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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 472 - The Unexpected Situation II
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Watching the scene the teacup in Mo Ning Yuan hand broke, the hot tea spilled on her hand and dress, her sudden action startled everyone around her and they look at her strangely some people snickered because they knew Mo Ning Yuan is from fallen noble family, Mo Ning Yuan take a deep breath as she tries to collect herself she ignores everyone mocking eyes. The servant who saw what happened immediately hand her a clean towel.

Mo Ning Yuan accepts the towel with a stiffed smile, the heat on her hand because of the hot water doesn't bother her, the truth is she can't feel anything right now. She doesn't want to shift her glance back to him but her eyes seem to have thought of their own so she stares back at him.


The cold man who only show disdained and disgust look to her was staring passionately to the woman beside him, he who never want to get close to her as if he knew how dirty she is, he is now wrapped both his hand tightly around that woman, he acted like someone would snatch his woman but what make Mo Ning Yuan upset is because the woman face look is very ordinary, what so special about that woman if only he chooses someone like Nan Yu Qi she can remain calm but a mediocre woman like that, how could she accept it.

She raised from her seat with an excuse to change her dress mo one bother about her later. Before she left she looking daggers towards Lory but Zhao Li Xin pull her head on his chest protectively while threw vicious glare on Mo Ning Yuan as he gives her stern warning, Zhao Li Xin overprotective manner only escalated her hatred, she promised herself to make Zhao Li Xin begged on her feet, Mo Ning Yuan turn around and left while stomping her feet. Zhao Li Xin watches to where Mo Ning Yuan left, he lifts his chin as a sign for his shadow guard to follow Mo Ning Yuan.

'Hell hath no fury like a scorn woman' 

These phrases can't be so true, Zhao Li Xin knew how deep a woman keep their hatred. Unlike Men who choose to lash out their anger right here, right now, women tend to halt their hatred for as long as she could as they waiting for the right time to release her hatred in full blow.

"She's leaving?" Lory watch where Mo Ning Yuan left suspiciously.

"Someone already following her," he said reassuring her.

"Okay," Lory nods but then she startled by the sound of Gong, just like other people she looks at the stage with anticipation face "Look, I think it's starting!" Lory nudged Zhao Li Xin collar. Zhao Li Xin follows Lory's gaze as he stares indifferently to the stage.

A middle-aged man standing on the center of the stage "Dear honorable guest, and beloved citizen of the cloud city also all the great members of Sacred Mountain peak we gather here to choose the next leader, the one who will guide and protect us, the one who will bring peace and prosperity in our society, so let's welcome our successors candidate on the stage!" 

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His words are greeted with excited cheers, then Xie Hua Ling walks confidently to the stage, his gentle smiles make women blush and squeal not long after Xie Xian Zi also climb to the stage, his expression tranquil as the lake surface, he didn't bother when more people support Xie Hua Ling after all the stage belongs only the for the strong one.

Xie Hui Rong raised from his seat "My great Son's, both of you has shown great performance for all these years, as a father and leader o couldn't feel more proud for both of you but unfortunately there's only who could lead our beloved society, so I will choose the best from the two of you, may the God bless us!" his great speech make everyone cheers, the town square shaken by the rumbles sounds from all the citizen.

"This is not like the parley I know…" Lory winces as she covers one of her ears with her palm because the cheers hurting her eardrums.

"You'll see…"Zhao Li Xin smirked.

The cheers died down and the middle-aged man who talks previously begin to talk again with a loud voice as he opens his arms exaggeratedly with a big smile on his face "We have seen what both of you have done to served The sacred mountain peak, but lets all people heard it, and let them be the judged!"

"What are they doing, I thought they just killed each other now?" Lory become impatient.

"First they showing off to people what they have done for sacred mountain peak through all the years, they would debate about each other progress and see who is better between them" Zhao Li Xin scoffed.

"Like president election?" Lory surprised.


"Nothing" Lory make cheeky smile to avoid the question.

