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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 406 - The Real Temptation
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When he got out of the room the woman perfumed and the smelled of incense linger on his body, Zhao Li Xin who have keen smell was tortured by the scented, he used his Gin Qong to returned to his room as he knew there only one person who relieves him from the misery when he enter the room he can smell lory faint scented all over the room.

He never sees lory make upset look but she only make herself more adorable than she used to be, her rattle out of jealousy is like the music on her ears, he can't hold the fire burning inside him so he kissed her fervently, he doesn't want using other people fave when he make love with his beloved so he asked Lory to lift the spell from him.


As his spell lifted and his disguised wear off Lory stare at him with misty eyes her desire and lust completely reflected on her eyes, her gaze turns him on further. If only Mo Ning Yuan knew the man who is unmoved by her seduction even though she already spread her legs has fallen just by lory passionated how would she feel?

Zhao Li Xin force Lory to 'clean' him up all night and only stop after the sun almost rises after long hours of battle princess Lorient once again had to admit defeat for the Lord eagerness. Lory awoke in the morning with sore all over her body she rubbed her eyes then stare blankly on the bed roof, she thought she already used with Zhao Li Xin rhythm but last night she proves herself to be wrong it seems even with all her power returned she could never match him in bed.

"Are your body still hurt?" Zhao Li Xin wrapped his arms on Lory's waist.

"No….I can't feel anything" lory weakly said her voice is hoarse as she shouts too much last night, she never knew such a thing possible.

Zhao Li Xin feel guilty, he was going beyond overboard last night but he can't control himself, he tries but he can't. Zhao Li Xin got up from the bed then he wears his robes.

"Where are you going?" Lory asked him, he not going to leave her after he has done with her isn't it?

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"I want to brew some tonic for you, Jin Hao gives me a lot of tonic for you since I announce you as my wife, he said you will need this….." Zhao Li Xin for once grateful for Jin Hao foresight he noted himself to reward Jin hao when he gets back.

But Lory was flustered by his words, is that mean Jin Hao had expected she would collapse in bed because of Zhao Li Xin, how shameful, even though she's not a shy girl but any women would feel embarrassed if other people knew about their bed matters, Lory could feel an invisible smoked came from the top of her head.

Zhao Li Xin wants to get out of the room but lory stopped him "Wait, don't go out yet!"

Zhao Li Xin halts his pace then he turns around "What's wrong? is my princess wants another round before breakfast?" he makes naughty smiles.


'Another round will send me straight to the otherworld, what would I said to my parents when I met them then…'

"No!" she firmly said, "I haven't activated your spell yet, what if someone sees your real face!" Lory reminds him.

"Hm, I forgot about that" he rubbed his jawlines as he completely forgot about it.

"Yeah, who knows how many women would seduce you again" lory roll her eyes as she mutters to herself.

Zhao Li Xin who has keen sense has heard her clearly, his ego as a man inflated as he heard his lover jealousy "My princess you don't need to be jealous, is this Lord hasn't shown you enough how much he loves you, apologies for my negligence…" Zhao Li Xin takes a couple of long strides to her as he ready pull the blanket away from Lory "This Lord will show his feeling without failed!"

Lory was stark naked under the blanket, she grabs the blanket as she screams toward Zhao Li Xin "No, not now, I'm dead tired! I believe you - I believe you!" she sincerely pleads on Zhao Li Xin.

He only joked with her, he knew Lory's body needs to rest in fact she needs to rest for a few days before he asked her to make love again, he just wants to tease her because she looks cute when she desperately pleads at him. Zhao Li Xin chuckle, he patted Lory head lovingly "I'm kidding, just get rest, I can brew the medicine here we just need to open the window a little"

"Uhm" Lory hummed as she took her inner robes who are scattered all over the place, she feel warmer after she putting on her robes, she snuggles back inside the blanket then she yawns widely before she dozes off then another second she feel asleep again. Zhao Li Xin used small furnace inside the room t brew the medicine, the medicine is already prepared on pouch he only needs to brew everything in a pot and let it boil for two hours. 

Meanwhile, he cleans himself with a wet towel then changed his robes with the new one, he burns his old robes on the furnace as he can't stand from the stench left from that disgusting woman. When Lory sleep he used this time to cultivated inside his rings two hours will be like two days inside his rings so it's good for him to save time for raising his cultivation. He only on the beginner stage now is time to move to the transition stage. 

A few hours later Lory finally awoke again as she got up from the bed she feel lethargic but the soreness in her body is almost dissipated.

"Good thing you awoke, It is almost noon and you miss your breakfast and lunch" Zhao Li Xin hands her a bowl of water.

Lory accepts the water gladly, she feel better after she drinks and finishes the whole bowl "You don't go to the practice field?"

"No, they give me a month to raised my cultivation," said Zhao Li Xin "You want to freshen up before meal?"

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"Uhm" she hummed as she nods her head.

"I can't prepare you the bathtub, this place is too small for a tub, are you okay with basin and wet towel?" Zhao Li Xin already prepares a basin filled with warm water on the table and a clean towel on the side.

"Yeah…." She casually said as she stretches her arms above her head. She soaked the cloth on the warm water then she nonchalantly takes off her robes and wiped herself.

Zhao Li Xin perplexed how bold his princess is "Lory…" he reminds her gently as his breath suddenly becomes heavy.

"What? There's nothing you haven't seen before…" Lory shrugs her shoulder as she continues wiped herself.

Of course, he had seen everything but still….her princess can be insensitive sometimes. In a small room where he can go, he can't go outside without his disguised and there's no screen divider in the room, so where he could go to? the room temperature suddenly increasing but that perhaps only him. He pulls the stool next to him then he takes a seat and enjoys the view while trying to control the fire inside of him, he will take this as self-control practice.

She only needs a few minutes to clean up herself then she changed herself to a clean dress. She tight her hair into a ponytail then she activated her spell at the same time she activated Zhao Li Xin's spell too. He takes a long deep breath after he finishes with his 'practice' he feel rather proud of himself for not losing his mind.

"After a meal, drink your medicine" he reminds her again.

"Okay" Lory takes out her lunch box from her spatial rings "You don't want to eat too?"

"No, I'm good" he smiles at Lory.

She opens the lunch box and digging her meal, she realizes she was very hungry "So, tell me what would you do with the Xie brothers and Mo Ning Yuan?" Lory said while munched her food.

Zhao Li Xin sighs "Eat first…." He still needs time to collect himself from the obscene view he just witnesses before.