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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 371 - The Meeting II
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Without everyone notice, a little swallow bird nestles on the window frame and the little bird peeks from behind the window grille there a weird glint on the bird iris but no one could see it without looking closer. Meanwhile, inside the room Qian Mu Ting and Yang Qiong Yan sit opposite each other. Yang Qiong yan pours a cup of wine from the porcelain flask.

Her hand clasped together under her sleeve even though she look calmed but her heart is beating like a drum, if anyone knew she has a secret meeting with a man who knew what other rumor would spread in the city, this is a risky move but she has no other choice. ​​

"Don't worry no one would know you were here" Yang Qiong Yang push the wincup gently in front of her.

Qian Mu Ting lift the wine cup and gulp the whole cup to calm her nerves. Yang Qiong yang feign ignorance of the changed on her face, Qian Mu Ting is not the same prideful she use to only in a few week she changed from the Empress daughter become a normal Royal consort daughter, the flawless reputation she used to had also ruined, because er involvement with Long Ming and the incident during the gathering.

"I need your help," she said in trembles voice.

Yag Qiong Yang didn't answer right away, he wants to know how much she needs him. His silence make Qian Mu Ting anxious, she bites her lower lips from nervous "I…I need to marry Yuan Shao, can you help me?" she said in pleading eyes.

"Marry?" he creased his eyebrows "I can even make him marry my cousin Wei Lan, how can I force him to marry you her highness" he voices his concern but there's a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Qian Mu Ting face turn red from shammed but this is not the time to be timid, she need to brace herself "You must have the way, if you help me, I will never forget you're kindness even if my mother is only Royal consort now but I still have Han family and my father emperor still doted on me so I..."

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"About his majesty…" he suddenly cut in "The Emperor should summoned Yuan Shao by now, when that happened…everything will be too late" he said casually while sip his wine seem not bother with Qian Mu Ting situation.

"I…I pleaded Father emperor to give me more times to persuaded General Yuan, The Emperor gives me two days to sort everything out," said Qian Mu Ting in low voice, she was very nervous she doesn't know what would she do if she failed.

Yang Qiong Yang tapped the winecup in monotone sound "It seems the Emperor reluctant to let Yuan Shao go, of course, it's a pitty losing a great talent like him" he chuckles lightly "What an old fox…" he muttered.

"Master Yang, please help me….I will forever grateful to you" she begged earnestly.

Yang Qiong Yan remain silent she feel nervous because she can't read his face, he leans forward and put down the winecup on the table than he stares at Qian Mu Ting pretty face "There's only one person who can change his decision....and that person is Yuan Xue An his sister"

Qian Mu Ting hand feel wet from cold sweat she stare at Yang Qiong Yang mischiefvous face in nervous, Yang Qiong Yang smiles dazzlingly "We need to Yuan Xue An to changed Yuan Shao mind"

"You want to…persuaded her?" she asked timidly.

"No, I want to catch her" he said bluntly.

"No I can't!" she rebuked strongly "I already involved in one murder I can't involve in kidnapping too beside Yuan Shao will never forgive me, how can we get along if he knew about this" she shakes her head profusely if she used this trick to marry Yuan Shao what kinda life she would have, even if there's no loved between them they still can be a partner or treat each other like a stranger but if she hurt Yuan Xue An….it just matter of time before he killed her.

"If you want to cultivate your relationship it's useless, you know how Yuan Shao temperament is, moreover you are the emperor daughter and Qian Qi Wei step sister, in this world the one he hates the most is the emperor and Qian Qi Wei, you understand how he felt about you don't you?" Yang Qiong Yan raised his eyebrows with a sneer plastered on his face.

"What you need is status, is it not?" Yang Qiong Yan lean his back comfortably on his chair "They're is no other way for you to make him marry you, both of you are mere acquaintance what make you think he would care for you?" Yang Qiong yang sharp words stung her heart but she had no word to refuted, based on what happened yesterday its clear Yuan Shao didn't want to involve himself with her.

"How….how we get Yuan Xue An?" she gritted her teeth nervously.

Yang Qiong yan smirked 'the fish just take the bait' the truth is he needs her help, his plan can't go on without Qian Mu Ting help "They're's something you could do…" he smiles wickedly.

The Little swallow bird watches everything from behind the window grille, the iris of the birds eyes is getting larger but than suddenly everything becomes dark.


"AHK!" Lory covers her face and scream. Girsha also shaking his head profusely, when she lowered her hands from her face Lory's eyes have returned to normal "D*MMIT!" she cursed exasperatedly.

[Something happened, I lose contact with the bird] Girsha also feel upset.

Lory rubbed her eyes than her neck, she feel her neck was crushed by something but she knew its not her but the little swallow bird last moment transferred to her, Lory let out a long sigh, she shifted her gaze to Girsha [This is not good…]

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[Yeah….] Girsha agrees with her.


Yang Qiong Yang startled, he raised from his chair and walk to the window, he carefully observed the situation outside from behind the window grail, his eyebrows gradually furrow than he opens the window when he looked down his dark grey wolf beast has much something.

'chomp, chomp'

yang Qiong yan could hear the sound of bones crushing, the beast is his contractual beast so he can communicate to each other with the mind but not like Girsha and Lory, the beast and the master could understand each other feelings and the beast comply whatever the master told it to do even if that's mean killing itself.

Yang Qiong Yan saw the feathers scattered all on the floor and the window frame, he pick up the feathers than carefully examined it after a while he sighs in relief, its only a swallow bird feathers, this only a common animal and his worried subside.

Yang Qiong yan throw the feather away than close the window again after he make sure no one eavesdropped their conversation he back to his chair

"What's wrong?" Qian Mu Ting feel uneasy.

Yang Qiong Yang smiles calmly "Nothing, my Beast is hungry and it killed a bird nearby" he chuckles lightly.

"Oh.." her face becomes relaxed again than she takes another sip of wine.