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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 508 - Beach Hut
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"They are stronger than the enemy we ever encounter" Bei Li Yan grinned.

Wu San Bo rolls his eyes, he refused to lower himself with the muscle head, Jiang Jin Wei.


"Oh, and guess what, Lao Min Na and your sweet step Brother Jin Kai are going there, coincidence" Bei Li Yan make ambiguous smiles. 

Zhao Li Xin's remains indifferent as he heard the news about Lao Min Na, after what happen to Lory he pushes the other matters and concentrated to find the Crimson lightning sword as soon as possible and increased his cultivation. 

"And Milord, I heard there was an auction about archaic item at Gui Hong continent, the rumor said is about a missing divined sword, I already send my people to join the auction," said Bei Li Yan.

Zhao Li Xin's expression changed slightly, only now he shows some interest in his eyes "Prepare the ship we went to Gui Hong continent" he said with a flat tone, if people didn't know him they would think Zhao Li Xin is being bored.

"Milord….how is madam condition?" Jin Hao braces himself to aked about Lory.

Zhao Li Xin was quiet for a second before he answers "She's awake.." he briefly said.

Jin Hao and the other secretly relief, but again he confuses "Then..where is she? Don't tell me you left Lory inside the mystique realm?" Jin Hao anxiously said.

"No way!" Bei Li Yan waves his hand aimlessly "That realm is good for cultivator but for normal people that place would drive them crazy, just imagine staying in the place where time stay stagnant, Milord will not let young madam stay there, isn't that right Milord….milord, where is he?" Bei Li Yan befuddled when Zhao Li Xin's figure disappeared.

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"Don't tell me, Milord locked young madam inside his spatial ring" Wu san Bo looks perplexed.

"Uugh, do you think young madam would be angry?" Jian Jin Wei worriedly asks.

"What do you think?" Jin Hao sarcastically said.

Because he's furious Zhao Li Xin left Lory inside the mystique realm, but he forgot that Lory is not a cultivator that mean she would need to sleep, get up and do other normal activity, unlike cultivator who loses the sense of time when they were meditated. He realizes the grave mistake he had done, without waiting any second he enters the spatial ring and prays to anyone that his princess is unharmed, he didn't even mind if Lory hits and kicking him, he will kneel and let lory vent her anger.

Zhao Li Xin search lory inside the golden pagoda, but he didn't find her and the room seems not been occupied for days, he got more panic then scream for Huo Long, but the old Lizard didn't answer him. The size of the mystique realm that Huo Long created is massive this place as big as a small village, and what make thigs worst this place has a lot of small cave and thicks woods so Zhao Li Xin needs a lot of effort to find Lory.

Zhao Li Xin frantically searches for Lory, if his calculation right, he had left her for five days, he scared to imagine how the environment takes a toll on her body. imagine staying in the place who had no concept of time, humans are not made to live in that kinda environment, normal people would feel stress and disoriented living in that kinda place.

Suddenly he saw a strange hut near the cliff. Is a two-storey hut made with woods, on the second floor there's a large porch with small table stool, large couch who looks like a small bed with see-through curtains and also hammock on the side, Zhao Li Xin didn't know what hammock but someone is swaying on it while reading a book comfortably.

Zhao Li Xin land smoothly on the porch, the hammock stop swinging the Lory raised her head "You finally here..." one of the corners of her lips slightly lifted.

He doesn't mind lory cold greeting, he already expects it, he sighs in relief when Lory looks fine, actually, she looks great.

"Lory, we got bland pomelo fruit and sour bayberry, which one you want?" Huo Long shouted from the first floor. 

Zhao Li Xin facer darkens, the old Lizard ignored his called turn out he was in Lory house….wait a minuted do they live together? Zhao Li Xin's expression turns sour although the old Lizard is not human, but he still a male, he can't let his wife lived with another male.

"Just mix it into a juice!" Lory shouted back.

"Okay!" Huo long reply with another shout.

"Is he live here with you?" Zhao Li Xin suddenly feels uncomfortable.

