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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 465 - Plan In Motion II
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The door was knocked then Mong Gi enter the living room, he bows courteously to Zhao Li Xin and to the King palace "Milord, I heard the parley between the fourth and third Xie will be held three days from now"

"Parley? Is that what they say now?" Bei Li Yan scoffed.


"It's better than called it 'deathmatch' between brother," Jin Hao said lazily as he sips his wine in a relaxed manner, there's a blatant mockery on his gentle face.

"I don't know why people need to keep façade for being civilized" Wu San Bo slump on his chair, he doesn't understand the need to pretense between them, they all should know what this 'parley' means.

"Is their fault to called this place 'society' so they need to maintain the peaceful façade if they called it sects like we are who care what we are doing" Bei Li Yan stifles as he opens his arms,

One of the reasons why the four King palace loyal to Hei Shen because they granted with the freedom to do whatever their wish as long is not against Zhao Li Xin authority and needs, The Lord is indifferent to whatever his subordinated do as long they're served his needs, that's why the free spirit, the weird scientist and the money-grubber stay peacefully at Hei Shen sect and for Jiang Jin Wei who is odd among them, the righteous man is content because there's no dirty politic and backstabbing inside Hei Shen sect, how could there be when everyone too busy with themselves.

"By the way Milord, because Mo Ning Yuan persuasion we don't need to persuade Chen Hu Yin to betray Xie family again, that woman is giving us a great help" Bei Li Yan sneer in disgust, a vixen like Mo Ning Yuan is the type of woman he hated the most, he could guess someone like Mo Ning yuan only acted tough on the outside but weak as an egg on the inside, she is the opposite of the young madam.

His young madam like soft from the outside but inside she is hard as steel, she will never be bent only broken, that's the only way to beat her. Bei Li Yan admires women like Lory.

"True, there's nothing left for us to do because of her, lest toast for the cheap woman!" Wu San Bo Bo raised his winecup then Jin Hao lazily raised his wine cup and Bei Li Yan raised his cup excitedly. If only Mo Ning Yuan knows that her meticulous plan was exploited by the whole Hei Shen King's and Zhao Li Xin himself she might vomit blood and die in anger.

"She does help a lot…" Zhao Li Xin suddenly chimed in "I will reward her with….quick death" he said with a profound expression as if he granted her precious magnanimity, Zhao Li Xin face grew to soften as he remembers his princess then he said softly "I think my princess kindness is rubbing on me" he smiles as he honestly believes he was being kind.

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And the three King palace reaction and Mon Gi is "....." complete silence.

Their odd reaction make Zhao Li Xin lift his chin "What? You think I'm not nice…" he narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"O…of course you are nice, very nice, The Princess should be proud of Milord change, in fact, let's not told her about is, I'm worried she would think you not being sincere…" Bei Li Yan smiles nervously.

"That didn't sound nice at all!' Bei Li Yan awkwardly clears his throat, he almost blurts out his thought, his Lord didn't know how to be nice at all.

Jin Hao sigh, alright the old Zhao Li Xin would kill mercilessly without thinking he would destroy and burn everyone to the ground, to the people who provoked him the most he would make them suffer than death, so he is not entirely wrong when he said he is being kind lately, only Zhao Li Xin standard for being kind is not the same with other people.

"Putting all aside, Mo Ning Yuan flying beast is flying to the east, more precisely it went to the seaside town called the Shanhu city" Jin Hao abruptly said.

"You think Lao Min Na was there?" Wu san Bo was hopeful, he also didn't like this woman, too scheming and cruel for his taste, she also heartless for poison Zhao Yi Chen and leaving him to die just like that after everything he had done for her. he doesn't fond of Zhao Yi Chen either but it doesn't mean Zhao Yi Chen deserved to be treated like that especially from the woman who he had painstakingly protected. There only two words to describe Lao Min Na that is 'Ungrateful Bastard'

"I believe she was there because that place is where Jin Kai maternal family were" Jin Hao calmly said, he didn't show any reaction when mentioning his stepbrother.

