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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 438 - The Pitiful Young Girl
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Once again Zhao Li Xin is lead to the same time he met Mo Ning Yuan the first time. Nothing changes the Buddhist monk still chant with a lifeless expression. Mo Ning yuan subordinated open the door for him with unfriendly gaze he proceeds Zhao Li Xin to enter, the door quickly shut when he enters the room. 

The room is a bit different because it has more light compared to before, but the lotus incense burner still on the table let out a strong scent floating in the air. Mo Ning Yuan lay on the couch she also dresses differently this time, she wears more fabric to cover her body and she looks more demure than she used to, she smiles coyly when she saw Zhao Li Xin walk towards her.


he stops right in front of the short table that divided between them "I'm here, what do you want" Zhao Li Xin ask curtly.

Mo Ning Yuan pursed her lips feeling dejected, she thought he would treat her better if she dresses more conservatively. If Mong Ki was here he would say that is normally how his Lord asking questions.

"First, I want to congratulated you to enter the inner circle of our society" she lay down her feed then pour wine for Zhao Li Xin "You even become that woman servant, how great is that," she said in a soft voice but there's a hint of jealousy in her words.

Mo Ning Yuan shoves the winecup slowly towards while her eyes gazing to Zhao Li Xin's broad chest. Finally, the Lord experienced how it feel to be sexually harassed, he crosses his arms in front of his chest while taking a deep breath to control his anger. He wishes he can gauge that impertinent woman's eyes.

"I don't drink wine today," he said with a stern expression.

"Why?" Mo Ning Yuan eyes back to Zhao Li Xin's face after wandering around to indecent places part of his body. 

It seems because of the art she practices she becomes unable to control her desire. What an inconvenient Art turns out his Immortal flame art side effect is not that bad at all. He rather burn to crisp than become a beast on heat who sleeps with anyone, anywhere without discretion.

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"Too much drink for today" he answers carelessly, he doesn't care if his answer make sense or not, he better not touch anything that woman touches.

Mo Ning Yuan curl her lips, she feel annoy but then she realizes Zhao Li Xin is always been cold so she presses her anger and pretends she was oblivious with Zhao li Xin behavior. Mo Ning Yuan sip her wine before she speaks "So, will you accept my offer?" gaze up to Zhao Li Xin expression.

"How about my compensation?" Zhao Li Xin retort.

"The four grade pills and four million gold tales, you said" she chuckles lightly.

"And the permit to the forbidden library?" he questions her again.

Mo Ning Yuan stifles "Tell me, what is your real reason to enter the library, I can see you more interested with the permit than the pills and the money?" she rested her head on her palm, her eyes stare at Zhao Li Xin with sultry eyes.

Zhao Li Xin struggles to hold his nausea "I don't know what are you talking about and is not your business to intervenes mine" He glares at mo Ning Yuan.

Mo Ning Yuan stunned and she becomes more upset, she never tries this hard to persuade a man before "Don't try to lie to me, I always know when a man lied, I know you want something more….something important" she bites her finger lightly make her look alluring. No normal man could refuse this kinda temptation except the abnormal Lord.

Zhao Li Xin stands with his back remain straight, his dark eyes stare at her with a cold empty gaze, his expression was placid without any hint of disruption, he make Mo Ning Yuan perplexed for once in her life she feel defeated. Mo Ning Yuan wracked her brain as she tries to find something that interesting him then something dawned to her "You know the secret!" she gasped.

Zhao Li Xin frown, he keeps quiet. Mo Ning yuan thought her guess is right then she smiles in triumph "So that's it, that's why you want to enter the library…..no wonder" Mo Ning Yuan muttering.

Zhao Li Xin smirk. Mo Ning Yuan got excited when she finally got his reaction she become jubilant and lose her guard down.

"How did you know…." she pondering as she rose from her seat and move closer to Zhao Li Xin. 

Zhao Li Xin didn't react, he fixed his eyes on her, and her heart pounding like a drum. The heat run to her cheeks turn her face to crimson, it's been a while since she feel this way she feel overwhelmed by her own feeling. She lifts her head slowly and their gaze meets each other "You want to control that thing inside the library isn't it, you will fail" she tiptoes as she whispers to his ear.

