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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 419 - A Beautiful Day
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"Lory, wake up sweety, you will miss the beautiful day if you sleep too long?"

A soft voice awaked her from her nap, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair hover above her, her smiles is gentle as a breeze as she looking down on her with her blue eyes.


"Mo – ther?" Lory faintly calls her mother while rubbing her eyes.

Lorenna takes a seat beside her daughter, she fixed her knitted sweater "You will have stomachache if you sleep after eating" she wipe the crumbs from the corner of her mouth.

Lory realizes they were in the city park having a picnic with her family and the Archknight and their family, she saw Fred reading under the tree, beside him Jay wearing headphones while listening music, he make guitar gestures along the way and annoyed Fred who smacks him with the book.

Then she saw Fargo playing catching ball with her uncle Zargan….violently, no one dare to catch the ball and they secretly sneak away from two brute men.

The weather is mild as the sun cover behind the white cloud, Lory saw kites with long tails flying on the sky, many children play with kites with their brother and father, and the mother sitting on the rug preparing the lunch. It just another beautiful and peaceful day in Herriond.

Suddenly Lory remembers something, if she fell asleep then Lucas must be sleeping like her too, even as a child Lucas has developed his hobby as a sleeper but where is he, Lory search her right and left but she didn't find her brother "Mother, where is Luc?"

"Luc?" Lorenna chuckle "Your Father wake her up" she lifts her chin towards frightening Lucas being thrown away by Marcus on the air "Waky-waky little boy, it's time to play!" Marcus bounces him up and down to the air repeatedly. Lucas looks shocked and paled there's tears on the corner of his eyes.

'What a rude way to wake four years old child'

"Do you feel lucky I'm the one who wakes you up" Lorenna raised her eyebrows as she smiles sweetly at Lory.

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Lory nods her head profusely. 

For the outsider, Marcus is a charismatic, intelligent and firm leader and flawless king but behind the door, he is a mischievous man who likes teasing his friends and family, in fact Lory and Lucas shenanigans are inherited from Marcus, especially Lucas, his nonchalant attitude and mischief behavior is very much like Marcus, on the other hand, Lory is more like Lorenna even though she have her share as a troublemaker but overall she looks soft on the outside but ridiculously hard on the inside.

"Marcus, stop scaring your Son!" Lorenna shouts at her husband as she feel pity to her Son.

"Come on boy, let's play with uncle Zargy and Fargo!" Marcus wrapped Lucas with his arm just like a bag of rice.

"Noooo!!" Lucas pleads desperately, the little boy waving her hand and his legs wildly but his father ignored him as he make a long strides toward the most competitive throwing ball ever in the park.

Lory lit a candle for Lucas silently 'Jump from the frying pan right into the fire'

"…." Lorenna can't say anything anymore but sigh, she pours a cup of tea and hand it to her daughter "Here have a tea to warm yourself"

Smell the sweet and sour scent of warm lemon tea Lory face blushed in delight "Un…" she nods her head as she sips her tea happily then Lorena hand him a small cupcake for her daughter, she knew Lory have a peccant of a sweet tooth, lory face can't be more excited when her mother put two small cupcakes on her plate.

"Eat slowly little princess, no one will take your plate~" Lorenna laughs as she watches her daughter devour the cupcake in one gulp.

"You don't know that" she twitches her nose, just like she thought, Jay is eyeing her cupcake from afar "Are you Vulturous?'

Lorenna burst to laugh, she holds her stomach as she watches her daughter devour all the cupcakes without consideration for other people, Jay looking at them with the disappointed look but Lory grinned smugly at him with teeth cover with chocolate.

It was a perfect sunny day for her family and friends gather at the same place. Lorenna watched her beloved husband, Marcus playing with her Son and his friends, is been a while since he laughs heartily like this, but what he does? is not easy to be A king especially a Lucient Heir.

"Here mother say Aaah…." Lory feeds her pink macaroons while open her mouth cutely.

Her heart become soften, she takes a bite and kisses her daughter cheek "Thank you sweetheart"

Lory blushed as she happy being kiss by her mother.

"It's a great day isn't it lory?" she squeezes Lory cheeks lightly.

"Are you happy mother?"

"Very, I have you, Lucas and Marcus, how can I not be happy~" she laughs heartily.

"I also happy but when I grew up I will find someone like Father and be happier" Lory cheers while raising her hands.

"Eh, I thought you want to marry your father?" Lorenna tilted her head.

Lory sadly shakes her head "Fred said I can marry with Father or Lucas, it should be someone unrelated…" she looks downcast as she played with her fingers.

"Hoo, Fred told you that?" Lorenna patted her cheek, she already could imagine her broken heart husband once he knew about this, it seems Fred will get punished again.

"Mother where do you find father, I want to find a man like a Father too" Lory pull her mother sleeve repeatedly.

Lorenna becomes speechless 'Is her husband is a cabbaged she found in the market?' 

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"What if your man, unlike your Father?"

"Then I don't want it!" Lory pout and she crossed her hands as she rejects the idea strongly.

Lorenna can't help giggles "Sweetheart that's not how it works" she stroked Lory head "Your love one would not be anything you ever saw before, he will pop out of nowhere and sweep you out of your feet, just like that" she snapped her fingers.

"I don't believe it!" Lory narrowed her eyes, she thought this is another way of her mother teasing her again.

"Believe me, that's what happened between me and your Father though"

"Really?" Lory beamed "People said you and Father is a soulmate and they said you will always together forever and ever" she cheers excitedly, her eyes brimmed with pride and joy while talking about her parents.

"Soulmate huh….perhaps we are" Lorenna mutters but then she weakly smiles at Lory "The term of a soulmate is being exaggerated by poem and fairy tales, they always make it so romantic and cheesy, soulmate....how many people meet one, and is not always bring joy..." she sighed.

"Someone told me a long time before that every human born with the half-circle, is like incomplete life, they say it's hinder us from our true destiny, that's why people would search their other half through all the world is like an instinct…." She mutters in a low voice as her eyes are on a daze.

’’Mother, I don't understand?" Lory tilted her head cutely, her big purple eyes blink in confusion.

Lorenna snapped back from her stupor "It's fine, you will know it someday. When you meet him your destiny will be complete and he will help you to understand why you here in a first place" Lorenna poked Lory nose gently.

"So you know why you here mother?" Lory innocently asked.

"Uh-huh…." She smiles mysteriously. 

Lory becomes impatient "Then why are you here mother?"

"I'm here so I can have both of you…my Sun and my Moon…"