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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 480 - The Frozen Cave
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"Who's coming?" Lory ask.

"The Hei hen army, the gold lion palace," Mong Ki said while the corner of his lips lifted. 


Zhao Li Xin who is remain indifferent suddenly speak "I think we forgot something" 

All of a sudden someone pushes the front door roughly "Milord you forgot the little fella!" a beautiful woman with a red dress suddenly enters the library while carrying a black tiger cub. The beautiful woman takes off her mask and dashes toward lory and Zhao Li Xin.

"Oh right…." he finally remembers, he had promised to the shadow tiger chief to deliver this cub inside the library it must be because the slumbering beast inside it.

The cub jump from the red dress woman's hand to Lory's chest, Lory unconsciously embraces the little cub "Hellooo I miss you, little guy!" Lory stroke the little cub head, and the tiger purred inside her warm embrace.

"Ah, the little cub like you very much young madam, how envy…" the red dress woman slightly dejected.

"You are?" Lory never saw this beautiful woman before but her dress seems familiar.

"I'm sorry for the late introduction, my name is Lan Hua I'm Master Bei right-hand man, I mean woman!" she feel little bit nervous speaking with Lory because Lory high position at Hei Shen and Bei Li Yan always singing praise how smart and wise lory was so Lan Hua slightly fidgets while talking with Lory.

"I see, I met you at Jiang Wei kingdom banquet! I think I recognize your mask!" Lory clapped her hands.

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"Yes – yes – yes, we met there before, aaw I'm so happy young madam remember me" Lan Hua elated as she covers her mouth with her sleeve coyly.

"It's time" Zhao Li Xin cuts in 

"Make sure no one gets close to this place" he orders all his subordinates.

They all cupped their fist simultaneously including Lan Hua "Yes Milord!"

Zhao Li Xin gathers his Qi while carrying Lory on his back, then lory wrapped the little cub on her chest like a baby, they prepare for free-falling, Lory waves her hand to Lan Hua and the Mong brother, she doesn't look nervous at all. Lan Hua amused by Lory cherry attitude in this situation. Lan Hua smiles as she waves back at Lory.

"Ready" Zhao Li Xin looks down to the black hole.

Lory circled her hands-on Zhao Li Xin neck "Let's do this!" she grin widely.

The Hei Shen members were anxiously watching their leader, unfortunately, they can't follow Zhao Li Xin and Lory because Lory forbid them to come because if the beast is truly a 'first Kind' then the beast temperament is volatile and if they come in groups the beast might feel threatened and attack them instead so it's better if only Lory and Zhao Li Xin that approach the beast.

"Be careful Milord!" Mong Ki's face darkens as anxiety blatantly shows on his face.

Zhao Li Xin gives him a slight nod. Then he takes another step near the edged of the hole. Zhao Li Xin takes a deep breath while Lory clench on his neck and Girsha flew beside her then Zhao Li Xin jumps to the holes, his figure disappeared instantly as he swallows by the darkness.

The Hei Shen members can only watch from above the holes with an anxious face.

Just like Lory thought is a long way down. Everything around them is dark then suddenly there's a bunch of red dot coming from beneath them.

"Hold on tight!" Zhao Li Xin warns her.

The red dot becomes closer and transform into red swords flying towards them, Zhao Li Xin gather the Qi on her right palm and the golden flame ignited on his palms he throw his fist and the flame unleashed from his palms, in high speed the flame swallow the dozens of red swords and the sword disappeared together with the flame.

"What is that?" Lory flabbergasted.

"Protective array," said Zhao Li Xin.

This is the first time Lory sees a protective array reacted because she only saw how Zhao Li Xin planted array but she never saw how protective array work. Zhao Li Xin patted Lory arms "More will come, stay vigilant" he reminds her.


[Lory don't use your gift if it's not necessary, we don't know when you will need it, save your mana] Girsha also remind her.

[I Understand] this time Lory answer obediently. 

They don't know what waiting for them down there, she will need all her power to protect herself and Zhao Li Xin. while they keep falling suddenly the temperature increasing then blue fire emerged from beneath them. Zhao Li Xin activated the protective array around them and they cover inside transparent turtle shells, they pierce through the blaze of blue fire. Inside the protective shell the temperature quite hot one can only imagine what would happen without Zhao Li Xin's protective array.

Thankfully Lory still wearing Zhao Li Xin necklace, so she only feel slightly warmed inside the turtle while Zhao Li Xin who has high cultivation only feel a breeze, but he does worry about Lory.

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"Are you okay, is it too hot?" Zhao Li Xin holds her wrist to check her condition.

"I'm wearing your necklace, so I'm fine" Lory calmed him down.

Zhao Li Xin forgot about the necklace then soon he feel relief. After this he would create a more protective amulet for his princess, one is never enough for this trouble magnet lady.

They finally leave the blazing fire, just when Lory wants to sigh in relief the temperature suddenly drops to minus.

'IT'S FREAKING SNOW NOW!' Lory cursed in her head.

But the good news is they finally reach the bottom, sadly they are land inside the frozen cave. her breath change into white smoke, Lory and Zhao Li Xin was shocked they were inside the frozen cave. Zhao Li Xin put Lory down carefully.

"Change your shoes and clothes, this place is too cold for you," said Zhao Li Xin worriedly.

"How about you, you have any cloak inside your ring?" Lory worries for him too.

Zhao Li Xin wants to say he used to bath inside frozen water to calmed his flame but Lory worries face make him swallow his words and so he obediently took out the black fur coat and wear it before the princess scolded him. Then he helps lory changed her clothes.

Thankfully Zhao Li Xin forces her to prepare four season clothes inside her ring, who knew it come in handy at such time. Lory not only changes her clothes but also her boot, the ice is too slippery she can't walk with normal boot Zhao Li Xin also forces her to wear gloves to warm her hand he also helps her wear her white fur cloak and raised her hood.

"Is it warm?" he make sure the cloak tightly bound.

"Yep!" Lory picks up the little cub "Let's go!" she said.

Zhao Li Xin holds her hand "Don't let go of my hand!" he warns her with stern face the memory when they separated inside the ancient tomb still fresh in his mind, he doesn't want the same mistake repeated.

"Okay!" Lory nod.