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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 511 - The Black Ship
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Thankfully the lake is shallow, its only cover slightly above her waist. She looks up and the full moon shines exceptionally bright tonight, it seems the God finally does her favor. half her body sink inside the water, her wide sleeve float in the water surface at the same time her bluish hair become more apparent under the moonlight, while the coldness make her skin look paler if people saw her they might think a moon fairy descend from the heaven, her beauty is enchanted but odd at the same time.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin anxiously watched her near the river said, He circulated his Qi from his dantian to his veins as an attempt to calm his nerves and help him to stay focus for any abnormality, is hard to concentrate when her beauty distract him more than he expects.


Lory was also concentrated in her own way, she closes her eyes as she begins to chants and her palms hover above the water surfaces, then suddenly a purple circle rune appear on the lake surface and it surrounds her. The wind twirl above her and it moves faster as she chants. The water and the wind mixed together then twirl around her.

Zhao Li Xin watched the scened anxiously, his waiting for Lory show any discomfort and he would pick her up without care if she gives him her consent.

Lory grit her teeth [Come on Birdie, time to wakey-wakey]

The whirlpool around her is getting bigger and it slowly raised above her head, then suddenly her chest illuminated with white bright light then a giant orb burst to the sky like a meteor then it turns to a giant white bird, he make thunderous squawk that shakes the ground, Zhao Li Xin watches the bird with utter dismay, not even Huwang Shen Zi can't match the creature in front of him.

Lory lookup with smiles "Welcome back, Girsha…"

His the wind that came from his giant wing almost uproot the whole trees around them, yet lory unfazed as if was natural, she grins widely as she watches Girsha float above her. Girsh look down the little girl below and his memory taken to the day they first met 'A cheeky little girl'

[I'm back little girl…] then he shrunk his size then flew to her arms. Lory hold his best friend in her arms then and she rubs her cheeks on Girsha small head then stifles [Sleepy head,]

The next morning rumor spread like wildfire at tang sheng city, some people say a divined God has descended from heaven, some said is a meteor from the sky, some said even more ridiculous said the star was shoot by the God and explode as the sign of bad luck, Lory hear the rumors from the chatty Mong Yi.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It doesn't matter since they would leave anyway, Zhao Li Xin and Lory ride the carriage that pulled by four iron horses and because like that they gather a lot of attention from the crowd. Lory could hear a distinct murmur from the outside.

"Whose carriage is this?" one of the male spectator watch from his small stall

"Ssst, it belongs to Lord Long Ming" his customer whisper at the stall owner.

"So the rumor is true, he is very rich" the stall owner dumfounded.

"Aaah I wish I can marry him, I don't care if I just become his bed warmer" one of the female customers saw the carriage with yearning eyes.

"Psst, shut your mouth! Do you know how cruel Lord Long Ming is, he had killed many women who try to get close with him, all that women are very beautiful and they are from the influential family but still Lord Long Ming didn't spare them, he only loves his wife, so stop talk nonsense be careful Lord Long Ming would pull your tongue out of your mouth!" her female friend nudged her arms.

"Sshh, I know, I'm just kidding!" she pouted while rubbing her arms.

"Don't joke around about Long Ming!" her friend reprimand the silly girl beside her.

Lory frown as she listens to the gossip outside, then she shifts her glance at Zhao Li Xin. the man himself acted innocently, he drinks his wine while lean his arms on the cushion, he looks so comfortable she would be mistaken that the man that people talking about is not him.

Lory sigh then leans her back on the pillow then covers herself with a fur blanket and ignores the chat outside, when she thinks about it, Zhao Li Xin's reputation is never been good in the first place.

The carriage shake a little then gradually become steady "Wow, the carriage didn't shake at all" Lory widen her eyes in surprise, it feel like a modern car, smooth and steady "Are you doing this?" Lory stares at him with amazement she knows as Armament master Zhao Li Xin able created everything just like engineer…. but with magic.

"So you won't get motion sickness anymore" he lazily said.

Lory pretends to be shy for teasing him "Aaaw, you love me…"

But he failed to notice her teased so he answers with serious face "Obviously…"

Lory embarrassed because one, he doesn't get her jokes, and second because he unconsciously flirts with her, Lory's face blushed like a boiling crab.

Because he still worries about her health, he becomes anxious when Lory's face suddenly turns red "Did you got a fever?"

"No!" she frowns in annoyance 'Healing Gift, hello!'

A certain worrywart Lord still in doubt "Let me Check, come here!"

"NO!" and stubborn Princess refused in anger and it only make her face get redder.

Zhao Li Xin feel certain that Lory sick and become more anxious "Lory, come here!"

She more to anger than shy now "NO WAY!" she shouted.

Girsha who rest on the soft pillow in the corner roll his eyes 'I just got up and this what I got, one stupid couple…' he laments to himself then rests her beak on his chest and doze off, leaving the sweet bickering between the silly couple.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Because Zhao Li Xin had reduced the shock on the carriage Lory able to ride the carriage without step except for release nature calling and straighten her legs this mostly only took fifteen minutes before they continue to their journey and because the carriage is more comfortable than the room at rental inn Lory said they should just stay in the carriage while Mong Ki, Mong Yi and few shadow guard that follow have no problem to sleep outside.

And just like Zhao Li Xin's prediction they arrived at Shan Hu city no more than two weeks, Lory inhaled the smell of the ocean and hear the sound of Seagull. It's been a very long time since she went to the Beach she can't help but feel excited and who knows Girsha feel excited too, the bird flew out of the window then fly away without looking back.

Lory's mouth twitches as she felt left out but then she saw the ocean from her window carriage and she shrieks excitedly "Li Xin, is the ocean, look! So many ships, which one is our ships?" Lory laugh heartily while pointing at the line of ships on a dock.

Her excitement infects him and Zhao Li Xin's mood lift instantly and he smiles brightly while looking at the direction she points. 

"Our ship is the black one with golden fire painting on its side" he takes a seat next to her then wrapped his hand on her waist to stop her from falling from the window.

"Yes, of course, we would have black ship" she giggles "Hey, can we used a black flag on our ship?" she gingerly said.

"Sure, our flag is black anyway" he shrugs nonchalantly.

"Like a pirate!" she widens her eyes.

Zhao Li Xin tilts his head "If you want to, why not" he said easily like he was joking and lory thought he was joking.

"Great!" Lory eagerly said, she ignores the serious expression on Zhao Li Xin's face but everyone knows that their Lord would indulge his wife whims no matter how ridiculous it was. Mong Ki and Mong Yi exchanged glance 'Are they going to be a pirate now?'

Meanwhile, Lory raised her fist and shouted excitedly like a kid "Arrrr!"

Girsha once again rolls his eyes.