harbor city in this world before, she wants to know what this city could offer. Yang Xi Ying also just arrived a day before and haven't had time to check the street so she immediately agrees with Lory. The two girls make a plan while ignoring their husbands, Li Mo Zhen and Zhao Li Xin could only sigh, and follow their wife's wish. 

The sun shines brightly and the weather a little bit hot but the cool breeze make the air feel cool. Two maidservants who served Yang Xi Ying open the silk umbrella to cover the two precious young madams. After what they saw they realize how high these two madam positions in their husband's heart. 


Most women treat their husband like their God, well is not wrong because their faith depends on their husband since divorce is not an option, so most women are obedient and submissive to their husband but Yang Xi Ying and Lory was different since they reunited they acted as they forgot about the husbands that following them.

"They exchanged letters every month, how romantic!" Lory clasped her hands and squeal.

Yang Xi Ying can't stop giggling when she accidentally caught Ming Yue Yin's red face after she read the letter from Yuan Shao, she told Lory everything and Lory guffawed.

"What General Yuan said, do you know something" Lory wiggles her eyebrows.

"No way, how can this subordinated invade her majesty privacy….but I had accidentally peek the contain of the letter one time" Yang Xi Ying snickered.

"One time?" Lory said with doubt.

Yang Xi Ying mouth twitches slightly "Okay two time…..well, probably three…or four" she stifles.

"That's a lot of accident Xi Ying" Lory teased her.

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The gentle lady squint her eyes "So you want to know the content or not?" she coldly said.

"Please do" Lory courteously bow her head to appease her.

Yang Xi Ying suddenly grabs Lory's arms then whispers with giggles "I never thought the stoic General Yuan can be so sweet, he said she miss Yue Ying and hope she still wait for him, he said when he finishes his matters he will come home to make our Yue Yin a bride, isn't that romantic…" she shook Lory hand excitedly.

Lory nods with the satisfied expression "Not bad, I never know General Yuan good with words, The brat must be K.O because of this" Lory mutter to herself.

Yang Xi Ying doesn't know what is K.O means but she guessed it's not a good thing for Ming Yue Yin but she pushes the thought behind her, she pulls Lory hand excitedly "Oh, general Yuan also write how much he missed Yue Yin, how much he thinking of her and other things that I can't say it because I might get heart attack" Yang Xi Ying face was completely red so the content might be too much for the pure lady like her.

On the other hand Lory impression for Yuan Shao is increasing by leap and bound, she never thought that Yuan Shao is the aggressive types but that's good because that 'brat' have high IQ but low EQ if it depends on Ming Yue Yin the relationship will go nowhere, It's good for Yuan Shao to take the lead.

"How that 'brat' reacted" Lory can imagine Ming Yue Yin might scold Yuan Shao with blushing face, so cute.

Yang Xi Ying burst to laugh "She writes two big sentences 'SHUT UP'-"

Lory can't hold her laughter, she wants to know what Yuan Shao's expression when she got the letter, Lory wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes "Is that all she write? That's quite cold…" Lory pities the honest general.

"Don't worry at the end of the paper she writes 'I'm waiting' but the writing is so small I don't know if the General notices it" She sighs heavily.

"What a dishonest brat" Lory helplessly shakes her head.

 "But cute though…" Yang Xi Ying giggles.

Lory chuckles lightly, she stops in front of meat bun stall, she bought meat Bun for Yang Xi Ying and the two maidservants that holding the umbrella for them, at first the maid reluctant to accept Lory offer but after Yang xing encouraged them the two maids finally received meat bun with a shy and joy expression. 

The two maids identity is Yang Xi Ying female bodyguard, their position in Jiu Yun sect is quite high because their cultivation is not low, because of their talent Li Mo Zhen order them to protect his wife. Everyone knows how much Li Mo Zhen care for his wife so when the two maid order to protect the young madam of Jiu Yun sect they are elated.