Zhao Li Xin knew she talks about her old world so he didn't ask further. 

[LORY!] Girsha suddenly scream inside her head.

Lory wince because the sudden scream make her dizzy [Ow, what?] she shouted in annoyance.

[Nan Yu Qi and Mo Ning Yuan have a meeting, I think she wants to give the key right now!]

[WHAT, that can't be, Nan Yu Qi is on the podium!] Lory shift her glance to the podium and there she found Nan Yu Qi sipping her tea quietly.

"Lory, what's wrong?" Zhao Li Xin becomes worried as Lory's face turns to ashen.

[I don't know who is that, but Nan Yu Qi is here!] Girsha shouted at her [Lory she gives the key to Mo Ning Yuan right now!]

"Lory what's wrong, tell me!" Zhao Li Xin cupped her face as lory engulfs in panic.

"Nan Yu Qi is with Mo Ning yuan right now, and she would give her the key…RIGHT NOW!" 

"WHAT!" Zhao Li Xin's eyes bulged "DAMN, this is a setup!" he grabs lory hand and leaves the town square in hurry.

The Shadow guard who follows Mo Ning Yuan was shocked too, how could there be two nan Yu Qi, he realizes is a setup he takes out the flare from his collar but suddenly a cold sharp wind blow at him, the shadow guard evade the win by jumping off from the tree branch and the tree branch behind him exploded, a man with brown robes thrust his sword towards him.

The shadow guard takes out the long daggers from his boot to block the sword and the collide between the steel echoed in the woods. Girsha watches everything anxiously, he can't let that Lazarus minion get a hand on the keys!

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Mo Ning Yuan and Nan Yu Qi startled from the sound of metal clashing, they realize someone had seen them.

"Give me that!" Mo Ning yuan shout impatiently.

"NO!" Nan Yu Qi change her mind, if someone saw hear steal a family heirloom and giving it to strangers she would be punished severely and her position in the Nan family that she fights to die for will become nothing, she can't let that happen!

"NAN YU QI, you have promised me!" Mo Ning Yuan star at her with bloodshot eyes.

"Someone already saw us, I will not be blamed for this!" Nan Yu Qi holds the golden lotus on her chest.

"You da*n woman! give me the golden lotus, RIGHT NOW!" Mo Ning Yuan shout furiously, She can't believe how shameless Nan Yu Qi could be.

Nan Yu Qi shake her head "Let's talk about this, I'll give you the golden lotus later, this is not the right time" she pleaded mo, Ning Yuan. She is being honest to give the Golden lotus statue later after she make sure that no one knows about what she's doing, but Mo Ning Yuan doesn't believe her.

Mo Ning Yuan hit to throw a punch on Nan Yu Qi face, she takes a long leap to the back as she evades Mo Ning yuan hit "Are you crazy, I told you I will give you the statue later!" she glared at mo Ning Yuan with shocked.

"I don't believe you!" Mo Ning yuan lunge forward as her hands aim for Nan Yu Qi's slender throat.

Nan yu Qi was stunned because Mo Ning yuan who supposed to be weaker than her moves faster than she could ever be, Nan Yu Qi try to evade again but Mo Ning Yuan grabs her throat and haul her to the big tree, Mo Ning Yuan could hear her bones is cracking from the violent throw, she falls on the ground and blood trickle from the corner of her mouth.

Nan Yu Qi stare is mixed of shocked and disbelieve, because she thought Mo Ning yuan is much weaker than her she doesn't bring anyone with her not even the little shadow tiger with her, but who could have thought she was hit mercilessly by a weak woman like Mo Ning Yuan.

"You…since when…" Nan Yu Qi couldn't finish her word as the pain make her hard to breathe.

Mo Ning Yuan sneer "Is none of your business" she search around and found the golden lotus statue on the ground, her face lit up as she walks calmly to where the key is. Smiles brimmed on her face, her hand is only an inch from the golden lotus key, suddenly the golden lotus is snatched from the ground and the perpetrator flew away before Mo Ning Yuan able to react.