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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 479 - The Creature Of Bottomless Pitt
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Mo Ning Yuan looks down as she walks towards them her hand clenching on the small jade bottle inside her collar, she smiles deviously when she succeeds not just Zhao Li Xin but whole Hei Shen sect will be hers, imagine how much glory she could have not to mention this divined man would accompany hr every night, such a beautiful dream is hard to resist.

When she gets close enough, she throws inside the jade toward Zhao Li Xin "You'll be MINE!" she hollered excitedly.


Zhao Li Xin raised his hand while his other hand protects Lory behind her, he could feel a sinister being launch towards him, the parasite demon screech as it jumps toward him the moment he almost touches Zhao Li Xin hand suddenly a bright light emerged within him, the blinding light illuminated the whole room like daylight.

Everyone covers their eyes with their arms and sleeves, Zhao Li Xin also close his eyes while embracing lory to cover her from the light, The demon parasites screech getting louder as it falls to the ground and bouncing on the floor and the light gradually dimmed.

Lory peeks from Zhao Li Xin arms then she smiles mischievously "The amulet seems working" she chuckle happily.

Everyone stunned, they are still shocked from the sudden light but then from Mong Ki, Mong Yi and Zhao Li Xin chest a light still remains but it's not as blinding as before, Mong Yi took out the source of the light it's turn out the pendant that was given by Lory. Mong Yi and Mong Ki look each other exchanging shocking faces. 

'So this is how it works!'

Lory patted Zhao Li Xin arms to comfort him then she sees the demon parasite half burn like a sausage on a grill "You never expecting this aren't you" Lory crouch in front of the creature who still squirm on the floor, Lory take out the vial she prepares before then with the tip of her dagger she push the parasite enter the vial, then the runes on the vial surface light up before disappeared in the next second.

Mo Ning Yuan's eyes bulged, her mouth hang open, she can't believe what she saw. How could that woman stop the creature? Her lips trembles "You….what you have done?" 

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The bright light from before make her stumble on the floor, Mo Ning Yuan quiver in fear her plan is foiled she knew this is the end of her, as death approaching she loses all her hope. She stares at lory who is examined his vial while ignoring her existence, it was she who ruin her plan AGAIN!

She glared ferociously at Lory, if gaze could kill then lory should die hundreds of times by now, Zhao Li Xin can't hold his anger anymore so he kicks Mo Ning Yuan right on her face mercilessly, Mo Ning yuan fly like a kite and hit the wall with loud sounds.

Lory startled by the sounds, she realizes Mo Ning Yuan is not in the same spot, and she flying somewhere where the air cover with flying dust.

Zhao Li Xin let out a long sigh of relief, Lory squint her eyes on him "Feel better now?"

"A little…" he replies shortly, but his expression does look better.

 The Mong brothers and the other shadow guard silently sigh, their lord has no mercy either to men or women. their Lord has never been softhearted in front of women no matter how beautiful that woman is, he even doesn't budge in a front exquisite woman like Lao Min Na so how could Mo Ning Yuan have a chance. 

"Why that thing seem to hurt?" Zhao Li Xin who already feel better shifts his attention to the creature inside Lory vial.

"Because the light is hurting it, not just a simple light but a holly light," Lory said.

Lory show raised the vial and show the creature to the whole shadow guard"The creature allergic with holly light and the sun, they are the creature of darkness afterall, they like a flea of Demon, they are not dangerous until it possesses the host, it stays inside the host brain"

The shadow guard gulped as they were stunned and terrified at the same time, they never knew such creature exists, Mong ki who less afraid move closer to examine the creature closely "How do we know someone possessed by it?"

"That the hard part, for you who have the amulet would know from the amulet reaction just like you saw before, for others…well I need to make another amulet but before that when you encounter something like this just take a step back and leave do not touch it or approach it because it cannot be killed….normally, understood everyone?" Lory finishes her class as a teacher.

"Understood, young madam!" they cupped their fist simultaneously.

"Good, I explain more later…" Lory store the vial inside her spatial ring, Lory sigh heavily. She needs to make more vials and amulets for the whole Hei Shen members not to forget created that damn furnace to burn this parasite, forget about getting killed by Lazarus she would get kill from overworked. She wishes she has trinity and her full strength even with all of that this is still a strenuous job for her.

Mo Ning Yuan finally conscious after she was kicked and hit the wall, she had heard Lory's explanation although she doesn't hear from the beginning because she is unconscious but still she was flabbergasted by how much Lory know about the creature. 

"Who…who are you, how…how do you know about this?" she struggles to raise from the floor while leaning to the wall.

Lory mouth twitch when she looks at Mo Ning Yuan face, her husband is so mean the beautiful girl face know swollen and the corner of her lips are torn and bleeding.

"I know more than you know, Like I know it was Lao Min Na who gives you this creature isn't it?" Lory raised her brows.

Mo Ning Yuan flinches but she refuses to talk.

Lory smile calmly, she rests her arms on her waist "it's fine, soon or later she will come to me or vice versa….doesn't matter" she mutter as she crouch upon the hole on the floor "I think we need to climb down…" she said to Zhao Li Xin who stand behind her while ignoring mo Ning Yuan once again.

Lory ignorance infuriated her "The beast will kill you, you will die, I hope you die miserably!" she shouts in madness "I hope both of you die!" she doesn't care anymore she knew her faith is sealed when she failed to infected Zhao Li Xin with the demon parasite, so why to bother to persuade them again.

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"Cut her tongue" Zhao Li Xin annoyed by mo Ning Yuan high pitch voice.

Mo Ning yuan shut immediately and her ugly face turns pale, but people could see it because of all the wounds and bruises on her face.

"Wait, we still need to question her, just detain her somewhere" Lory interrupted.

The shadow guard looks at their Lord with a questioning look, they don't know which order they need to follow, finally Zhao Li Xin yield as always "Do what young madam said" he sighs while Lory gives Zhao Li Xin a grateful smile.

The shadow guard held Mo Ning Yuan hand and the woman struggle violently, Mong Yi got annoyed so he hit her face and knocked her down, poor Mo Ning Yuan got hit on the face for the second time, her face is completely ruined by now.

"Let's go!" Lory jumps to Zhao Li Xin back brazenly.

"I could protect you easier if I carry you at the front," said Zhao Li Xin.

"How could you protect me without your hands?" Lory rolls her eyes. she patted Zhao Li Xin's shoulder "Don't worry love, you guard the front I guard the back, Girsha comes here stop eating for God sake!" Lory can't believe the bird is eating leisurely this whole time.

[Coming…] he lazily flew and perch on Zhao Li Xin's shoulder.

"Make sure no one gets close to this place," he said to Mong Ki and Mong Yi.

"Understood milord" the Mong brother cupped their fist.

Suddenly they hear the deafening sounds of explosion from the distance, the sound must be very loud because it reaches to this secluded place, Lory lift her head "What is that?" 

Zhao Li Xin smirk "They coming"