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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 484 - The Beast Nest
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When they hiding the hear thunderous roar echoes through the ceiling from behind the ice pillar Zhao Li Xin hold Lory tightly while Lory holds the little cub tiger in the same manner and Girsha perch on the little cub head, it's quite a funny scene if someone sees them from the front. 

They peek from behind the pillar-like totem pole, in front of them they saw a giant furry beast with a muscular body like an ape. The beast has long arms exactly like an ape but with a long claw, the beast took a few corpses from the ground then he drags the corpses like a chicken then he turns around and left then gradually his heavy stomp disappeared and the beast figure swallow by the darkness.


"What's is that?" Lory whisper, she was still in shock.

"Snow ape, but I never saw snow ape in that enormous size" Zhao Li Xin also stunned from what he had seen.

"What level that beast is, can't you handle it?" Lory needs to know what option they had.

"It's an Emperor Beast level, I can handle the beast but this cave might crumble because the friction from our fight" Zhao Li Xin mutter while pondering. Fighting inside a cave like this will be tricky, Zhao Li Xin worries the fight would harm Lory.

"That's don't sound good" Lory pursed her lips then she looked around her, "I think the beast feast on the corpses, how many corpses were here before?" Lory feel goosebumps all over her body. How many dead corpsed able to sustain a gigantic monster like that for hundreds of years or perhaps more. How many people died in this place.

"He might not just eat corpses, there should be a contractual beast, crystal or elixir that leftover from all these soldiers" Zhao Li Xin examined strange bones that look like animal femur bones, then he found old pill scattered on the ground.

"No wonder that beast is bigger than normal snow ape" Zhao Li Xin clapped his hand to get rid of the dirt from his hands.

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"Perhaps that beast is one of these soldiers contractual beast who accidentally trapped here for some reason, that thing survived by devouring human corpses, beast carcass, pills, and elixir, overall he eats everything to sustain his life....that thing is nor normal" Zhao Li Xin contemplate while mumble to himself but Girsha heard him.

"Agree, supposed to be a beast at that level possessed sentience just like that Shin Jiu boy sacred beast but this one….I think being trapped here for god's know for how long, the beast was live in solitude and it eats everything and anything around him....." Girsha turns quiet but they understand what Girsha means...that beast is crazy and they better stay away from it"

"let's leave before that. thing return then.." Lory straightens her back, everything is dark around them but her eyes start to adjust with the darkness around her.

"Let's go we need to find where is that legendary beast is" Zhao Li Xin pull Lory closer, this place might be more dangerous than he thought, of course, his worry is for lory safety, they had been together for a year and one thing he learned is that Lory is a trouble magnet.

She can find trouble even in the safest place like her own room so he can only imagine what kinda trouble she would attract in this dangerous place, suddenly the great Lord had a slight migraine.

"Li Xin you okay, you seem to worry?" Lory stares at Zhao Li Xin with deep concern "Don't worry if something happened I can fight with you, you know I'm stronger than before after I got the last fragments from providence sword" she said with confidence to comfort Zhao Li Xin however it only make Zhao Li Xin worry increasing, he rather hears Lory said she would run and hide when something happens but, of course, that is not her at all.

Zhao Li Xin becomes tongue-tied, he only let out a long sigh while clenching Lory's hand.

They walk deeper to the cave where everything becomes darker and colder, its so cold Zhao Li Xin adds more amulet to warmed her, even the little cub wearing a little pendant on his neck to warm his little body.

Suddenly Lory halted her pace, she standstill with a blank expression.

Zhao Li Xin thought she was tired "Are you okay, you want me to carry you?" he softly said.

Lory shakes her head "This way…" all of a sudden she pulls Zhao Li Xin's hand, she leads him to the opposite direction and unlike before her pace is swift and steady like she knew where she's going.

"Lory?" Zhao Li Xin puzzled then he exchanged a glance with Girsha, he looks at the bird with a questioning gaze.

The bird clicks his tongue anxiously "This is not good" he mutters then he looks at Zhao Li Xin with a warning look "Be prepare for anything" his experience thought him that when Lory acted like she was in a trance that was a sign a calmed before a storm.

When it comes to Lory matters no one he trusts more than Girsha, he becomes vigilant at the same time sharpens all his sense as he prepares for whatever might come to them. As always Lory safety is his priority.

On the other hand, Lory seems not listening to Girsha and Zhao Li Xin's words as if she was in trance, she halted her pace again, her eyebrows creased "Do you hear that?" Lory asked abruptly.

"What?" Zhao Li Xin who has abnormal hearing doesn't hear anything so he becomes more worry for her.

"Someone is calling me…." 

Girsha knew it was not human who is calling her it's probably something else "What is it said?"

Lory tilts her head confusedly "Lorient…"

Girsha and Zhao Li Xin exchanged gaze, both of them agree that was calling her are not human and use telepathy to connect to her. Zhao Li Xin's face doesn't look good, he was worry and nervous but he can't do anything.

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The little cub little paw patted Lory hand that carries him, Lory startled as she awoke from her stupor then she look Zhao Li Xin with a blank look "It coming from below?" she said with a surprised look.

Suddenly the ground beneath them crumble, Lory yelp in shocked while Zhao Li Xin swiftly wrapped both of his hand on Lory's waist while Girsha turns to orb then pierce to Lory chest and the little cub sandwich between Lory chest and Zhao Li Xin. they slide inside a tunnel at high speed.

The ground is wet and slippery is hard to control their moves inside the tunnel, Zhao Li Xin himself is focused on protecting Lory.

They burst out of the tunnel and falling to the deep abyss, Lory screams as their body was suck by the gravity, she tightens her grip to the little cub so she didn't accidentally drop him.

Zhao Li Xin grit his teeth as he tries to control their falling, he uses his qi to shield them from the collision then suddenly a white wing appears behind Lory back, the wings spread and they floating on the air. Zhao Li Xin was stunned while Lory sigh in relief she forgot she able to do this stunt. 

It's been a while since the last time she and Girsha power merged so she is simply forgotten, fortunately, Girsha didn't. The wings flap slowly and the two humans and one little beast land on the ground smoothly then the wings behind her back disappear instantly.

"Your beautiful wings help us" Zhao Li Xin was astonished as he looks at her with eyes filled with admiration and love.

"Thank you, but my robes is a ruin now" Lory rub her back with a disappointed look. The wings once again ruined her beautiful clothes then she remembers why she always wears a backless dress and shirt in her world, oh well it's not a big deal in her world but it's something else in this world, she can't even show her ankle Muchmore her back.

"Change your robes first, you will get cold wearing a torn clothes" Zhao Li Xin reminds her.

Lory put down the little cub on the ground but remind the little guy to stay put while she changed her other robes, while Zhao Li Xin sniffed the air then his frown deepens, used his Qi he opens his arms then he ignited flame on his hands and the cave illuminated with blazing fire from his body.

Lory who already change her clothes was gasped from what she saw because they are surrounded with piles of bones, Lory carry the little cub in a protective manner and Zhao Li Xin take long strides towards Lory, she looks at Zhao Li Xin with anxious looks

"Are we….are we in that beast nest?" 

"I think so," Zhao Li Xin said calmly but his eyes fill with worry.

"SH*T!" Lory take out her bow in reflex.