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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 456 - Stupid Man II
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On the upstairs Lory is already awaked from her long nap, she helps Zhao Li Xin to put another shapeshifter spell on his wrist then she helps him to wear his sacred Mountain peak uniform. Lory stares at Zhao Li Xin sickly face and giggles "Why are you always pretend to be weak, I think you are addicted to aced as weakling" she teased him.

"Aren't you addicted to acted as a maid too" he poked her nose.


Lory's nose twitches but she not refuted.

"When I'm gone you should promise me.."

Lory cut his words "I will not going anywhere, I will eat and sleep at my room until my good Lord returns" she bows her head like an obedient noble lady.

Zhao Li Xin amused then he flicked her forehead lightly "I'm serious!" he sternly said but his gentle gaze betrays his action.

Lory pursed her lips as she raised his palm "I promise!"

Zhao Li Xin narrows his eyes seemingly doubtful but what can he do? he gives a small peck on her forehead "I'm going then, remember your promise!" he repeated.

"Okay – okay" Lory roll her eyes at him "Go now, but stay away from Nan Yu Qi!" she reminds him before he closes the door. Lory could hear his small laughter. Lory pouts because she doesn't hear Zhao Li Xin's reply. Of course, he would hear her warning with Nan Yu Qi's situation right now Zhao Li Xin assured she would avoid him like a plague because of her ugly face.

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Mong Ki and Mong Yi saluted Zhao Li Xin the moment he got out of the door, the playfulness in his face changed to rigid in instant. "Why is so loud downstairs?" he hates loud sounds the most.

"Xie Hua Ling sends someone to fetch you milord but this person is very obnoxious, he keeps mocking you Milord," said Mong Yi disgruntled.

"Hm.." Zhao Li Xin hummed indifferently, he never cares what people said about him.

"He called young madam 'trash' too" Mong ki chimed in.

Zhao Li Xin moves halted, his expression becomes colder then he looks Mong Ki "Do it silently" his eyes glint viciously.

Mong Ki smiles wickedly, he cupped his fist courteously "As you wish, Milord"

Zhao Li Xin went down casually he doesn't hurry at all, because of his face pale and weary face people thought he walk slowly because he still not recovered from his injuries, no one would guess he just being lazy, except Hei Shen people.

'That is our lord, except when hew slaughtered his enemy and chasing his wife he moves like a someone who awoke from a long sleep'

The stupid man smirked watching Lu Xin weak appearance he can't help himself but throw nasty mocked "You are so useless, how can you get hurt from simple attack, you can't even protect yourself how can you protect your Lord no wonder your wife got implicated but she is only a trashy wife so you might not lose too much!" he deliberately speaks loudly so everyone in the restaurant could hear him.

The guest smirked some even laughing at Zhao Li Xin, the stupid man blatantly lie about the simple attack at that time he was one of the people who shuddered in fear when he saw the whole courtyard burn to crisp.

Just like everyone else he convinces himself that it was caused by powerful explosives no one wants to say it probably cause by someone Qi. They are too afraid to imagines a powerful monster might hide among them.

"Stop dilly-dallying and follow me!" he berated Zhao Li Xin again, he wants to show off his high position to everyone else, especially to Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin's face remains placid, he turns around giving meaningful smirked to Hei Shen people then turn back and follow the stupid man. The whole Hei Shen people smiles wickedly.

"Brother let me…" Mong Yi whisper, eagerness apparent on his face.

"No, he's mine" he cut his young brother's words. He already has a lot of ideas on how to treat that stupid man.

Suddenly Bu Gui came between them "Big Mo, small Mo, why don't you let me do the job, I'll be owed you one…" he pleaded earnestly. He was the one who was treated like a servant by that stupid man, he needs to vent his anger a little if he wants to sleep comfortably tonight

"Hey – hey – hey, I want to join too…" another Hei Shen member join the conversation, he wants to wrecked that stupid man mouth too, that stupid man dare to talk rubbish about their Lord and the young madam, his hand is itchy to cut that stupid man piece by piece.

"Hey, what about me!" More Hei Shen people gather, each one of them can't wait to killed and tortured the stupid man after their Lord gives the green light. Every single one of them wants to rip that stupid man apart and they can't wait for it.

Meanwhile, the stupid man suddenly feel goosebump. He wonders if the weather becomes colder. He glances at Zhao Li Xin indifferent, for some reason he becomes annoyed "What are you looking at!" he snorts in disdained then stomps his feet in harrumph. He missed the devilish smiles bloom on Zhao Li Xin's face. 

Lory leans on the window watching Zhao Li Xin leaving the restaurant, suddenly he lifts his head and their eyes meet, he gives her faint smiles before he turns his head and left. Lory twitches her mouth "That's not fair!" she complains and yet her face is completely red.

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[What's wrong with your face] a sarcastic voice damps her pink mood.

Lory turns her head to the small table beside her [It's amazing how fast you choose words to irked me] she sarcastically smirks. 

[Hehehe….thank you~] Girsha shyly reply.

[That's not a compliment] she glares at him.

[So why you make it sound like it?] he looks disappointed.

'You demand to apologize now!'

Lory choose to ignore the annoying bird, Lory brew her favorite pink blossom tea, she sips the warm tea quietly but her minds wander around gathering and dividing the information in her head, Mo Ning Yuan want a key from Chen Yu Yin it sounds very important, Zhao Li Xin told her something about the beast perhaps the key will lead to it, what Mo Ning yuan want to do with that Beast?

Lory let out a long sigh then slowly sip her tea suddenly she was struck by something, unconsciously her hand drop on the table and tea spilled while her eyes widened then she cursed "SON OF A BIT*H!"

Girsha startled from the loud bang on the table, he scolded Lory angrily [Language!] as if it was the matter.

Lory seems didn't hear him [She want to use parasite Demon to control the beast and created havoc!] she gasped as she stunts by epiphany, Lory rejoices for finally reveal Mo Ning Yuan plan but then her eyes turn dark and she shouted again [That BIT*H!]

[Who are you talking about?] Girsha was puzzled.

Lory activated her shapeshifter spell and her appearance swiftly change [Mo Ning Yuan!] she clenched her fist in front of her chest. Lory dash to the door then pushes the bedroom door in hurry then he searches for any Hei Shen people. Lory found Hei Shen member in servant disguised.

Lory pointing at him "Find Mong Ki, Mong Yi, Mong Gi or any Mong, tell them to meet me right away, Tell them this is URGENT!" she ordered the young man sternly.

"Ye…yes, young madam!" the young members startled with Lory direct order then he gives Lory quick bow then runs in haste.