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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 467 - Dodge The Bullet
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"Xin, where are you?" Lory enters the room but she doesn't find anyone.

"Here!" the voice came from behind the screen.


Lory immediately walk there, she startled when he caught him in the middle of changing his clothes, she's been sawed him naked numerous times but she still captivates every time she saw him undress. Zhao Li Xin chuckles when he saw her expression "I'm glad my wife still finds my body satisfying" he teases her.

Lory pursed her lips "If your body can't satisfy me then no one else would do" she state the fact.

"Good to knows it" He wrapped a black belt on his waist. Just like he used to he wear black from the top to the bottom with only an inconspicuous black and gold fire embroidery on his sleeves, make him look alluring and mysterious at the same time, and as a habit he only tied loosely half his hair, showing his unruly and indifferent temperament.

"Have you eaten yet?" he lead Lory to the table then he pulls the chair to let her sit.

"I'm not hungry" Lory shakes her head.

"I make you some tea then" he walks to the side table then he takes out the teapot and pours hot water.

"You don't have to, I can do it myself" Lory almost stand up but Zhao Li Xin told her to sit, Intimidate by his gaze Lory back to her seat, she cupped her cheek on the table while watching Zhao Li Xin graceful movement, he only make a tea but why it looks like he's dancing 'So beautiful' Lory sigh.

He took the place the white jade teapot on the table then take out the same white jade teacup then carefully pour the tea, Lory eyes bulged when she sees the tea color "It's Blue!" she exclaimed in surprised.

"If you add lemon it will turn to purple color, the color is not as beautiful as your eyes tho" he smiles seductively.

She pretend didn't hear him but her red cheek betray her "I try it, can I add honey too?"

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"Sure’" he chuckles lightly, her good mood rubs on him, Zhao Li Xin mood lifted instantly.

Lory takes a sip and her eye brightens "Is good….where do you find this tea?"

"It made from butterfly pea flower, Bei Li Yan found it accidentally then he remembers you and bought a lot of it" he didn't hide Bei Li Yan's merit.

"I believe you already reward him handsomely" Lory grin.

"Of course…" he also tries the tea, but he still likes his strong wine.

"Oh yeah, I heard from the little bird that Nan Yu Qi's face has turned to the better?" Lory holds the teacup with both her hand as she looks at him with mischievous smiles.

"Little bird? Girsha?" Zhao Li Xin confirms her.

She realizes it's not just an impression for her "Well….yeah" she does receive the news from a bird.

"Is easy with that Lao woman help" his mood drops when he remembers Lao Min Na.

"Lao Min Na?" Lory asks but she's not surprised she knew Lao Min Na is behind all this and so is Lazarus.

 He gives an affirmative nod.

"If Lao Min Na help Mo Ning yuan to get the key then her purposed to help her is obviously the Beast itself, is not make sense to trust Mo Ning yuan to handle the Xie and the other influential family, with Demon parasite on her hand it clearly she want to control the Beast" Lory take another sip then let out a long sigh, "I think not only the sacred mountain peak she wants to defeat but also Hei Shen Sect….and you" Lory glance at Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin didn't react as his face remain placid "It sounds like desperate move" he sneers.

"You ruined her income, make her completely broke and force her to hide, is not surprised she become desperate" Lory giggles, she admires Zhao Li Xin's swift and sharp moves when handling Lao Min Na matters.

"I just redeem my mistakes" he finishes the tea on his cup in one gulp.

"What do you mean?" Lory raised her brows in confusion.

"I should have killed her long time ago" his expression become darker.

His sullen expression somehow annoyed her "You don't have to change your expression the moment you hear her name" she pouted.

"Huh?" Zhao Li Xin looks at her with a blank look.

"I know she's beautiful, smart, strong, and witty, no wonder all men like her" she grumble as she drinks her tea exasperatedly. There is a reason for Lory jealousy, it's all because of Fargo, the man is notorious Casanova but there is one woman who is special for him in a good and bad way. That woman is a spy from other countries she gets close to Fargo to steal the draft about the new weapon that Harland develop for their Navy.

The woman is the same type as Lao Min Na, Beautiful, sexy and dangerous, fortunately, Fargo discovers her true identity and it becomes cat and mouse game for two years, in that two years Fargo mind is full of her, what she wants to do, where she's going, who's she's been contacted to. There also many chances where Fargo could catch her but decide to release her only after that woman jeopardize Lucas's safety he eventually put an end of her, after that Fargo might look fine but Lory thought Fargo still not forget about her.

When it comes to feeling, Love and hate are almost the same both of them take a lot a place in someone's mind and heart and Lory doesn't want any other woman to take any place in Zhao Li Xin's heart. Lory looks down as she drinks her tea as she tries to swallow her jealousy, but the mighty Lord doesn't know what he did wrong.

"Uhm….are you angry?" he carefully asked.

"No…" she perfunctorily answers. But she doesn't look at his face.

"Wife" he called her again.


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"Did I do something wrong…"

"No….not yet" she mumbles the last sentence before taking another sip.

But Zhao Li Xin clearly heard 'Not yet? Then what I almost do?!' he try to remember but he got nothing, he used to be proud of his eidetic memory but why he can't remember anything now.

"Wife" Zhao Li Xin called her for the second time.

"Hum" Lory hummed indifferently. 

"San Bo just opens new tea shop as Fu Yun branch, is a small shop but the dessert made by the shop is extraordinary" he launches his bait.

Lory lifts her head slightly "Eh.."

"The cake not only delicious but the molding also cute, it looks like rabbit, bear, bird and also flower….it's all sweet, you wanna try?" he enticed her further "I heard there is sweet and sour berry filling in the shape of a snow bunny, sounds good for me..." he pretends to be nonchalant, he secretly peeks at her and Lory eyeballs is glistening like marbles.

Sweet delicacy is her Achilles heel, tracking the sweet shop in the country is the way jay track down Lory, it's embarrassing but that just how she is, as he expected Lory begin to weaver her mod slightly lift "Will I attract people attention if I go there, I supposed to be hurt and also people know me as an unwanted wife" she pouts her lips, she regrets to created such a lie.

"It's been a while so you should be healed by now and this unwanted wife, we already get our purposed and my people have swarmed this place, even if I'm not with you no one would able to hurt you" Zhao Li Xin make complacent smiles. He only agrees to create this ridiculous rumor is to distract people's attention from Lory, he fears someone would hurt her if they knew how precious she is for him, but now with his people guarding her, he got nothing to fear.

"You right!" Lory was elated, how could she forget the King's palace is here and so is mong ki and Mong Yi.

"You wanna go?" he casually asked.

Lory nods her head excitedly "Yes – yes – yes" Lory instantly forgot about her jealousy.

Zhao Li Xin smiles in indulgent, secretly he sighs in relief he finally learned how to dodged the bullet like any other man.