And Yang Xi Ying gentle demeanor is like sprinkle on the cake, they can't feel happier to served someone kind and generous like Yang Xi Ying and know not only their Young madam who is kind even her friend who also the madam of Hei Shen sect is very nice too, maybe what people say is right the bird of same feathers flocks together.

"By the way how is Yuan Xue An, I heard she Follow master Jin to white Dragon palace" Yang Xi Ying blows the steaming hot bun before she takes a light bite.

"Li Xin said she's good, she stars to cultivated now and I heard she have talent as an alchemist, well if it's coming from Jin Hao we both know could guess that Xue An might quite talented" Lory chomped the meat bun disregard how hot it is.

"Oh, I don't know she had the skill, that's amazing! I know she exchanged letters with Ming Yue Yin too, I think she adores Yue Yin very much" Yang Xi Ying eyes brimmed with warmth when she talks with Lory. Just like Lory, she thought she only has two close friends in her life they were Lory and Ming Yue Yin, despite she knew that Lory holds a secret about herself but Yang Xi Ying trust her with whole her heart and she trusts Ming Yue Yin judgment too.

In this world who didn't have one or two secrets in their life. This is clearly justified, she only hopes one day Lory would trust her enough to share her secret.

"Hey, isn't that Hei Shen ship" Yang Xi Ying raised her chin as she gazed at the pier.

Lory follows her gaze then see a giant black ship, with three black sail with golden flame painted magnificently. The ships look domineering and strong and because the color and the size it gives intimidating aura, if people saw the ships they would know they should not mess with whoever inside that ship. 

[Nice ship, scary….like pirated ship] Girsha who had been perch on Lory's shoulder make a light comment [Hey, you got what you want!]

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"That's one hell of a ship" Lory sigh, the ship is intimidating, conspicuous, and daunting, just like the man who owned it.

Zhao Li Xin wrapped his hand on Lory's waist "You like it?" he said with eyes filled indulgent.

Lory smiles wryly "Yes, the ship like you…"

"Yes, they said they build this ship based on my image….I don't really understand though" he doesn't realize Lory teased as he answers calmly.

Lory stifles "You are so cute…"

Yang Xi Ying giggles watching Zhao Li Xin perplexed expression, only when Lory is around that Zhao Li Xin acted like a normal human. He would look worried, happy and sometimes confuse, but when Lory is not around he would look like a blank canvas, to be honest, is suffocating to stay in the same room with Zhao Li Xin without Lory presence, and not just her, Li Mo Zhen also feel the same.

"Li Xin, why so many soldiers in front of your ship?" Lory pulls Zhao Li Xin sleeves.

Zhao Li Xin chuckles, the soldiers cannot enter the ship but they can't leave either that's why they guard the docks, meanwhile, Hei Shen members treat the soldiers like air, they load the ships without care and the soldiers didn't dare to stop Hei Shen members either so the situation is become awkward….for the soldiers.

"They still try to make up excuses to hold your ship" Li Mo Zhen was amazed jow stupid they are, he clasped his hand behind his back then watch the soldiers perplexed expression "What the point of guarding them if they don't dare to ban the activity on the ship?"

"Hump, it seems the Zhuang Family overestimated their power, what a conceited people" Yang Xi Ying scoffed in disdained.

Lory looks at everyone with a puzzled look "I don't understand what you all talking about, is Zhuang family that send these soldiers? Why?"

"Simple, Zhuang family is Jin Kai maternal family, Jin Kai hated Jin Hao, Jin Kai has worked together with Lao Min Na, that's why Jin kai told his family to gives us a bit trouble, not to stop us but to stall us" is a simple deduction for Zhao Li Xin.

"Is Jin Kai wish we will be late to attend the auction?" Li Mo Zhen narrowed his eyes.

"Probably…but is a mind-boggling why he does that, doesn't he know that my ship is faster than normal ship? is not a secret, most people should know about this" Zhao Li Xin was curious what Jin Kai up to.