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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 375 - Diversion
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Zhao Li Xin used his Qin Gong to move faster. He rarely used the carriage when Lory wasn't with him unless he was being lazy. He bounced between rooftops as he shortened the distance. It took him three minutes to reach the half-burned building. There was still black smoke coming from the wreckage. He didn't approach the premises but instead stood on the opposite building's rooftop. His keen eyes took everything in. His eyebrows furrowed as he could tell something was wrong using his gut.

"Milord," Wu San Bo spoke from behind him.


"What happened?" Zhao Li Xin didn't bother to glance at Wu San Bo. His eyes remained on the smoking building. There was no pity in his gaze. Someone had deliberately targeted his turf. There were very few people who would be bold or stupid enough to provoke him directly.

"Someone burned our garment, wine, and jewelry stores. We tried to catch them but they were all high-level cultivators who managed to kill four of our men," Wu San Bo also found the situation odd. Why sent high cultivators just to burn stores unless they knew the place belonged to the Hei Shen Sect?

"Did we get the perpetrators?" Zhao Li Xin asked in a flat tone.

"Yes, we managed to kill three of them and caught the rest but…they all killed themselves with poison," Wu San Bo said with a dejected face. He hoped he would have been able to keep them alive to discover who the master behind this incident was.

Wu San Bo lifted his head and reported more disturbing news, "Milord, the poison they used… It's almost like the poison that was given to you. However, the effect was much faster. Their organs rapidly froze from the inside."

"Cold poison?" This captured Zhao Li Xin's attention. His gaze turned to Wu San Bo.

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"That's according to Jin Hao. Someone altered the poison for faster effects and painless death. Do you wish to examine the corpses?" Wu San Bo was also curious to know if these people were connected to Zhao Li Xin's past.

"Hm," Zhao Li Xin gave an affirmative response. The quietness was broken by an earth-shattering sound as black smoke came from Yong Heng's manor direction. Wu San Bo and Zhao Li Xin were startled. They looked at the manor with indescribable expressions.

'Someone dared to attack Yong Cheng manor?'

Zhao Li Xin was still trying to grasp the situation when he heard Mong Ki's scream with a ghastly look, "Master, the manor! The madam!" 

The two words were enough to snap Zhao Li Xin back to reality. His expression turned grim and his heart felt like it would stop beating as everything slowed.


Zhao Li Xin took a long leap over the roof without wasting time. He used his full power to get back home. His speed was fast as he managed to leave Wu San Bo and the Mong brothers behind, but Zhao Li Xin still felt he was moving at a snail pace. He wished he could grow more legs to cover the distance faster.


Giant white wings appeared among the ruins and thick smoke. The crossed wings were protecting something within. The wings slowly spread open once everything settled to reveal Lory's frail body coughing nonstop. 

'Ough, tough, ough!' Tears formed at the corner of her eyes as Lory coughed. 

[I think… Ough…] Lory coughed again as she tried to speak. She waved her hand in front of her face to get rid of the dust around her. She couldn't help but make an obvious conjecture [I think, she wanted to kill me]

[NO S*IT] Girsha answered sarcastically.

[Hide your wings before they come!] Lory could hear the ruckus behind the surrounding smoke. The wings immediately disappeared behind her back with a dimmed white light.

"Madam… madam! Madam, are you okay?" Meng Zuo searched for Lory desperately but the thick smoke hindered her sight.

"I'm here!" Lory shouted back.

Meng Zuo's heart stopped with joy. 'She's alive? Thank God!'

"Madam, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Meng Zuo ran towards Lory's voice as she couldn't see her. She was still overwhelmed by the fear of losing Lory.

"I'm fine…" Lory casually walked towards her as she carelessly waved her hand while coughing.

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"Thank God madam! You are okay!" Meng Zuo finally saw Lory. Her eyes became red and moist as she dashed towards Lory. Other than smudges on her face and wrinkled robes, Lory seemed perfectly fine. Meng Zuo led her out of the ruins. The other servants and shadow guards who were also searching for Lory, sighed with relief when Meng Zuo appeared with their unscathed madam.

"Quick. Bring a blanket for our young madam!" Meng Zhuo ordered another maid who left in a hurry. She then made Lory sit on a bench to ensure she was unhurt. She was surprised to see Lory had easily survived the blast but quickly assumed Zhao Li Xin must have given her an amulet or talisman to protect her. Owning such a talisman wasn't weird. The other maid brought a blanket and Meng Zuo covered Lory's shoulder to keep her warm.

Lory gasped as she saw the red lights from the other side of the building "Are we on fire?"

"Yes, the shadow guards said it was caused by the blast. However, this fire is weird as it is not easy to put off," Meng Zhuo shook her head in bafflement.

Lory's eyebrows furrowed gradually, it was possible the crystal was meant to explode and create an abnormal fire. But the biggest question was, how did Qian Mu Ting get her hands on search an item? Did Qiong Yan ask her to do this? 

"Where is Qian Mu Ting?" Lory's head snapped up.

"Eh, Second Princess?" Meng Zhuo forgot the existence of the royal princess in the manor. She thought Lory was worried about Qian Mu Ting's safety. "She is the guest room outside this courtyard. She should be fine."

"Shadow guards!" Lory rose from her seat and shouted. "Find Qian Mu Ting and her maids. NOW!"

The shadow guards who weren't trying to put off the fire quickly followed Lory's order without question. Lory wanted to slap herself. This was a diversion. 'How could she be so stupid?' Lory took off her blanket and ran toward Yuan Xue An's courtyard but someone suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Lory, are you okay?" Zhao Li Xin was relieved to see she was unhurt.

"Good, come with me!" Lory's face beamed when she saw Zhao Li Xin. She pulled his hand and dragged him while rushing.