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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 473 - The Unexpected Situation III
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Girsha grab the golden lotus statue with his feet, he enlarged his body to the size of goshawk so his speed increasing, Mo Ning Yuan scream in frustration she called her flying beast, a red crane appear from the beast ring she wore, she jumps to the back of the crane and chasing Girsha in full force.

Girsha narrowed his eyes then he contacts Lory telepathically [Lory, crazy girl is on my tail!]


Lory who is carrying on the back by Zhao Li Xin's answer [Which crazy girl, this place has so many of them!]

Girsha clicks his tongue exasperatedly but he agrees with her [The slutty one!] he replies in haste.

[Mo Ning Yuan!] Lory gasped, then she asked again [Why is she chasing you?]

[I snatch the key from her, so she rather piss off right now] he said with a slight joke.

Mo Ning Yuan throw a bunch of knives on Girsha, the birds slide to the side swiftly as he evades the knife easily, he got vexed by Mo Ning Yuan audacity, in the old times, no one dares to provoke him who's this slut think she is.

Girsha stops and turns his back, Mo Ning Yuan smiles in triumph as she thought she able to scare the bird but then Girsha make a piercing loud squawk, Girsha flapping his wings in high speed, the combination of the sound and the wind throws Mo Ning Yuan and the crane to the ground, Mo Ning Yuan scream frantically as she falling, regrettably, her subordinated was there to catch her before she hit the ground, but same luck didn't happen to the crane, the beast fall with loud 'BOMM!' 

The crane lies on the ground without any sign of moving then blood trickle from the beast ears and eyes, it's like the crane is exploded from the inside. Mo Ning Yuan also feel buzzing on her ears she feel dizzy as the buzzing sound hurts her brain. Mo Ning Yuan clenched her head as she screams in pain.

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"Miss, take this, HURRY!" the anxious subordinated shove a pill to her mouth, the pained eased up when the pill melt on her mouth, she weakly rest her head to her subordinated chest, The subordinated sigh in relief when Mo Ning yuan condition got better but then he stared at the red crane called Bing Fang, the flying beast is given by that mysterious woman Lao Min Na, the beast level is not low is a sacred beast level but the beast killed just like a flies. 

That beautiful bird with golden tails, whose beast it's belongs to, something is off. Mo Ning Yuan held her forehead then she shoves her subordinated lightly "We must find that bird…" 

"But miss, your condition!" 

Mo Ning Yuan shakes her head "I have no choice, I already irked Nan Yu Qi, soon her people would catch me if we failed now there be no other chance" she bites her lips in an upset as she speaks, the plan she painstakingly works has gone awry and she feel something dangerous is approaching.

"Let's go, we can waste more time!" she swallows more pill and her face color become better.

"Yes. Young miss!" Then the two of them make a long leap to where Girsha is.

While Lory, Zhao Li Xin, the mong brother, and few shadow guards waiting on the entrance to the library. Lory already in the same robes she wears when she enter the ancient tomb complete with boots and twin daggers on her arms, She was tying her hair into a ponytail when Girsha arrived and drop the golden lotus on Lory's hand.

"So this is the key" lory examined the golden lotus who is not bigger than her palm, there's a mechanism under the status as she twists it the lotus golden petal spread as if it was bloom.

"So it's like this…" Zhao Li Xin took the golden lotus from Lory's hand, it's an exquisite and detail handcraft.

"More keys are still in Mo Ning Yuan's hand," Lory said.

"Don't worry she will come for us…" Zhao Li Xin smirks then he returns the key back on Lory.

[Yup, that slutty girl is coming…] Girsha sneer.

Lory stores the key inside her spatial ring "We should ready then" Lory calmly said.


At the mean s time Nan yu Qi who is hurt badly because of Mo Ning Yuan walk-in limp back to nan Manor, the guards were horrified when they saw her wounded.

"Young Miss, what happened" one of the guards as towards her.

The other guard shouted to the servants inside "Call the housekeeper, Miss Nan Yu Qi is hurt!"

"Oh dear!" the servant scurry inside, he threw his broom because he was in a middle of sweeping the front gate garden.

Nan Yu Qi clenched his chest "Catch Mo Ning Yuan, I caught her stealing the family heirloom and now she runs with it!" she shouted in anger.

"What, Yes young miss!" the guard whistles his subordinate at the same time the maids and concubines from the nan Manor run to the front get to help Nan Yu Qi.

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"Call Physician, hurry!"

While people at the Nan manor fall in commotion, no one realizes a woman with red robes wearing a white mask with red rose flower painting on its land smoothly inside Nan Yu Qi courtyard.

"So loud, I thought this supposed to be a noble residence, what an uncultured people" the lady patted her cheeks as complain incessantly as if the place her own house. The lady in red enters Nan Yu Qi's lavish bedroom and her mouth twitch "What a tacky room, so pink and…..why she needs so much lace and flower for?" she grumbles as she walked into the room. 

She stops in front of the small cage, cover with red gauze, she lifts the gauze and the little black furry ball raised and bare his fangs.

The lady's eyes twinkle even though she covers her face with a mask but from her eyes is clearly show her face is beamed with delight "Aaaaww, so cuuuteee!" she shrieks excitedly.

The little cub startled, he never seen this woman before and he could smell danger exudes from this woman but she didn't pose any threat towards him so the little cub is slightly calm.

"Little tiger my Lord told me to safe you, and give you this" the girl in red shows a yellow crystal stone in the sizes of bead on her hand "With this the connection between your and that tacky young lady Nan Yu Qi will be blocked, meaning…even if she dies you are going to be fine"

The little tiger honey color eyes widen, he obviously elated by the news, he hated that Nan Yu Qi woman she is an awful woman, she looks kind and demure on the outside but cruel and scheming on the inside, she also a conceited woman who think everyone below her that's why she got angry when he accidentally scratches her hand when she forces him to be obedient.

The little cub hated that woman very much, he rather stays with that beautiful woman who had beautiful purple eyes and bluish hair, that woman is gentle and warm she like a goddess in his eyes.

"I will get you out and bring you to my Lord and the young madam okay, you know my Lord don't you? he is the scary man who takes you from your tribes" The lady in red smiles from behind her mask, he has no qualms talk badly about her own Lord for as far as she knows she just being honest.

When he heard 'Scary Man' the little cub flinched as he recalled Zhao Li Xin's menacing face and bloody aura, then he remembers the pretty goddess with kind smiles, the Little cub calculated the pro and contra between meeting the scary man and meeting his goddess after he make a decision he lifts his little head and nod firmly.

The red lady giggles happily "Ahh such a smart little tiger, come – come before they found us, fufufu~" she unlocked the cage and carry the little cub, the black soft fur make her squirm "Ohh, baby your fur is so soooft…this is so gooodd…~" she rubs her mask on the little cub fur.

Suddenly the little cub feel he was being harassed, something flash in his mind 'Oh NO, PERVERT!'