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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 430 - Let’s The Game Begins II
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The room becomes quiet again and foreboding feeling float in the air, the fight between the third and the fourth for the next leadership position already becomes a public secret, people have their own opinion about the candidates, some people support the Third Xie, Xie Xian Zi who is calmed a but meticulous and clever. Other people support Xie Hua Ling who has a strong personality and firm temperament.

After Xie Hua Ling's engagement with Nan Yu Qi become official many people tend to lean towards Xie Hua Ling and after Nan Yu Qi owned the Shadow tiger beast more people change their side to Xie Hua Ling who looks more promising.


"This should be joyous occasion.."Xie Hui Rong reprimands both his son with the stern voice "We will not let Hei Shen and Long Ming ruin our days even more, we will avenge Xiu Wei and Nan Yu Wei death but Xian Zi is right…we cannot be hasty" he shows his consent for Xie Xian Zi decision and that lift Xie Xian Zi reputation again,

"Yes, father!" Xie Xian Zi and Xie Hua Ling bow their head simultaneously.

Xie Xian Zi faintly smiles while Xie Hua Ling clenched his fist inside his long sleeves. Xie Hua Ling gives his brother sides eyes before he returns to his seat, Zia Xian Zi sneer inwardly he already used with Xie Hua ling temperament. Xie Xian Zi calmly returns to his seat and pours himself a cup of wine then sip his wine slowly. Xie Hua Ling is terribly annoyed by his brother even though he is more talented and capable than Xie Xian Zie but his father always listening to Xie Xian Zi than him.

Nan Yu Qi sigh, most of the time Xie Hua Ling play his role as the refined and smart young master perfectly but then he always loses his calm when his face sudden provocation from Xie Xian Zi perhaps is because the brothers are close in the age so they always being rivals from the young age and not to mention the deep hatred between their mother too.

Nan Yu Qi smiles softly to calm Xie Hua Ling and sign him with her eyes to behave, Xie Hua Ling realizes he overreacted because of Xie Xian Zi provocation. Xie Hua Ling might surpass his brother in every area but when it comes to patience, he could never beat Xie Xian Zi.

Xie Hui Rong notices the exchanged glance between Xie Hua Ling and Nan Yu Qi.

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"You are…Nan Yu Wei stepsister isn't it?" Xie Hui Rong suddenly said.

Nan Yu Qi startled Xie Hui Rong talk with her "Yes Grandmaster Xie, my name is Nan Yu Qi" she gracefully salutes Xie Hui Rong.

Xie Hui Rong see the black tiger beside Nan Yu Qi and it's pique his curiosity "Is that shadow tiger?" he was astonished to see shadow tiger closely for the first time.

"Report to grandmaster, it is the shadow tiger and this is my contractual beast," Nan Yu Qi humbly said but it didn't hide the glimmer proud in her eyes

Xie Hu Rong rubbed his chin as his eyes glint mysteriously as his gaze penetrated the little cub who suddenly become warry.

"Interesting’’how do you subdue the Beast?" he leans his back on his golden chair as the glint in his eyes dissipated swiftly.

no one notices the subtle change in Xie Hui Rong eyes but it didn't escape Zhao Li Xin's keen eyes, he feel there's something more in that old man's eyes. Girsha and Lory also notice the strange gaze from Xie Hui Rong. 

"Reporting to Grandmaster, it was my subordinated who caught the Beast for me, it's better for him to explain it himself," said Nan Yu Qi. for some reason nan yu Qi want to give the opportunity to Zhao Li Xin to speak with the great leader as she thought it would please Zhao Li Xin and increased his loyalty to her.

"Oh, you have capable subordinate" Xie Hu Rong stunned, he didn't know his society have such talent "let's invite him then" 

"Yes Grandmaster!" Nan Yu Qi nods his head "Lu Xin, come here!" she called him without shouting too loud.

Contradict with Nan Yu Qi wish Zhao Li Xin didn't feel grateful but irritated instead, he had exchange pleasantries and explain himself especially to someone insignificant like Xie Hua Rong, sadly he must quell his annoyance for now "My name is Lu Xin" Zhao Li Xin introduces himself calmly slightly indifference.

Xie Hui Rong scrutinizes Zhao Li Xin. in Xie Hui Rong eyes there's nothing special about Zhao Li Xin, his cultivation is only in master level, compare to his Son this man appearance is only so-so, and his temperament also mediocre, overall he is a good subordinated because he would unable to take his master limelight.

