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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 447 - Insecure
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The helpless princess loose more confidence against his husband's beauty, she already has too many rivals because of him and now with his new look, she certain she will facing so many more. Just imagine it she already feel tired.

"Why you look tired…" Zhao Li Xin worries when he sees her weary face.


"Nothing.." she waved her hand carelessly, she let out a long heaved "No wonder Adeline said I should not marry someone too handsome" she accidentally mutter her thought.

For Lory, she only voices her weariness but For Zhao Li Xin he felt like he was struck by lightning, his expression changed in instant "What, who said that, do you regret to marry me, do you hated it?" he rain her with Question.

Lory paid no heed with his random question, Lory was busy thinking wh is her Rival recently, there is the femme fatale Mo Ning Yuan and the graceful lady Nan Yu Qi, Lory contemplating her moves to secure her husband, luckily he is very powerful if not she would lock him in the ivory tower so no woman would harm her.

Lory silence scared Zhao Li Xin, his body turn cold suddenly he becomes panic "Lory, you can't leave me, even if you regret it you can't back down right now, I already tell everyone that you are my wife and you already do that bonding thing with my soul so we can't separate even in the next life so don't even thought about it, you are mine no matter which world your living in!" Zhao Li Xin circles her arms on Lory's waist.

"What?" this is the first time she heard Zhao Li Xin make a long conversation in one breath and she didn't understand a single word he said. Do they have a language barrier?

"Who will get separated?" she confuses, who is he talking about?

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"I REFUSE!" he firmly said.

Lory got more confused "Refuse what!"

A great idea flashed to his mind 'A child!'

Lory value family more than anything, she also have soft spot for children just look how gentle she is with Shin Jiu. Rather than acting as a master, she acted more like a loving mother. If he could make her pregnant Lory would never leave him! 

Zhao Li Xin someone who used to have everything is under his control. In his world, there's only one thing he knew he could never fully grasp, and that person is Lory just like she mysteriously came to his world, he has a hunch she could mysteriously disappear either.

One of the reasons why he pampered her so much and never disappointed her even the slightest it because he worries one day Lory will be mad at him and leave without saying a word. Lory is not a simple girl, if she chooses to leave and hide Zhao Li Xin didn't know if he has enough power to find her so Zhao Li Xin used the easiest and safer method he could find, that is pampered her to the moon and back.

On the other hand, Lory didn't think that far, she is a committed girl once she make a decision she will not let go no matter what. As long Zhao Li Xin remains loyal and loves her the same she will not leave him. So Zhao Li Xin's worry is unnecessary.

"Lory do you want children?" he abruptly asks.

Lory frown "Well, yeah….of course, I want it" she shrugs, isn't that obvious, most people want to have children.

Zhao Li Xin's mood lifted, his face becomes more relaxed "Do you like girls or boy?" he smiles warmly but inside his praying if they have children he wants it to be a girl. Someone who spitting imaged of Lory, he wants to see mini Lory, his little must be the cutest girl in the world and no one would be good enough for his little girl.

Lory weakly smiles "Anything is good.." she averts his warmed gaze.

"Why you look sad, something bothering you?" he lifts her chin gently.

Lory shakes her head "I'm fine…" Lory raised from her seat "I want to take a bath, you can…..rest?" 

Zhao Li Xin confused "Don't you already take a bath before…" for as long he knew her, he never saw Lory miss her bath except at the ancient forest. She has a habit to take a bath the moment she wakes up and now is almost noon it's impossible she hasn't taken a bath yet.

Lory who is not proficient with lies ignores Zhao Li Xin's question, she went to the bathroom in hurried. Zhao Li Xin left alone in the room with baffled looks, Lory seems to avoid him but he doesn't know why? He recalled his conversation before one by one then he realizes Lory looks depressed after they talk about children. Why she look worried about having children, could it be….she doesn't want to have children with me!

Lory takes a second bath, she soaks whole her body in the tub leaving only half of her face remain on the surface. It's normal for Zhao Li Xin wants to have children, people in this world value their heir highly. That was also the reason the man has many concubines because they want to have as much as heir they can get.

Lory wants to have children too but Lucient is not the most fertile human, if they can have children normally like other people, Lucient heir should be flourishing in Harland, she should have many relatives like other people but no, there's only her father and brother who inherited the Lucient blood.

Uncle Reynald who is father Archknight and also historian told her that a lot of Lucient heirs have a short life, there also one chance, one love for eternity kinda things that make them unable to move on after they lose their partner and also most of them only have one or two children the most to make sure the line of Lucient lives on.

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When she was seventeen she got curious, she decide to have full body checkup at the hospital, the result everything is normal which she's not surprised, with her healing gift her body would automatically heal herself if there anything wrong. The result showed she is healthy and has no problem with her womb.

Her uncle Reynald said, perhaps this is the will of God. Imagined dozens of people who have power like Lucient roamed in the world, even though they didn't mean any harmed but humans are complicated being, who would have know if someone takes advantages of one of the Lucient, incited war and destruction in the name of greater goods what would happen then.

Then if the other Lucient fight against another Lucient what would happen to the people who believe them, it is easy to imagine that they would fight to support the Lucient they choose. Blessed with mighty power from the God The Lucient will make the world fall in chaos.

Some people said that Lucient existence is like a drug for the world, in the right amount it would heal the world but if it's too much….

The world can't afford to have too many lucient.

Lory feel restless, she never thought about this before, she's still young and she still has her brother who share the burden to keep the line of Lucient live on, Many thing happened in her lives and she has no time to brood about this thoroughly.

But then she met Zhao Li Xin then she begins to wonder, even though they both humans but they are coming from two different worlds, they have two different power lies within them, they are two different people and lory condition did not make thing easier too so what is the odds for them to have children.

Lory didn't know where she can turn to, no one would understand her condition, There only theory and story to explain her situation not even Girsha knew about it.

Suddenly she remembers someone, Lory quickly straightens her back "Arthea!" she exclaimed, the seeress who bestowed the knowledge of times should know about this. But where she could find her and if she found Arthea, should she asked about Lazarus whereabout or trinity staff? Should she be more worried if she's able to live long enough to worried about having children?

Lory massaged her temples, she feel so stupid. She has more urgent matters to worry about, this is not the right time to think about children, she still unable to breaking her cursed and Lazarus is coming to claim her soul, she doesn't know how long she got to live.

Lory sighs heavily, she gathers her thought and tries to think with logic, at the end if she had no other choice and she knew Zhao Li Xin desperate for having children then there is only one way out for both of them..... she must divorce him and let her marry other women because sharing is one thing she unable to do.

The thought about it make her eyes wet as she feel a knife rip her heart apart, she drowns herself on the tub because she fears Zhao Li Xin would hear her weeping.