"You think you can just enter that place and control that creature, you wrong….you need something, something that was owned by the three noble families" she smiles mischievously, the warm breath from her red lips make Zhao Li Xin take a step back, he can't stand the woman smell.

Mo Ning Yuan narrow her eyes when she notices Zhao Li Xin rejection towards her, her body went cold and it feel like needle prick her heart, Mo Ning Yuan face turn dark but then she sneers "I could help you, to get what you need but there's a price…." She raised her hand to touch Zhao Li Xin's chest but he takes more steps backward, Mo Ning Yuan hand hang in the air awkwardly.

She glares at Zhao Li Xin, this time her face is red from anger and humiliation. Zhao Li Xin rejection to be touch by her make her feel dirty, deep down she knew she was dirty there was the time when she felt angry and disgusted with herself, the sleepless night, the hatred and the pained, she was succumbed by her agony but then little by little she accept who she is now, she even start to enjoy it but then….Zhao Li Xin's eyes, the way he stares at her, it brings back all the feeling she painstakingly burry in her heart.

"What, you don't want me….you think I'm dirty?" she lifts her chin arrogantly but her eyes moist with tears. She doesn't know if Zhao Li Xin knew what she had done, how could he knew, is he have evidence, is he disgust by her because of it? she clenched her hands tightly until her hands turn pale.

"You know what you are…." Zhao Li Xin said in flat tones.

His flat answer is more condemning than mockery, she rather hears him humiliated at her, mocked her, degrade her, his cold reply and that damn stoic face only wrecked his heart in pieces "GET OUT!" she scream.

"You will never enter that place, let's see what can you do without me, you hypocrite, you just like other men!" she throws the winecup on him like a crazy woman. Zhao Li Xin shifts her head slightly to dodged the winecup, a few seconds later her subordinated enter the room anxiously.

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Her face becomes red as she shrieked towards Zhao Li Xin"Who do you think you are, you just another lowly man who dream to climb for success, how are you dare to judge me?!" with bloodshot eyes she glares at Zhao Li Xin.

Mo Ning Yuan Subordinated is dumbfounded he never saw her lose her cool like this, he was frozen for a moment. And yet Zhao Li Xin remains composed, he watches Mo Ning Yuan as if she was a clown, her words mean nothing for him.

"It seems our deal is off" he sneers then he clasped his hand behind his back, he turns around and walks away.

Mo Ning Yuan feel uneasy when Zhao Li Xin leaves without bothering to rebuke her or scold her, he clearly treats her like a fool, like she was nothing Mo Ning Yuan staggered and she plops to the chair, her hand grips the armchair tightly then suddenly she screams "This is not over, I will make you pay for this, you will beg for me!" 

Zhao Li Xin swagger to the door, he calmly opens the door and left as if he doesn't hear anything however he does agree with Mo Ning Yuan, this is not over, this is only the start. 

Her subordinated rub Mo Ning Yuan back "Miss Mo, are you okay, do you want me to kill him?" his eyes filled with anger.

Mo Ning Yuan remain silent she bites her lips then he look at him "Do you think I'm dirty?" she weakly said.

Her subordinated crouch in front of her then shook his head "No, no you're not, you are the purest and the most innocent lady that I ever met, you must believe me!" he holds Mo Ning Yuan trembles hands.

Tears fall on her cheeks like a pearl, she sobbed incessantly while her subordinated hug his master small body. Mo Ning Yuan circle her arms around his neck witch choking voice she begs "Stay here, don't leave me…"

He wiped her tears with his thumb "Of course, young miss"

She helplessly smiles then glint flashes on her eyes, she pulls his head closer as she kisses him roughly, her weak and helpless young woman portrayed from before disappeared she transform to ferocious young woman succumb in her lust. He subordinated let her do whatever she wants with him because he knew this is the cost she has to paid to gain her power.

He pities this once innocent and pure girl she was known, he blames God for never give her a chance.