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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 509 - Time To Wake Him Up
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Lory and Zhao Li Xin left the spatial ring together, it was almost dawn when she got out from the Mystique realm. Zhao Li Xin who is overwhelmed with remorse becomes even gentler on her.

Lory has reassured him many times that she's alright she already experiences a far worst environment in her old world, at that time because the sky cover with dark miasma and block the sun the world has lost the concept of time too, and the situation got worst because demon parasite takes control of the Beast and the dark mage who used to be hiding somehow dare to reveal themself when normal people got weaker the dark side becomes stronger because of the influence of dark miasma.


And Lory had lived in that harsh environment for almost a decade, she was starved, hurt and hunted by beast and sometimes human for quite some time so stay inside the mystique realm where she can sleep soundly and eat fully is like walking in the park for her, maybe sleeping is the only problem because there's no night time here, but the problem solves when Lory put a thick dark curtain on her bedroom, to block the light.

If not because she exercises regularly she would add a few pounds on her body by now. but still Zhao Li Xin not at ease.

"The chef has a new dessert recipe, do you want to try?" Zhao Li Xin shoves snowflake cakes on the plate towards her.

Lory accepts the cake gladly, the cake is sweet, a bit sour and soft. Lory's eyes turn to crescent when she takes the first bite "Delicious!" she squeals in delight.

Zhao Li Xin expression softens as he watches her eats with joy, but at the same time he scolds himself for losing his temper in front of her, she is a simple and kindhearted girl, she even willing risk her safety to help a stranger like him, one can only imagine how far she would do for her family, he should not blame her, for she had already hurt enough.

Zhao Li Xin unconsciously touch her cheeks, Lory stare at him with question look, his hands flinch when he realizes where his hand goes to "We will leaving tomorrow, you should rest early"

"How far is the Gui Hong continent?" 

"It takes two weeks to travel with the iron horse to Shan Hu city, from there we will sail for a month to reach Harbor city Jian Dong and take another week to reach Yun Dao city" Zhao Li Xin explain thoroughly.

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Lory widened her eyes in shock "That….very far" she mutter "Is iron horse is some kinda a Beast? she never heard about the iron horses before.

Zhao Li Xin smiles warmly "Thanks to your diligent disciple Shin Jiu, he managed to tame a few Iron Horse then breed them in his place and now we have sufficient amount of Iron horse" 

"Shin Jiu did it!" Lory exclaimed in joy than her eyes glint with proud, the little boy she picks up almost a year ago has become astounding man how could she not be happy for him "How is he, is he alright, why doesn't he visit me, I thought she forgot about me?" Lory starts to rain Zhao Li Xin with a question.

Zhao Li Xin stroked her head dotingly "He is fine, his cultivation already in grandmaster level at transition stage soon he will raise to the core stage, he already become the youngest cultivator in he continent who reach grandmaster level, he has bright future and after all, he is one of my people now, no one can't stop him without my consent" he arrogantly said.

"Is he more talented than you?" Lory grin.

he frowns at Lory "Of course not…." 

Lory giggles lightly then she sighs in relief then she props her chin "Aaah, I missed that little guy…"

"He missed you too, but he knows he must increase his cultivation if he wants to be strong enough to protect you, you know he regards you not only as a master but also a mother…."

"So, I have a husband, a child, and a niece…." Lory smiles as sudden warmth engulf her heart, Her father is right, she was not alone. She looks outside the window and the night slowly swallow the evening light, there's a certain comfort in her heart while she watches the time change, she takes a deep breath then sip her warm tea.

"Li Xin, do you know a place where the moon shines directly onto the lake and surrounded by nature?" 

"Uhm, you wanna go there?" he slightly surprised.

Lory nod "Yes, I need to awake Girsha before we left"

Zhao Li Xin rubs her chin while pondering where he could find that kinda place "I think I know a place like that but the lake is very small, it's almost like a pond to me…"

"That's fine, is it hidden from common people?"

"Only a woodcutter who know that place, the place is very secluded and nothing special about it so no one pay attention to it, I also visit that place by accident….let's bring Mong Ki, I thought he remembers that place better than me"

"Okay, let's go now!"



Zhao Li Xin almost raised from his stool but suddenly stopped "Wait, if you doing this, would you get hurt, what happens with the cursed?" he squints his eyes dangerously.

"As long I don't exhaust my mana, I'll be fine!" Lory comfort him

"Are speak the truth? He stares at Lory dubiously.

Lory raised her right hand "I swear I say the truth, just truth, and nothing but the truth!"

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Zhao Li Xin eyes still fill with doubt while Lory maintains her expression straight as the two of them fall in staring contest it was Zhao Li Xin who yield to defeat first "Fine, but I'll be watching you" and yet he still warns her like a father to his child.

Lory's mouth twitch "Geez, someone is tense…" she mutters to herself.

"Lory…." Zhao Li Xin reprimands her again.

"Okay, I'm listening" she rolls her eyes in annoyance.

Zhao Li Xin's heart got weak again when he saw her pouting "Come here…" he beckoned her to get close.

She drags her feet toward him just like a kid who got caught red-handed, Zhao Li Xin pulls her lightly then make her sit on his lap, he raised her chin gently and say: "I'm worried, I don't want you to get hurt again, I have no one in this world other than you, you are the only family that I've got, you are my only love, if something happens with you I wouldn't know what to do so please understand me, okay…" Zhao Li Xin kisses her lips softly, a simple kiss becomes longer than expected as he begins to nimble her lips and his warm tongue slid to her mouth then tangle to hers.

The wire in her brain broke and she can't think anymore, she returns his kiss with the same enthusiast and her body arch follow his moves then unconsciously she let out a soft moan. Thankfully Zhao Li Xin still able to hold himself, he stops the kiss then bury his face on her shoulder, while Lory panting as she tries to catch her breath.

"I underestimated your influence towards me…." Zhao Li Xin chuckles while he rests his chin on her shoulder.

His warm breath blows her ear and make it make her body electrify, Lory scoffed at him "I can say the same thing to you…" Lory doesn't need a mirror to know how red her face right now.

Zhao Li Xin let out a long exhales then stroked Lory back "Let's go, before I can't hold it anymore" he sniffed lory neck to inhaled the sweet scent on her body, the unique scent that he could never forget since the first time they were met.

Lory hit his shoulder "Then stop hugging me!"

"Okay….one more minute then…" his hands stroking her back in a suggestive way, while Lory tries to calm herself by reciting Fibonacci sequence on her head.

'O,1,1,2, 3,5...!!!'

"DON'T TOUCH THERE!!" Lory can't stand it anymore she hit Zhao Li Xin's head on reflex.
