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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 478 - Welcome The Demon Lord II
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Zhao Li Xin didn't approach Mo Ning Yuan but first, he walks towards the half fainted Mo Ning Yuan soldier, Mong Ki throw water from the waterskin to the listless man's face, he coughed roughly when he accidentally inhaled the water.

"He awakes now Milord" Mong Ki bows his head politely.


Mo Ning yuan subordinated still unable to comprehend the situation when something stomps his manhood, he screams from the excruciating pain that only men could understand. Zhao Li Xin stomp a few times then he pulls the man collar he hit his face who is ogling his princess repeatedly, this is not like a fight between cultivators but is more like a brawl between thugs on the street.

Zhao Li Xin vents his anger to the poor bastard face until that man faces flat and cover with blood then Zhao Li Xin hits the man's chest and shattered his dantian and make that man crippled. Zhao Li Xin throws the half-dead man to the side like trash.

 "Bring him to white dragon palace, make sure he is alive then send him to rotten flower brothels" Zhao Li Xin wipes his bloody hands with a clean towel elegantly, there's no trace of brutality on his graceful movement.

"He likes to rape people isn't it, let him taste his own medicine" Zhao Li Xin throws the bloody towel to the floor after he finish wiped his hands. The shadow guards face turning ashen when they heard the Rotten flower brothels name.

That place is the worst place that created by Bei Li Yan to tortured Hei Shen enemy. a brothel who welcomes people who have a weird and peccant taste for se* and there is no limitation in that place. just like its names, that place is where debauchery greets with open arms.

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meanwhile, Mo Ning Yuan shiver in fear when she saw the blood covered the whole towel in red, one can only imagine the brutality of Zhao Li Xin's action was.

MoNing Yuan stare at Zhao Li Xin with misty eyes but the man didn't give her a single glance as if she wasn't there, he strides towards Lory who is sitting leisurely on the table while feeding Girsha with grapes.

"I'm sorry if I scare you?" he caresses lory cheek with his thumb gently, Zhao Li Xin feel a bit nervous showing his violent nature in front of Lory, all this time he always tries to hold that part of him from Lory, although Lory once said that she understand and accept all of him but still, the possibility of lory might despise him is terrify him.

Lory smiles as she holds his hand "Silly…" she looks at him with warm smiles. There's no a shred of fear towards him how could she, Lory is no angles as a protector of her Kingdom her hand is not clean, especially after Nazareth engulf the world with darkness and human become crazy because the fear and desperation, Lory have no choice but soaked her hand with blood to protect her people and whatever left of her Kingdom.

Someone had said to her "When the world fall in madness sometime savagery is the only way to protect our beloved one'

"He will rape me if you and Girsha not here," Lory sigh heavily then she look at Mo Ning Yuan who already lose the color of her face "I can't believe you order your subordinate to rape me, from all of the people you should know better the heinous of this crime!" Lory glare at Mo Ning Yuan disappointedly. 

"Why Not, if it happened to me why can't it happen to you!" Mo Ning Yuan didn't want to admit her loss, her hatred to Lory only intensify with her increasing jealousy when she looks at Zhao Li Xin's mesmerizing face. She was a beautiful noble lady before but she becomes another man plaything, why an ordinary woman like lory could have a happy life and loved by a good man, This is not fair!

"Save your breath, my wife, that B*tch doesn't deserve it," Zhao Li Xin helps Lory get off from the table.

Mo Ning Yuan's face turns red when Zhao Li Xin calls her B*tch, being degraded in front of another woman by the person she admired is like a stab on her heart, for once she feel numbs.

Lory shakes her head, people said victims who experience great trauma could become a protector or perpetrator. It seems Mo Ning Yuan is the last category, for whatever reason Lory still feel bad for her.

Mo Ning Yuan feel more indignant by Lory pitiful gaze, it make her feel she was beneath Lory and she can't accept it for better or worst she is still from the Mo family, she is the descendant of the founder of Sacred Mountain peak society and also her cultivation is better than a waste woman.

