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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 477 - Welcome The Demon Lord
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The swords steal shined as it touches by a dimmed light, he grins evilly as he moves closer to Lory, Lory take a step back all of the sudden she trip by a candle holder and she fall while protecting Girsha with her hands. Mo Ning Yuan and her subordinated laughing at her foolishness. Mo Ning Yuan delighted watching lory trembles in fear, she can't wait to ruin her and see how Lu Xin discard her, suddenly another nasty idea comes up in her mind.

"If I remember correctly, you never been with other women other than me don't you?" 


Her subordinated stop his movement "Of course not, young miss" he said while showing off his unwavering loyalty.

Mo Ning Yuan smiles wickedly her eyes become darker "I give you permission to try this woman, she might not as beautiful as me but I think she has something that make her husband adored her" she rub her red lips with her slender finger.

Her subordinated hesitant for a moment "Young miss…" he doesn't dare to be presumptuous since he is not sure Mo Ning yuan serious or not.

Mo Ning Yuan chortled "Why you look at me like that, I'm being serious" she narrowed her eyes as she stares at lory pale face "I want to know if your husband still wants you or not after you sullied by another man" Mo Ning Yuan still can't forgive Zhao Li Xin disgust eyes every time he saw her, his gaze make her feel dirty and ashamed so she wants to make Lory feel the same thing as her. 

"If….young miss doesn't mind, this servant will comply…" he licks his lips disgustingly as he sizes up lory body in a vulgar way. He also wants to taste how is that man's wife, imagine Zhao Li Xin's face when he knows what he had done to his wife brings joy to his heart.

"I never thought you will ask someone to raped another woman" Lory stare at Mo Ning Yuan deeply "After what you had been through, I thought you knew more than anyone the pain of being raped…" Lory's eyes pierce to Mo Ning Yuan's eyes, and it penetrated to her soul, Mo Ning Yuan avert her gaze as something erupted in her chest.

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"DO IT! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" she shouts at her subordinate.

Mo Ning Yuan subordinated walk closely to Lory who still stumble on the floor while holding the unmoving bird, he smiles viciously "Don't worry, I'll be quick but I can't promise I'll be gentle like your husband…" he hated Zhao Li Xin for disrupted his beloved mistress heart. Other than Mo Xin Gi he never saw any man able to create waves in Mo Ning Yuan's heart.

He reaches his hand to Lory's face, suddenly a shadow strike him, he staggered backward while cover one of his eyes and he screamed on the top of his lungs and blood gushed out between his fingers and cover his hand with red liquid. Mo Ning Yuan was stunned she doesn't know what happen then she hear the sound of flapping wings, something flung to the floor and roll to Mo Ning Yuan feet, turns out is an eyeball, Mo Ning Yuan shriek in horror.

Lory raised her hand and Girsha perch on her arms smoothly. 

[Look at that, you finally know how to act] Lory chuckles.

[Turns out the day you forced me to watch shop opera is not a waste after all] he snorts proudly.

[Nice work 'Guadalupe'!] she teased. Guadalupe is the female lead name in lory favorite soap opera, the character is a frail and beautiful woman who always cry about anything, but no matter how weak she is through all the movie that Guadalupe didn't die no matter how many time the villain tries to kill her, at the end of the movie lory admire the female lead resilient to stay alive like a cockroach.

[…..] Girsha was annoyed by the resemblance to a weak and helpless character who only knew how to cry from the first episode to one hundred and twenty-five episodes, that's right, is a freaking long movie.

Lory stands up and patted her dirty robes, mo Ning yuan look at her with bulging eyes, Lory lifts her head and opens her arms in jest "Surpriseee…." She smiles widely.

"YOU, how could you!" Mo Ning Yuan hissed while her subordinated still whining about his eyes.

"My eye, my eyes, you took my eye!" he screams at Lory furiously like a beast ready to rip his prey. 

Lory stares at him indifferently, for a rapist Lory has no mercy. For her concern Raped is much worst than killing because the agony would kill the victim and even if they survive from it, it becomes a big scar in their heart not to mention the family victim. This crime is so vile that in her Kingdom the perpetrator would go straight to the death row.

"I'm going to kill you!" he rushes toward Lory but something hot grabs his neck from behind and it squeezes his neck then he lifts to the air until he tiptoes his feet then he was thrown away to the bookshelf. The row of bookshelf explode and tumble like domino, Mo Ning Yuan subordinated lay above the wrecking bookshelf as he groaning in pain.

Zhao Li Xin emerge from the shadow, his dark figure make him mimick a demon from hell. He walks towards Lorythen he embraces her tightly "Don't ever ask me to do that again" he whispers on her ear in low voice, he struggles to contain his anger. when he heard what Mo Ning Yuan wanted her subordinated to do with Lory Zhao Li Xin wanted to come out and killed them all but Lory signs him with her eyes to stay put.

He knew Lory have her own plan but listening to their evil thought about hurting his princess is unbearable, his body shook as he tries to hold his anger, taking that man one eye is not enough for Zhao Li Xin to appease his anger.

"Sorry….." Lory pressed her forehead on his chest, she does feel guilty when she saw how furious Zhao Li Xin is.

Mo Ning Yuan frowned, she doesn't recognize the man who was being intimated with Lory, Mo Ning Yuan thought Lory is having an affair with other man and she can help feel delighted by the news, that's mean she will have a chance with Lu Xin.

"Miss Luo, I never knew you can be so brave showing off your lover in front of other people, does your husband know about this, wait…does your lover know you are married?" Mo Ning Yuan jeered, either Lory is discarded by her lover or her husband is good news for her it's even better if that woman threw away by both of them, Mo Ning Yuan can't help to laugh while she entertains by such idea.

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Because of dimmed light and Mo Ning Yuan only saw Zhao Li Xin back she didn't recognize him not to mention Zhao Li Xin is on his real face so is no surprised Mo Ning Yuan didn't know who he is. Lory blinks her eyes confusedly after a few seconds she realizes what Mo Ning Yuan means.

"You didn't know him….?" Lory covers her giggle with her hand "I thought you like my husband?" Lory said in jest.

Zhao Li Xin doesn't like what he heard "Lory, I don't want any kind of connection to that disgusting woman, not even a little," he said with a deep frown.

"I'm just joking, she's the one who keeps implying she has a relationship with you" Lory justify herself.

"It's disgusting even stay in the same room with her make me nauseous, even Bei Li Yan will not accept this kind of woman in his brothels," Zhao Li Xin said with loathing expression.

Mo Ning Yuan agape, the man features are more exquisite than Lu Xin, his face is carved perfectly without a single flaw, she never saw a man as divined as him, but what make her stunned is the man eyes, the cold dark onyx eyes that drawn her like the abyss. 

"Lu Xin?" Mo Ning Yuan gasped.

"Is Lord Long Ming for you!" Zhao Li Xin hates the way Mo Ning yuan staring at him, he will gauge that eyes sooner or later.

"Then…wait, who are you?" Mo Ning Yuan was excited, anxious, and scared, she's excited because the man she admires is more handsome than she thought, anxious because she was caught while hurting his wife, scared because she could feel his unbridles killing intent in his eyes.

"Someone you wish you never know…" the corner of Zhao Li Xin's lips raised the dimmed light make his gaze looks like a demon crawl from hell himself.

Mo Ning Yuan doesn't realize her body drench with cold sweat as death slowly approaches her.