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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 435 - The Considerate Master
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At Tang Sheng city, the Fu Yun restaurant was lively and packed with guessed as always, At that time Bu Gi was accompanying his respected guest when one of his servants enter the private room and whisper to his ears. Bu Gui stunned for a second before his face quickly returns normal again before anyone could notice. Bu Gi excused himself from the guest then he went to the third floor. 

"I have new from milord," Bu Gui said abruptly the moment he opens the door.


Mong Ki was leaning on the window frame while watching the crowded street. He straighten his back when he heard Bu Gui's words but his expression remains stoic. On the corner of the room, Mong Yi immediately rose from his seat he waiting for Bu Gui's next words with an expectant look.

"We will enter the cloud city tomorrow morning under the pretense of Fu Yun workers, Milord wants you to gather your shadow guard brothers and come with me tomorrow"

"How many people?" Mong Ki asked.

Our Lord was given three stores luxurious building by the kind mister Xie Hua Ling, which means we can bring thirty people for starter then slowly we can smuggle more of them depending on the situation later, it wouldn't be hard since Milord said this business collaboration with the Xie Young master" Bu Gi smirked.

Mong Yi chuckles in delight "Our Lord earns the Xie family trust only in a few weeks?" he was gasped and amazed by Zhao Li Xin's ability.

"Rather than trust is more likely our lord take advantaged of the young master Xie greed" Bu Gui also amazed how Zhao Li Xin uses his enemy flaw.

"What do you mean?" Mong Yi frown.

"Master Xie want our Lord gives more than half the restaurant profit to him, I think because of the fight for the leader position is getting fiercer, Xie Hua Ling need more money to support his faction," said Bu Gui.

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"So they want to robes our Lord right under his nose?" Mong Yi was flabbergasted how conceited Xie Hua Ling is.

Mong Ki wickedly smiles "let's see who will lose the most"

In a normal situation, it was impossible for anyone to have a business permit, the cloud city has tight screening for anyone who enters their city that's why Hei Shen can only send five spies after the long five years.

it means they must waiting an opportunity to send one of their people every year, it's a strenuous effort even the imperial palace have more spies than the entire cloud city it's mind-boggle how Sacred Mountain peak is more guarded than the imperial palace itself, not to mention Sacred Mountain people society members are a lot stronger than normal people outside, so what make them so warry?

This what Zhao Li Xin conveys to Mong Ki once, what is Sacred mountain peak society hide inside there?


[Lory, are you awake?]

Lory turns her head to the side, she blows the strand of hair that covers her face, she still feel exhausted even after sleeping half the day [I will be…] she weakly groan. She doesn't know what gets inside Zhao Li Xin, why he becomes more excited then he used to, although she was happy and flattered but wake up with numb from waist to her leg is not something she expected.

Lory drags her limp body to the bathroom, thankfully Zhao Li Xin already prepares her bath and cleans the room so she has more time to relax. She finishes her bath and taking breakfast when Girsha suddenly lif his little head.

[Someone is coming…]

[Li Xin array?] Lory was worry slightly.

[The boy said it's only activated if someone has evil intention…] 

Lory rubs her thumbs to her wrist and her looks immediately change [So this one is not evil…]

[We'll see..] Girsha transforms to a white orb then pierce to Lory's chest and disappeared.

A second later someone knocking her bedroom door. Lory sips her tea calmly before she rises from her seat and opens the door calmly.

"Are you Luo Yi Yi?" the young maid with dark green color stand in front of the door. The maid's eyes instantly size her up.

Lory pretend unnoticed "I am, may I know who you are?" Lory politely smiles.

"I'm the maid of Miss nan Yu Qi, my young miss invite you to come to her manor," the maid said proudly as she felt she give Lory a grace.

Lory pursed her lips confusedly "Oh, why Miss Nan wants to meet me?" Lory was flustered as she pretends to be nervous.

The maid sneer, she thought this country bumpkin must be excited to meet someone like her Young mistress "Your husband is working for miss Nan now, so she wants to know about his family better" said the maid impatiently.

"Oh, okay, can I prepare myself first?" Lory looks edgier.

Lory reaction pleased the little maid, as a normal maid who only trusts to do an errand for her master her position is lower than a senior maid and personal maid, she used to be bullied and oppressed by other maids so it feel exhilarated to meet someone with lower status than her "I think it will make any difference, just come we don't want my miss waiting too long" she lift her chin arrogantly.

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Lory obediently nods her head, she replied in hurry "Yes, yes, of course" 

The maid scoffed in disdained then she turns around and leaves then lory promptly follow the maid leaving her courtyard like an obedient puppy.

[She wants to know you better?] Girsha quipped through their telepathic connection.

Lory said jokingly [She is very considerate master…]

Girsha stifles in contempt [Yeah right!]

Not even in her world where people treat equally the superior would personally invite their spouse subordinate just to know them better at least not personally. The only thing they would do is screening the spouse and family background if they have a criminal record or huge debt they need to be warry of, more elaborated screening would be given if a certain someone reaches a higher position.

If Nan Yu Qi wants to know about her she could send one of her subordinates to check on her background or simply talk with her but Nan Yu Qi called her personally, it becomes weirder because Zhao Li Xin only officially joined her group yesterday and she already eager to meet his family, Lory would not believe it's only simple meeting, something is off. 

Lory was led to the higher ground where Nan's family manor located. The manor design is not like any other manor she saw ant the capital city, because the building builds at the uneven terrain the building have overlapped design and have many stairs although the design it's not as sophisticated as the building design she used to saw in her old world, but this is quite different 'Not bad' Lory's mouth twitch slightly.

The maid mocked Lory's amazed expression. She was sure lory was dumbfounded by the unique design of their manor. But Lory was is worry about the elderly who live in this Manor, she hopes the cultivation is helping them if not their joint would be broken from climbing all these stairs.

They climb winding stairs to enter the garden, far ahead there's a small pavilion and beautiful lady sit quietly while sipping her tea gracefully, the maid sign lory to stop then she approaches her young mistress. Lory recognize Nan Yu Qi immediately she wonders what she wants from her.

 Nan Yu Qi nod her head then the maid return to Lory "You are allowed to meet young miss" the maid stare at Lory with belittling gaze. Lory didn't feel offended, she just laughs it out inwardly. It seems Nan Yu Qi wants to boast of her position and authority as the noble lady, but why? Lory is only a woman with low status and unwanted wife, why must Nan Yu Qi is so eager to show their disparity.

Nan Yu Qi put down her teacup, she smiles gently like a fresh blossoming flower "You are Luo Yi Yi?"

Nan Yu Qi treats her kindly so she would let her guard down but sadly dor Lory the kinder people acted in the first meeting the more warry she become, Lory bow her head courteously "I am, young miss Nan, is an honor to meet you" Lory said politely.

Nan Yu Qi surprised that Lory is well behaved. She thought lory would get flustered and make a lot of mistakes in front of her. Lory knows she need to pretend to be ignorant fools, she also wants Nan Yu Qi to let her guard down.

People said it takes two to dance tango so she will dance, she hopes the young miss could keep up with her.