"There is no treasure!" Mo Ning Yuan abruptly said "There is something more inside that place, something stronger…." she stares at Zhao Li Xin, she knew the one who has the biggest authority is Zhao Li Xin if she able persuade Zhao Li Xin then everything becomes easier for her, she might able kick that woman from Zhao Li Xin side.

Zhao Li Xin standstill, his quietness delighted Mo Ning Yuan she thought Zhao Li Xin was hooked by her words, her face color recover as she continues excitedly "There is powerful beast slumber in this place and no Beastmaster in the world able to subdue this beast but I have a way…..if you let me live, I will help you, I take you to that Beast and we can control it" she cunningly smiles.

"We?" Zhao Li Xin's expression darkens.

Mo Ning Yuan heart accelerated but she can't lose this chance so she braces herself "Why…why not, with my help you can obtain powerful beast, even Hei Shen sect has their own limitation with this beast in hand nothing can't stop you, you can own the world" she talks slowly and clearly as she coaxed him gently, she was sure every man have great ambition hides within them and it only takes a little provocation to unleash the desire. No man would refuse such temptation.

"Once I gain the beast why do you think I keep you with me?" Zhao Li Xin's voice remains cold and distant without a hint of excitement the dimmed light make half of his face cover by the shadow, it make it hard for Mo Ning Yuan to read his expression. Zhao Li Xin's indifference make her nervous. 

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"Be…because I'm the only one who can control the beast, so you need me!" she master up her courage, she needs to assure Zhao Li Xin, she should able to persuade him to keep her beside him, when she knew he is Long Ming she feel elated and proud to able judged a great man even under the disguised, her obsession toward him increasing but she has one big problem and that is his Wife.

She can't be his lover but she can be his close subordinated then maybe someday she climbs slowly to his side and become more than just subordinated. Mo Ning Yuan sating at Zhao Li Xin with yearning eyes, she can't hide the longing in her eyes no matter how much she tries to hide it.

Saw beautiful woman coveting her man lory was burn with jealousy, she rolled her eyes exasperatedly, next time she will make Zhao Li Xin wear his mask again, that face brings more harm than good to the female population. 

"Keep you?" Zhao Li Xin snort in disgust "Why should I keep a wh*re like you with me?" he doesn't care how harsh his words are, a woman other than lory doesn't deserve his gentleness especially someone like Mo Ning Yuan for him she is no different than lower wh*re in the street even courtesan in the brothels is better than her, at least courtesan still have standard.

Even Lory was dumbfounded when she heard Zhao Li Xin's words she can't imagine how Mo Ning Yuan feels.

Mo Ning Yuan lips trembles and her eyes become red and tears roll on her face "You are exceeding your reputation as merciless man, do you think I want to become like this, it was them who forced me to be like this, you didn't deserve to judge me! you don't know what I have been through!" her eyes brimmed with anger and sadness, even if he doesn't like her can he pitty her a little, at least feel sorry for her….she doesn't want to be like this either.

Zhao Li Xin's expression remains placid like the pond surface, he didn't think he said anything wrong and he didn't understand why Mo Ning Yuan cry, you live like a wh*re and scorn like wh*re isn't that a given. He also lives like a tyrant and people called him a monster or Demon and he doesn't feel bad about it, he is what he is, why cry about it?

Unbeknown by Lory and Zhao Li Xin, Mo Ning Yuan takes out the small jade from her sleeves if subtle way not working then she does the hard way if she could control elder Xie why can't she control Zhao Li Xin the same way.

"Fine, I will give you the map to locate the beast but you promise me you will let me live" Mo Ning Yuan reaches inside her collar as she walks slowly towards Zhao Li Xin.

Lory danger alarm buzzing, there something wrong about this.

Zhao Li Xin remains calm, he wants to know what Mo Ning yuan about to do, no matter how powerful Mo Ning Yuan, she wouldn't able to hurt him. Zhao Li Xin has full confidence with his strength.