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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 446 - Makeover
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Lory was sipping her sun citrus tea in a fancy white jade tea set courtesy of Zhao Li Xin of course, she make a rude 'slurp' sound then let out out a long sigh before someone knocking her door. She becomes vigilant because no one ever visits her room with a good reason, a minute later he heard a familiar voice from outside.

"Young madam, we hear to serves you"


Her eyes widened as big smiles bloomed in her face, she quickly put down her teacup and dash to the door then she opens the door promptly.

"Mong Ki, Mong Yi!" Lory exclaimed.

Mong Yi smiles sheepishly while Mong Ki's face become less stiff, they feel touch by Lory's warm greeting. For Lory, Mong Ki and Mong Yi are her first friends in this world other than Zhao Li Xin, although the reason they're served her because of Zhao Li Xin, but they never degrading her or treat her with contempt because of her mysterious background and her low status in this world. Lory also has familiarity with them because they remind her of her old friends in her old world.

"Come in!" Lory invited them, she feel so excited, she just realizes she had missed them.

They don't want to attract unwanted attention from people outside so they enter the room after they give courteous nods. Lory back to her seat but the two of them remind stands as it's not polite to share a table with their master no matter how kind their master is, Lory already used with their strict behavior so she doesn't make hard on them.

"When did you arrived?" Lory ask.

"These servants just arrived before dawn, we immediately come waiting for the Lord order" Mong Ki cupped his fist politely.

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"Lory props her chin on the table "If you looking for your lord, he still cultivating in his spatial ring, I'm not sure when he would finish," She said with a sorry smile.

"Is fine young madam, then we just have a meeting with Mong Gui and Bu Gi, we had gathered a few Hei Shen shadow guard and black turtle palace member, we will wait a secret headquarter for the Lord next instruction," said Mong Ki again.

"No need" a cold voice answer from behind the screen divider. A man with an exquisite feature walk towards them, his indifferent expression face turn gentle when he sees Lory welcome him with a sweet smile. 

"Greetings, Milord!" Mong Ki and Mong Yi kneel on the floor promptly and greet him in tunes.

Lory feel there something different about Zhao Li Xin but she didn't know what but one for sure she can't take her eyes off him. He smiles faintly when he notices Lory staring at him. He caresses her cheek with his thumb as he gives her indulgent smiles. She thought she already immuned by his charmed but today she proves herself to be wrong again. She is certain her heart stops beating for two seconds when he gets closed to her, and her body electrifies by his small touch.

"Do you feel better?" he said softly. He left when Lory sleep after she tired herself. Normally he would not leave her in this situation but then he realizes the real threat is coming for them, he needs to make a tough decision or he would lose his Princess for real.

Lory nods with reddening cheeks. Her heart suddenly beating faster.

On the other hand. Mong Ki and Mong Yi heart also beating faster but it's because of a different reason. Zhao Li Xin's presence becomes more intimidating, they were pressed by their Lord enormous Qi, it was stranged because this normally only happened when their Lord angry but today the Lord seems normal but why his Lord make their numb. There be only one reason cross their mind, Their Lord is getting closer perfecting his Sage level.

"How is the situation outside" Zhao Li Xin takes a seat next to Lory.

Mong Yi who is slightly weaker than Mong Ki unable to speak because the shocked from Zhao Li Xin dreadful Qi so Mong Ki forces himself to calm down before he answer normally "The four King Palace would arrive tomorrow at Tang Sheng city, they will wait for your further instruction" Mong Ki gather his Qi to his dantian to stopped himself from collapse.

"Hm," he hummed indifferently. His long index finger tapping the table in monotone sounds, he immersed in deep thought suddenly his finger paused then he raised his gaze "Tell Bei Li Yan to investigated the three noble families, I want to know what Chen, Nan, and Xie family clan history, I want to know why the Xie family value them highly, also tell Jin Hao I want hin to concocted a simple poison for me"

"What kind of poison, Milord?" Mong Ki lifts his head. His expression a bit better but he still slightly pale.

Zhao Li Xin sneered "Hallucinogen, making it strong"

"Understood Milord" Mong Ki cupped his fist, then both of them didn't stay longer they scared they can't take it anymore and faint on the spot. Only after they far enough from the courtyard the two of them able to breathe again.

"It seems the Lord has another breakthrough" Mong Yi make an inexplicable expression, he doesn't know should he feel happy or not.

Mong Ki let out a heavy heaved" we should feel happy for our Lord" 

"Of course!" Mong Ki nod firmly but then his expression become sullen "But...it would become a daunting task for meeting the Lord"

Mong ki can't help to agree with his younger brother "Just hope Milord would have mercy on us so he pressed his menacing Qi with something"

Mong Yi eyes suddenly lit up "or we can beg the young madam"

"......" Mong ki hated to admit it but it sounds like a good idea.

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meanwhile, the reliable young madam used her arms to cupped her cheeks on the table, she was bewitch by her husband. Lory thought there is something wrong with her eyes why does she feel her husband become more captivating than normal, is that even possible?

But Mong Ki and Mong Yi seem to behave the same, they don't seem to notice any difference with Zhao Li Xin looks. Because Lory was spellbound by her lover beauty she didn't notice the thin layer of sweat on the Mong brother's pale face.

Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin enjoys his Princess's attention. He would be gratified if he can make Lory droll over him. If only he knew he already did.

"Why are you look so….different?" Lory pursed her lips.

He warmed the teapot with the heat from his palm "Different how?" he pretends to be oblivious then he replaced Lory cold tea with the new one.

Lory tilted her head "I don't know….you look…enchanting?" she was uncomfortable using such words to describe him but she can't find a better word to explain her inexplicable feeling.

Zhao Li Xin chuckles. It's a weird word to describe him but he understands it's because his new breakthrough brings tremendous changes in his appearance and also thickened his dreadful aura. It because he almost finishes the Sage level, his body becomes stronger, a simple blade could not scratch his skin anymore, it would take a divined weapon to make his skin bleed.

The enormous Qi inside him healed every scars and old wound who might remind in his body, it makes his skin flawless without any blemish tainted his kin. His already exquisite face can't be more perfect, the truth is Zhao Li Xin heavenly beauty make people uncomfortable and warry because he didn't look like human anymore.

Thankfully his Lory is a girl who picks up a 'First Kind' creature and raised it as a cute pet. Lory has a lack of awareness of danger since she was a kid, some people said is because she is fearless, but some people said she is reckless but Lucas said she just being stupid. on the other hand, Lory used to justified her behavior by saying she has a good instinct. 

"So you like it?" he dazzlingly smiles as his face moves closer to her.

"I…" she unconsciously shrinks her neck "I never hate your face…" she mutters weakly while averting her gaze from him. She worries her heart would leap out of her chest if she stares at him longer.

Her cute reaction make him feel giddy inside. If he could he want to take her right here, right now but he just has the breakthrough he has to learn to adjust his strength, his body is not like before he worries he will accidentally hurt her. As a man he realizes he is no different like any other man out there, in the presence of his loves ones he also succumbs by his lust and desire, many time he almost loses his control and almost break her apart so with this new power he needs to be extra careful. He also needs more information about how Lory power works, maybe she could pull a break on him when he gets too far.

Lory who is oblivious with Zhao Li Xin thought suddenly twitch her mouth then she make random guessed "Li Xin tell me honestly, did you cultivated or get makeover inside your ring?" she feel this unfair, makeover should be given to unattractive people, not someone who already outrageously beautiful like him, he needs to spare other people, doesn't he?