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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 450 - Ending The Reign Of Xie Clan
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Lory just finishes her meal then she takes a stroll watching the commotion on the street,  then she saw a clothing store, Lory realizes she never bought her own clothes other than one time when she was with Shin Jiu. Zhao Li Xin is the one who provides her necessity to make lory lose her interest to shop for her own. 

But now she is alone somehow she has an urged to buy something for herself, the stores are quite packed with the customer. Lory enters the store nonchalantly because she wears a humble dress and she was alone without a maidservant following her everyone thought she was probably a maid who runs an errand for her young miss. Because she looks like someone from lower status, no one bothers to serve her but Lory didn't care either.


Lory scrutinizes the clothing and jewelry that sell in the stores but nothing catches her eyes, everything is pale compare to everything that Zhao Li Xin had given to her only then she realizes how much Zhao Li Xin pampered her from the beginning. The store is big and all the customer seem from distinguishing family and yet nothing in this store match the single earing she owns at home. Lory feel more guilty for hurting Zhao Li Xin, she wonders what she could do to compensate him.

[Hey, what should I give to apologize to him] Lory asked seriously through her telepathic.

[Just spread your leg and let him do the rest] he casually said.

Lory's face turning dark [It was a mistake, to let you befriend Fargo] the birdie picks up a lot of bad traits since he gets close with Fargo and the others.

[Hey, I like that guy! He has a clear line between work and pleasure, he never mixed it together...] he praised Fargo earnestly. Girsha didn't like human but the Lucient and the Archknight is an exception, their devoted to one another moves him. For once Girsha realizes that's not all human is corrupted and selfish some of them would sacrifice themselves for the one they love.

When lory bickering with Girsha she suddenly saw a woman with a bamboo veil hat walk past the store, the woman figure seems familiar, Lory gazes unconsciously follow the woman figure.

[Mo Ning Yuan…] Girsha's sudden comment startled her.

[How do you know?] Lory was in doubt because the veil not just covers the woman's face but also half her body.

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[She smells like a tramp…] he said nonchalantly.

[Really…] Lory narrowed her eyes doubtfully.

[I'm a beast Lory, I used more than eyes to recognize people…] said Girsha again.

Lory immediately left the shop and followed where Mo Ning Yuan walked. Lory was curious because Mo Ning Yuan left without her servants or loyal bodyguards. She wondered what she was hiding from his own Bodyguard. Lory followed Mo Ning Yuan Shadow into the back alley but then Mo Ning Yuan's figure disappeared, she had to use Qin Gong to move faster.

[Girsha can you find her?] 

[I need to go out to do that…]

Lory looked left and right after she made sure no one was around then she said in a low voice [Do it now!]

A white ball shot out from his chest then flew into the sky at high speed, Lory looked around again to make sure no one saw them after he felt everything was safe he leaned her back against the wall, she remembered Zhao Li Xin gave her a talisman, was a bracelet made of beads black pearl beads. The function of the bracelet was to hide the wearer's presence from other cultivators, Unless the cultivator wasn't at the sovereign level they wouldn't notice her presence.

[Lory I see her, she'd walk to the west and enter the woods!] Girsha then flew back at her then transform into an orb and disappeared on her chest.

Lory rush to the location Girsha pointed to, the path does take them into the woods and is far from the main street, this place is more cole to the temple where Mo Ning Yuan used to visit secretly. Lory search for Mo Ning Yuan she was sure she was meeting with someone, Lory just hope she didn't do anything obscene.

[Lory, I could feel two people's presence right in front of us] Girsha warn her.

[Just two…?] Lory worry about the shadow guard who hides in a shadow-like Mong Ki and Mong Yi.

[Just two…] Girsha reassured her.

Lory could hear two people talking then she stealthily crouch behind the thick bushes, she peeks from the bushes and there she saw Mo Ning Yuan and Chen Hu Yin have a heated conversation.

"Did you forget what Xie Hua Ling had done to your brother!" his anger spiked.

"How can't I forget!" anger rushed through her "But what can you do, can't you fight against him?" she mocked him back because she knew Chen Hu Yin didn't have the courage to fight against Xie Hua Ling. He has always like that since he was a child, too cautious, he thinks too much and worries too much that's why he can't surpass the Xie Hua Ling and Xie Xian Zi who dare to do anything to succeed. 