"I believe you have someone to watch over your dear stepbrother" Zhao Li Xin quipped.

"I can find….someone" Jin Hao rubs his chin while pondering, he didn't offend by Zhao Li Xin's words he already used to Zhao Li Xin sarcasm.

"I leave that to you" Zhao Li Xin sips his wine.

"Of course, Milord" he nods.


It was almost noon when Lory awake, she feel better after a half-day sleeping although her body feel slightly heavy because sleeping too long. She takes out a bronze basin from her spatial ring, she clasped her hand above the basin as she closes her eyes when she unclasps her hand the water pour from thin air into the basin, she dips her finger into the water but the temperature of the water is to cold, she waves his hand above the basin then she dipped her finger again this time the water has slightly warm.

She washes her face and gargles then wipe her face with a clean towel. She massaged her shoulder while walking to the dresser then she combs her hair. Her life becomes easier after her power return, not much but enough to protect herself for the moment. Three fragments have return and her mana become thicker, it's still far from her original power but it's better than nothing ad the cursed didn't hurt her as much as it uses to which gives her a huge relief. She doesn't want to be hurt just for casting a low-level spell, it hurt her body and also her pride.

If only she got the fourth fragment, the trinity fragments would weaken her cursed then her power would automatically unleash and so she would able to locate the other fragments through a spell when that happened she will not blindly waiting like a farmer waiting for rain.

[Lory….] Girsha awoke her from her stupor.

[Hm?] she hummed.

[What kinda power able to hold the "first kind'?] he questions her.

Lory pursed her lips, she never thought about this. There's no magic and spell but there are people like Zhao Li Xin who able created array [Could be a powerful array?] Lory turn her back as she faces the bird who rests on the table.

Girsha tilt his small head with uncertainty in his gaze [I already saw an array made by that boy but I don't think the array is that strong when my full power restore I can easily break that boy array, do you think the first kind in this world is weaker than me?]

[Is it depend on their age, the older they are the stronger they become, am I wrong?] 

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[No you are not, is not the age…is how thicker the blood on their veins, the older the first kind is the purest the God blood on their body and that what make them stronger than the rest, like Nazareth he is the first from the dragon tribes his blood is purer than me…] this is the first time Girsha ever talk about himself so Lory was overwhelmed.

[What's wrong with you?] Lory takes a seat on the stool she leans her head on her fist as she waiting for Girsha to tell his story.

[The first kind produce their heir just the same way as a human would, through coitus…] he casually said.

[I don't need to know that] Lory looks down feeling embarrassed.

[But is more loud than a human would, it would be mountain erupted, flood or earthquake when the firs kind mating] Girsha explain perfunctorily.

[So, you rock my world is not just an impression for you guys] Lory sigh.

[No, is not..] Girsha admit it then he continues [The blood purity is worn off after few generation pass and after hundreds of generation the Good's blood would dissipated completely but there was a time when one of the descendants awakened their ancient blood but that's really rare] Girsha let out a long exhale because of that he become the last First kind after Nazareth die.

[No wonder the first kind is very strong but their kind enxtinct] Lory have conflicted power with the first kind existence when one of them took everything from her when the other one protecting her regardless.

[Don't forget with their volatile temperament, mostly is because they can get along with each other is what killed them] Girsha rolls his eyes for his kin stupidity, for once human is smarter than them.

Lory rose from the stool then on the other table she brews tea for herself [I never know the first kind produce their heir the same way as a human] Lory mutters to herself.

Girsha heard Lory words then he abruptly said [Well there is another way though]

Lory turns her head around [Oh yeah, like what?]

[Through rebirth] he foolishly grins even he can't believe it, it's only theory. he never any first kind succeed it.

Lory stunned [Rebirth as like human rebirth?] she thought it was nonsense.

[Nah, not like that…] Girsha flapped his wings then he laughs heartily [It doesn't matter though it only one in a million change so I don't think it works]