Lory narrows her eyes"You sure that's what you want to ask me" she smiles that not reach her eyes.

Zhao Li Xin flinches, he knew he make her very angry this time, he immediately changed his tone "Uhm, no…I…." the great Lord becomes fluster, then he speaks with more sincere and gentle voice but yet his words jumble together "I'm sorry, I don't mean to…well, is not my intention to….."

"Trapped me" Lorry raised her eyebrows.

Zhao Li Xin scratches his nose awkwardly "Yes, I don't mean to trapped you here, I just..just…."

"Overreacted…" she continues his words again.

"Uhm, yes….I overreacted, when I thought you going to hurt yourself….I got panic, but I don't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry…can you forgive me, I promised you this would be the first, and the last time I ever do this to you, there would not be next time, I swear! so…..can you forgive me, you can hit me if you still angry, I don't mind…." Zhao Li Xin pleads sincerely, he knew he was going overboard and it's normal if Lory mad at him, what scared him the most if Lory decide to leave him because of his overbearing attitude.

Lory sits on the hammock while swaying back and forth, she didn't answer immediately she wanted to make him feel on edge first. Zhao Li Xin does feel on edge, he clasped his hands behind his back nervously. See his worry face Lory's heart got soften, afterall she is the type of girl who doted her loved one so, of course, she can't mad too long with Zhao Li Xin especially when he look at her with sad puppy eyes.

"Fine, I forgive you" Lory roll her eyes "But, you can't act like this again" she raised her index finger to warned him like a naughty kid then she pursed her lips "And I'm sorry I hide important matter to you, I won't do it again," she said with a low voice.

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Zhao Li Xin face brightened up, he lifts Lory from the hammock then hugs her tightly "I won't do it again!" he laughs happily. Thankfully his Princess is very kind, It's amazing that she forgive him easily.

"You damn brat, what are you thinking trap ordinary woman in this place" Huo Long suddenly came and chide him "You lucky Lory is no ordinary woman, she has a strong mind and good perseverance if it not she would be stressed by now" Huo long incessantly scolded Zhao Li Xin carefully put Lory down and for the first time he just listen quietly without show any dissatisfaction on his face.

"Okay-okay, chill out everyone, I'm fine so let's put aside our mistakes, and….is that for me?" Lory points at the crystal glass on Huo Long's hands.

"Oh yes, just like you said the juice tastes amazing!" Huo Long hands the glass to Lory.

Lory sip the juice and surely it tastes better than she thought, Zhao Li Xin examined the new place, the hut is not big but the decoration is beautiful, simple and neat but if someone asked Lory she would describe it as 'minimalist design' 

At first, she only said she wants to live outside Golden pagoda, but then Huo Long said he could create a house as simple as snapping his fingers because this whole realm is his creation so is not hard to make a simple house for her, at that time Huo long worry that lory will hold grudged with Zhao Li Xin so he told her that he would create everything she wishes for, inside this realm, Lory welcomes the offer excitedly, she designs a simple hut to make her feel like home, soon she adds a few things here and there and the semi-rustic hut appear.

"You design this place?" Zhao Li Xin look inside the hut eagerly, the interior inside the hut is simple and modest but unique at the same time, Lory used seashell, dry woods, and sands to decorated the hut, it's something he never has seen in anyone house.

"Is this the design from your world?" he asks calmly but he can't hide the excitement in his eyes, perhaps he feel like he got a sneak peek about Lory live in her old world.

Lory giggles "More or less" she answers casually because in this world there are not many options for color paint and glass window so the huts didn't look so different from normal huts she used to see in this world, other than giant porch o the second floor everything looks the same with common building in this world only the interior is different than common household.

"If you got nothing to do, we can leave this place, we would leave this continent tomorrow," said Zhao Li Xin abruptly.

"Another road trip" Lory face light up.

Zhao Li Xin chuckles see her reaction, his princess loves travel way too much but that's okay when everything was done he will take her to travel the world. Zhao Li Xin shakes his head lightly "More like a cruise" he clarifies.