Angger thrummed through his veins he has no words to retort because she is right, he can't fight Xie Hua Ling openly he lacks power and his position is lower than Xie Hua Ling, one wrong move he would implicate his whole family, how could he do that. That's why he chooses to serve Xie Xian Zie, although he is not better than Xie Hua Ling at least Xie Xian Zie never harmed his family…yet.

"Then what would you do, do you let Xie Hua Ling do as he pleased?" irritation pricked on him. 

"I have my own plan, you don't have to worry" she waves her hand carelessly "Rather than worry about me and Xie Hua Ling, should you be worried about Nan Yu Qi?" she sneers coldly.

Hear the name of Nan Yu Qi make anger rose in him like a tide, his face turns darker as he throws ominous glare on Mo Ning Yuan "Don't you dare say her name in front of me!" his eyes fill with resentment.

Mo Ning Yuan stifles "Why not, is it because she treats you like a fool?" Mo Ning Yuan covers her mouth with her sleeve as she giggles coquettishly "When Nan Yu Wei is still alive she is suppressed by her, Nan Yu Qi is only the concubine daughter she is nothing compare to the legitimated daughter like Nan Yu Wei and what make matter worst Nan Yu Wei has exceeded her in every way, not just by looks but also talent and temperament, no one pays attention to Nan Yu Qi while Nan Yu Wei is still alive"

Chen Hu Yin clenches his fist, he looks away from Mo Ning Yuan's teasing eyes, her words are like a salt rub on his open wounds. When Nan Yu Wei was still alive and bask with praise and glory, everyone pays little attention to Nan Yu Qi, even though she was also quite talented and beautiful but she was nothing compare to Nan Yu Wei especially after she becomes the Holy lady and bestowed the providence swords, her cultivation raised leap and bound and soon not even her shadow could be touch by Nan Yu Qi.

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Nan Yu Qi was lost and forgotten, it was that time Chen Hu Yin accompany her, help her and shield her from the rain and wind, and slowly another feeling bloom between them, he sure Nan Yu Qi feel the same as him but then Nan Yu Wei dies and so is Xie Xie Wei then everything changes.

Xie Hua Ling and Xie Xian Zie rise from their position they fight to usurped the leader position, Xie Hua Ling discarded her sister for Nan Yu Qi and Nan Yu Qi discarded him. Everyone has their eyes to the leader seat, they have forgotten love and friendship alas, that feeling might never exist in the first place, everything treated as loss and profit. 

It was his mistake to sway by his own feeling as he let Nan Yu Qi take advantage of him, he should have known since Nan Yu Qi let him reveal their relationship to their respected family, at that time she said it because she was still too young then later she said because Nan Yu Wei just past away so is not appropriated time. he is a fool to believe Nan Yu Qi's words. He should have known that Nan Yu Qi never intended to marry him in the first place.

"You give everything to her, you even delayed your cultivation to help her become what she is right now, but then how she repaid you?" Mo Ning Yuan leans forward her eyes glint with malice, her angelic face stain with devilish smiles. 

Chen Hu Yin was dumbstruck. turns out not only Nan Yu Qi that was changed, the girl that used to be sweet and timid also changed beyond recognition. The inexplicable feeling rose in his heart, less in five years everything has changed so much including him. He tightens his fist "She wants to be the lady of Sacred Mountain Peak, let her dream be in vain…"

"You want to make Xie Xian Zie the next leader?" Mo Ning Yuan raised her brows.

"Yes…" he answers firmly.

Mo Ning Yuan sigh "Why is men always shortsighted?" she disappointed by how simple Chen Hu Yin's mind is. No wonder he ends up being Xie Xian Zie's lapdog.

"You have a better idea?" he scoffed at Mo Ning Yuan, he didn't believe a woman like her could come up with a better plan.

Mo Ning Yuan makes sultry smiles "How about….we end the reign of Xie clan"

Chen Hu Yin was shocked he can't believe what he heard. Lory was also startled she unconsciously staggered and accidentally step on a twig, the small cracking sounds alert Mo Ning Yuan and Xie Xian Zie.