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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 513 - Meeting Old Friends II
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Lory who appetite increased twice than it used too, it's been a while since she tastes authentic seafood. Zhao Li Xin help her peel every prawn and break every crab shell just for her, he found great enjoyment just watching her eating with gusto. And Lory amazes how Zhao Li Xin able to do all that without leaving a stain on his wide sleeves.

"Careful, eat slowly, Don't get chokes" Zhao Li Xin remind her gently but her hand still skillfully peel off the prawn in high speed


"Lory suck the whole crab leg then grin widely "I won't"

Zhao Li Xin chuckles, if anyone saw her easy-going attitude no one wouldn't have thought the immense burden she carries on her back, or darkness that dwelled in her path, people would think she just a happy ordinary woman who has never face difficulty or heartache in her life. if only people would know how much sorrow she had been through, she had been experienced pain far greater than anyone that not even himself dare to compare his pain to hers.

And yet she still finds a reason to see the world in a best way, she able to see the good in every worst situation and be grateful maybe that's why she never loses her smile and remains hopeful. He admired her strength, determination, selflessness, and benevolence. She had all the quality that he thought only exists in children's books, so how could he doesn't adore her.

Lory notice Zhao Li Xin's stare at her without blinking "What are you looking at, are you okay?" she nudged his arms with her elbow that because her hands are full with chopsticks and spoon. 

Her call snapped him back, his expression didn't change much only the corner of his mouth slightly lift "Here, eat more prawn.." he put the prawn that already cleanly peel off on her plate.

Her face beamed when she sees another big prawn on her plate "Thank you, why don't you eat anything?" she feel bad watching him help her with the food since she's the only one who eats.

"I'm good, It's more fun watching you" then he put another prawn on her plate, he works not just work neatly but also fast. Lory only stare at him with amazement as she laments to herself

'How can he do that?'

Then a half-hour later, "There I'm finished!" Lory put down her chopstick while covering her mouth to stop make a 'burps' sound while her other hands rub her stomach.

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"Here, Pu Erh tea is good for digestion" he hands the tea but Lory shakes her head.

"But not good for my tongue, it tastes awful" she looks at the tea as if the tea was her mortal enemy.

"Its good for your health, come on, drink a little…" he raised his eyebrows as he tries to coax her "Even with the healing Gift you had, you still need to maintain your health"

He sounds like Fred and after she make him peel off so many crabs and prawn for her Lory unable say 'no' to him, Lory presses her lips together and her eyebrow creased closely then she take the teacup from Zhao Li Xin hand and take a deep breath before she drank the whole cup in one gulp. Lory winced and her neck shrunk when the bitter taste spread in her mouth, she stuck out her tongue to ease the bitterness, there was a situation where she forces herself eat bitter food and drink because she's starving, is life or death situation so she had no other choice.

"Open your mouth" he shove candy in her mouth.

The bitter taste disappear, then her eyes twinkle as she staring at him with joy. Zhao Li Xin patted her head dotingly, his princess sometimes acted as a wise ruler but sometime she would act like a kid nonetheless every side is lovely for him. Zhao Li Xin raised from the chair then took a golden mask from the table "You want to take a walk to digest the food?"

It's a beautiful day with a clear blue sky ocean, of course, she wants to take a stroll "YES!" she exclaimed.

Because they are on the beach she change clothes to something lighter and more vibrant color, she never used pink but today she make an exception, she wears soft pink and purple gauze, this is the first time she dresses like delicate young lady, Zhao Li Xin helps her braid her hair because the wind in this place is rather strong.

Just before they leave the room Mong Ki knock the door "sorry for the interruption, Milord"

"Come in" Zhao Li Xin knew Mong Ki must have something important to report.

Mong Ki enters the room than he cupped his fist, Lory realized they would have something to discuss she excused herself to leave. Lory doesn't like interfere Zhao Li Xin matters, she only sounds her opinion if she thinks it was important or when he wishes for her opinion.

