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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 373 - Honesty
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Mong Yi knew he is in trouble, but he had no choice he has an important matter to report and also he lost rock, paper, scissor game from Mong Ki so he was kicked by his merciless Brother to report to they're Lord, such cruel brother he deliberately sends him to the mouth of a tiger or Demon to be exact.

The door slowly opens when Mong Yi sees his Lord's dark face he knows he is in deep trouble.


With somber expression Zhao Li Xin narrowed his eyes dangerously toward Mong Yi "This better be good" he warned Mong Yi.

Mong Yi has cursed Mong Ki thousands of times in his head by now but his outer expression remains calm then he cupped his fist and bow his head courteously and he said: "Someone has burned three of our shops and killed a few of our members, Milord!"

Zhao Li Xin frowned, his people are not easy to subdued so for someone able to messing in his turf and killed his people these people would not be simple, but only a few people have the ability to messed with him and he doesn't remember anyone with such ability in Liu Yun kingdom.

"That is awful!" suddenly Lory chimed in, she just wants to go outside when she heard the news.

"Young madam" he cupped his fist toward Lory, inside he cheers because Zhao Li Xin will spare him if she around.

"How many people die?" Lory takes a step forward next to Zhao Li Xin, she already considers Hei Shen people as her own people, she genuinely worries for them and cursed anyone who hurt her people.

"Four people, a dozen people are wounded," said Mong Yi again, as Zhao Li Xin's wife and the owner of Xin Xen token she has every right to know every detail of Hei Shen Sect.

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"Who dares to hurt our people" Lory murmured to herself.

"These people are not simple, I will check the situation," said Zhao Li Xin "Is Wu San Bo already been noticed?"

"Yes Milord, he already they're to check the situation and calculating our loss" Mong Yi nods his head firmly.

"Priority to people who are hurt, we can build another shop and tell Bei Li Yan to carry out the investigation" Zhao Li Xin gives his order and mong Yi cupped his fist to received the order swiftly.

"Yes, Milord!"

Zhao Li Xin pulls Lory's head closer than he kisses the top of her head and whispers gently "I should go, stay at home and don't go anywhere!" he said softly as he warns her.

"I'll be here" she answers with sweet smiles.

Zhao Li Xin wrapped his hand around her waist and he looking at her anxiously "The last time you said this, I thought I lost you…"

She remembers what happened when Tang Mei Yi lured her out and almost killed her, she patted his chest gently "That would not happen again" she comforts him then she cupped his face "Besides, no matter what happened I will always be returned to you"

His worry slightly dissipated she does not lie about that, no matter how dire the situation was she always managed to return to him, he caresses her cheeks tenderly "I'm going than…"

"Be careful…" she reminds him.

And so Zhao Li Xin left with Mong Yi and Mong Ki, she stays at the room but she didn't take a rest instead she take sit in front of the round wooden table. She was quiet only her middle finger tapping the table with soft monotone sounds, Girsha also nestle on the same table he looks like he is dozing off but the truth is he enhanced all his senses.

Girsha suddenly opens his eyes, his subtle moves notice by Lory than her door was knocked again but this time its a maid who came to his room "Young madam, the Second princess is asking for an audience"

Lory's finger stops abruptly, Girsha and Lory exchanged looks than Lory takes a deep breath "I'll meet her in a minute" she said with a calm voice.

"Understood, young Madam" the maids than left leaving with faint footsteps.

[Here she comes…] Lory mutter.

[Are you ready?] Girsha gaze on Lory's eyes.

[Are you…] she smiles mischievously.

Lory walks without hurry to the main hall, inside the giant lavish room Qian Mu Ting unusually brings more maids than she used to but as a Princess, this is not a weird thing.

Qian Mu Ting dressed nicely like always and she smiles politely when Lory arrived. Lory bows her head slightly "Greeting your highness" as a commoner Lory has to maintain her courtesy in front of royalty.

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Qian Mu Ting nods her head "Greeting miss Luo"

Suddenly a middle-aged maid takes a step forward next to Lory "It's better to call young madam, madam Zhao you're highness since miss Luo has married with our Lord" she said politely but at the same time she remains Qian Mu Ting that Lory is the mistress of the house and she better not have a weird idea about their Lord, the middle-aged maid is Meng Zuo she is the first maid who served Lory when she first came  Ninjing manor.

Meng Zhuo also one of the hardcore supporters for Lory, she likes Lory because she's not a pretentious 'white lotus' Lory behavior is still the same since the first time she arrived at the manor, she still treats everyone with the same kindness and respects just like before she becomes Zhao Li Xin woman.

Compare to other women outside Meng Zuo loved Lory a hundred times more she doesn't care about whether she has a talent or good background because a genuine heart is rarer as the celestial beast.

Meng Zuo words sting Qian Mu Ting's heart but she immediately composed herself "You right, Pardon me…Madam Zhao" she clenched her fist secretly.

"Its find, have a seat" Lory invited her to take a seat then she takes a seat on the respectable chair next to Zhao Li Xin chair she unconsciously showing off her position in the Manor, her behavior annoyed Qian Mu Ting but cheers by all the Hei Shen maid and servant who are present.

"May I know for what reason a received this honor to meet her highness?" Lory smiles warmly at the same time she waved her hand as a sign and the servant begins to served tea and pastry for Qian Mu Ting. Lory move is smooth and natural as if she has become the mistress of the house for a long time….well she did. Zhao Li Xin never treats her as a maid since the get-go.

"I'm here to apologize for what happened at the gathering that day, you must believe me, my mother and I didn't know anything about Nan Yu Wei plan," she said with an earnest expression "We also as shocked as you at that time" she pledged her innocent in front of Lory.

"Even though the rumor about the conflict between Hei Shen Sect and Sacred Mountain peak is spread wildly at the outside, I understand as Princess who lived inside the palace you might never hear about this, so please don't blame yourself" Lory quipped with gentle smiles.

Qian Mu Ting startled and her face become stiffed "Ye…yes, thank you for you're understanding" she pursed her lips, how can she don't know about the rumor, when Sacred Mountain peak attacked openly on the street everyone in the city had known what happened, she must be lived inside the holes if she never heard about it.

Even if she doesn't know about the rumor her Mother who was Empress at the time should know about it but she dared to invited Lory and Nan Yu Wei at the same time, the empress motive cannot be clearer. Qian Mu Ting faces flustered from embarrassment but Lory pretends she doesn't realize Qian Mu Ting changed of expression.

Qian Mu Ting forced herself to calmed "Madam Zhao, I hope you forgive me and my mother for what happened that day, I hope we can start a new leaf and maybe…we can be friends?" she looks rather nervous but sincere, everyone would feel Qian Mu Ting is being honest.

Lory was stunned but smiles bloom on her face and her big beautiful eyes twinkle "Of course, second Princess"