Xie Hui Rong sits on his podium looking down on Zhao Li Xin just like a king watching his servant, is not hard to dissect someone like Xie Hui Rong, narcissistic, selfish, arrogant and have huge egomania. He will never let anyone above him that's why he spares no effort to increased his cultivation so he can't beat Long Ming, if only he know Zhao Li Xin cultivation has increased a lot from the sovereign level.

"Tell me, how do you catch the shadow tiger cub?"

"It was a coincidence, I found the wounded cub and the beast is not guarded by adult tiger so a seize the opportunity," said Zhao Li Xin lightly, he doesn't care whether his story will be trusted or not, people like them only count the result but not the method.

"Oh, what a good coincidence" Xie Hua Ling scoffed "You stumble to wounded shadow tiger that everyone painstakingly searches but failed" it was obvious Xie Hui Rong didn't believe Zhao Li Xin story and so other peoples in the room, but what can they do? whatever trick he has done it didn't change the fact that he brought the tiger cubs with his own hand.

Zhao Li Xin pretends he doesn't understand Xie Hui Rong thought "I'm just very lucky Grandmaster," he replied modestly.

Xie Hui Rong laughs how thick skin Zhao Li Xin is but he didn't hate it, It is good to have shameless subordinated because people like him are willing to do anything to gain benefit and because of that he's easier to control "Indeed, you are very lucky!"

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"Young miss Nan, I trust you have rewarded you're subordinated handsomely isn't it?" he shifts his glance to Nan Yu Wei at this time he already accepts Nan Yu Qi as his future daughter-in-law.

"Yes Grandmaster, he only joins our society for a few days but because of his outstanding work he would serve my family from now on and of course that means he would serve Fourth brother Xie too, I hope together we can serve the good of our society" Nan Yu Qi smiles gently as he exchanged a glance with Xie Hua Ling.

"I pray for both of your happiness, but if recalled isn't my forth son close with the first young miss Chen, I hope you didn't wrong Miss Chen" Xie Hui Rong suddenly drop the bomb, Nan Yu Qi faces suddenly turn red.

"Father, the relationship between me and first miss Chen only has a brother-sister relationship we never cross beyond that, please don't misunderstand, I' don't want to ruin Miss Chen's reputation" Xie Hua Ling immediately rebuked with concern expression as if he genuinely care for Chen Yi Suan reputation.

"Hahaha…is that so, well it's must be me who become muddlehead" Xie Hui Rong pretend to be oblivious, he want to test the water and see how everyone reaction with his Son decision, just like he expected the Chen family face turn ashen, Chen Yi Suan look down with red eyes while Chen Hu Ying quells his anger with wine while the Chen elder grit their teeth furiously.

Meanwhile, the Nan family looks complacent, they didn't care how the Chen family would feel, when Nan Yu Wei and Xie Xiu Wei died they were agitated as they reluctant to lose their connection with the Xie family but fortunately Xie Hua Ling is fallen for Nan Yu Qi and so they able to resurrect their connection with Xie family.

The reason Xie Hua Ling choose Nan Yu Qi is simply because the Nan family have more resource and power to support him as the next leader, Nan Yu Qi flawless beauty and her talent is only the icing of the cake, he will not complains.

Chen Yi Shuan struggles to maintain her grace, she decide to bravely face Xie Hua Ling and Nan Yu Qi head-on because she wants to show everyone she is not bothered by them, she wants to pretend she is not affected by Xie Hua Ling decision, she wants to keep her reputation as the talented and dignified Chen young miss.

She thought she strong enough to face them but she's wrong, she never know it's gonna be this hard she feels suffocated as if the air suck from her lungs she cannot breathe, no one told her it's going to be this painful as her tears rolling in her face every time the saw them exchanged intimated gesture. To hide her grief she force herself to look down as she pretending playing with her teacup and pray the time will moves faster so she can leave this place.

Chen Hu Ying feel sorry for his own sister because he understands how painful it is to be used and throw away after outlived one's usefulness, Chen Hu Ying shifts his glance to the beautiful lady with a delicate face, she looks like stunning like a peony flower but never would have thought the flower is poisonous.

Chen Hu Ying stares icily at Nan Yu Qi. He will never forgive those wretched couples, he will make sure they would pay even that the last thing he would do.

Zhao Li Xin bows to everyone after he gives explanation and return to his previous place feeling bored and tired with all this hypocrisy and backstabbing, this dirty place just remind him the day he was the sixth prince.

'What an annoying place' he grumbles to himself as he lean his back on the wall.