Even though she was a princess who whose intelligent has been recognized not only by Zhao Li Xin but the whole Hei Shen sect members but as a wife, especially a wife in the world where man and woman didn't have an equal position, She knew there are certain rules that she should not be crossed, so she never insisted to get involved in every problem in Hei Shen sect, not because she fears to voice her opinion or because she degrading her own position but because she respects Zhao Li Xin and also the custom of this society.

Just like Zhao Li Xin respects her independent and odd behavior, Lory would also do the same afterall a marriage could never sustain without compromise.

"I'll wait on the first floor," she said to Zhao Li Xin.

"You don't have to leave?" he doesn't mind for Lory to know all Hei Shen secret matters is not like he hides anything from her.

"It's fine, I'm afraid I will get bored listening to you guys to talk, I rather waiting on the restaurant downstairs" Lory jokingly said, is not good for Zhao Li Xin imaged to have a wife who trails him like a hunting dog. He might not care about his image but she does.

How could Zhao Li Xin didn't know her purpose, she doesn't need to be considerate towards him but still, she gives him enough respect without being asked, Because she is like this she gains his people loyalty in a short time.

"Bring Mong Yi and the others with you" he reminds her before she left the room.

"Will do…" she casually said then left the room.

Mong Ki expression turn warm as he bows at Lory before she left, it was a blessing for his Lord to meet someone like Young madam, she is kind, wise, smart, and very sensible. Mong Ki was convinced there would be no better woman for his Lord then his young madam.

Finally just the two of Them, Mong Ki begin to report "The port authority has denied the permission for our black ship to dock, is obviously the Zhuang family who try to make things hard for us"

Zhao Li Xin surprised because someone dares to provoked him "Aren't we already dock our ship for two days and the government suddenly complains now" he chuckles then leisurely takes a seat on the couch.

Mong Ki pour wine from the jade flask then hand the wine-cup politely to Zhao Li Xin "They are deliberately provoking us, they even force to conduct a search in our ship because they got anonymous tips that we hide dangerous material inside"

Zhao Li Xin accepts the wine cup with a calm face "It's Hei Shen ship, of course, it's dangerous" he crosses his leg elegantly then slowly sip his wine seemingly unbothered by the situation.

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"That's what we said…." Mong Ki said in the same calm manner. just like Zhao Li Xin mong ki also didn't think this is a serious matter.

Zhao Li Xin leans his back then with a lazy expression he asked again "Do they conduct the search?" 

"We said, they are welcome to aboard the ship, but don't expect to leaved the ship…" Mong Ki sneered as he recalled the pale expression of all the arrogant soldiers. 

"And…"Zhao Li Xin raised his eyebrows.

"As expected, they did not dare to step into our ship" Mong Ki's voice was flat, he didn't feel conceited or proud about it.

Zhao Li Xin scoffed "Boring.." he mutters then takes another sip of wine. 

"But they dare to threaten us" Mog Ki tilted his head, it's not often to find someone who dare to threatened Hei Shen sect bluntly, "They said about a sky above the sky, that we are too arrogant and someday we should provoke someone that we should and that will be the end of us….they said other things but it hard to remember everything" Mong Ki sigh heavily.

"Sky above the sky huh….someone must back them up, it doesn't seem the Misty lake clan…perhaps someone stronger" Zhao Li Xin rubs his chin as he immersed in his though.

"Someone from Gui Hong continent to be exact milord but we still unsuccessful to reveal the person is"

"Interesting…" the corner of his lips slightly raised, this could be an exercise before he fights against the ultimate boss Lazarus. It's time to put his cultivation to the test.

"By the way is he arrived yet?" he suddenly shifts the conversation.

Mong Ki nods "Yes he arrived yesterday, I already send someone to notice them"

"Good, Lory should love this surprised" His expression softens as he imagines her happy face.