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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 502 - Resolution
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Meantime Zhao Li Xin still in his terrible mood, he burns every Sacred Mountain peak building, including garden and small pavilion belong to sacred mountain peak, he not even spare a dog house will not be spare. A lot of people throw away the sacred mountain peak uniform and run with their inner robes because that's the only way they're not chassed bt shadow tiger tribes.

Thankfully Zhao Li Xin still has conscience not to burn the cloud city buildings because there still innocent citizens hide there. But the Lord anger still not appeased and the loyal four subordinated is sweat buckets behind him. Suddenly Mong Ki and Mong Yi appear and simultaneously kneel on the ground.


"Milord we found the old record about the crimson lightning sword and everything inside the forbidden Library had been kept safely, everything is according to your wish Milord" Mong Ki cupped his fist respectfully.

Zhao Li Xin's face remains grim as it devoid humanity in his expression, he turns his look to Bei Li Yan who automatically got stiffed when he was stared by Zhao Li Xin bland expression "Find everything useful from the record" he coldly said.

"Ye..yes Milord!" Bei Li Yan cupped him firmly.

"Milord we also find an old map" Mong Yi hand carefully a skin paper to Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin received the skin paper with unperturbed expression, he looks around him that already engulfs with his mortal flame, his expression become heavy as his heart stirred by inexplicable grief. Zhao Li Xin looks at his subordinated "I leave the rest to all of you…" after he said with low voice his figure disappeared in thin air.

The four king palace look at each other with fuddled expression, they don't know why their Lord looks so…defeated. They thought they win the battle, Jin hao let out a long sigh, he guessed it got something to do with lory, for Zhao Li Xin win is not worthy if Lory got hurt.

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Zhao Li Xin back to the spatial ring, he walks to the golden pagoda then climb the winding stairs, he opens the golden door then enter the room who is illuminated by dimmed light from luminescence pearls. Huo Long stands next to the giant bed, his expression is quiet and solemn, there's no trace of silly behavior who used to show in his face.

"How is she?" Zhao Li Xin stares at the woman who lay on the bed with both her hands clasped on her stomach, her beautiful bluish hair scatter on the white sheet. Her skin as pale as snow without any blemish her pink lips slightly open and her chest move ups and down slightly.

"The same" Huo long reply briefly.

"And Girsha?" Zhao Li Xin asks again.

"Still inside her, perhaps the ancestor sleep like her" Huo Long cross his arms on his chest.

"You know something about her cursed?" he finally left his glance from Lory's face.

Huo Long sigh heavily "Yes…"

Zhao Li Xin clenches his fist "Why don't you tell me" he hissed because he doesn't dare to disturbed Lory sleep.

"Because that is not my place!" Huo Long quickly refuted, he let out a deep exhales "This cursed….is a humiliation for someone who inherited the blood of Lucient, it represents her weakness, her loss, and her failure. Why do you think she hides it for so long? Because he feel ashamed with herself, how could she let the man she loves knew about this" Huo Long disgruntled, how could Zhao Li Xin didn't understand this?

He feel like his heart is engulfed with fire that burns the whole oxygen in his lungs and left him listless and empty.it's a cruel reminder that he still not know her as much as he thought. He doesn't know why she hides an important matter from him. What is he take him for, he is her husband she should trust him more than anyone, why can she trust him more?

"This cursed, what would happen with her?" he stares at Huo Long as his eyes brimmed with anxiety.

Huo Long's expression becomes apprehensive then he looks at Lory sleeping face with pity "It's something worst than death, once she devours by Lazarus her power will be drain from her and her soul will be trap in darkness and that would become her eternal torture"

Suddenly his legs lose it's the strength he slum on the bedside, he doesn't know anymore how to describe his feeling right now except despair, he is in utter despair. Zhao Li Xin feel his body listless and suddenly his head aching as if a hammer hits his head. He withstands his head with both his hand while looking down with a sullen face.

"Why….?" He weakly said with a helpless voice, he looks at Huo long as he pleading for an explanation.

"Her brother….is meant to die so the world will be saved, the God's demand sacrifice from Lucient blood as a rightful King this job supposed to fall in his shoulder, It has written in prophecy since long time ago. One day the princess accidentally knows about the prophecy and she refuses to let her brother become sacrificial lamb even if that means to save the world" Huo Long shakes his head in grief.

"But where is death there always gonna be death….so she took her brother place" Huo Long takes a long deep breath before he continues "But to alter the God plan is not an easy feat, she needs power, a great power that could match the God himself and so she found Lazarus, The fallen God himself….the outcast"

"To plead Lazarus help is not an easy matter and most of all is not cheap, so she gives one thing that Lucient year for thousands of years, one thing that would make him regain his power, the Lucient pure soul…and unfortunately, she gives it to him"

Zhao Li Xin faces become as white as a sheet, his heart trembles as chill running down to his spine. His heart breaks to pieces for her, he can't even imagine how much she suffered to make such a rash decision. Zhao Li Xin took Lory's hand he squeezes her hand as he tries to suck the pain away from her "Why no one stops her….?" his voice becomes hoarse.

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"Could you?" Huo Long retort the question "When she make the decision no one can't stop her not even Girsha who stuck with her like a glue" Huo Long does admire Lory's perseverance. Not many humans could face unbelievable hurdles like her, it shows how strong her heart it or perhaps how crazy she is.

Suddenly Zhao Li Xin lifts his head "But….she's here, she's alive and well…Lazarus failed…" Zhao Li Xin's expression becomes hopeful although fear still frank in his eyes.

Huo Long smiles "Because someone foiled Lazarus plan"


"Someone who loves her as much as you do, Her parents, King Marcus, and Queen Lorenna," said Huo Long with deep regard for lory parents, for him human is a selfish and cruel creature and King's and Queen are the worst among them so when he knew how far Lory parents do for the safety of their children, he can't stop admiring them.

For a high-level beast like him, nothing is more precious than their offspring, no matter how cruel or savaged they are they will never hurt their own precious kin, just look the Shadow Guard tiger. The whole tribes hesitated when human threat the safety of the little cub so he could never comprehend how human could sacrifice their own children for power and wealth, how many kings and Queens who send their own children to a foreign country as an offering, they don't care what would happen to their children, are they going to be bully, kill or tortured it's doesn't matter as long their desire achieved.

So when he knew about what Lory's parents do Huo long was stunned and he must change everything he had learned about humans behavior that he knew for all his long life although sometimes he finds comfort by the fact that Lory words are not from this world.

"Can they help her again?" Zhao Li Xin who never depend on anyone for all his life all of a sudden feel the need to plead for other people's help.

Huo Long shakes his head "No, they already sacrifice their life to send Lory to this world, from here on it's all depend on her, she lucky enough to avoid Lazarus claw at the first time but the cursed is still remain, she must break the cursed before Lazarus gather all his power, that way she still has hope"

"What can I do?" 

Huo Long raised his eyebrows "Same as before, raised your cultivation and find that da*n sword"