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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 370 - The Meeting
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[Girsha, where are you?] Lory got out with a bowl of grapes on her hand.

[Here!] he flew and land smoothly on Lory's head. ​​

[Heavy….] her neck sink and she complain [Shrink you're body more before you perch on my head!] she shakes her head repeatedly to get rid Girsha who is now on the size of a desert eagle from the top of her head.

Girsha ignores her and grab the bowl with his claw and flew away to the garden leaving lory with bird nest hair on the top of her head, she snorts in anger while followed Girsha from behind. Girsha landed on the small bench with the bowl of grape than he pecked the grapes without waiting for Lory.

Lory arrived after fixing her hair than she takes a sit on the bench, she lifts her head to the sky and soaked up the sun with a deep breath 'Another beautiful day' she let out a long exhales.

[Where's the boy?] when Girsha uses the terms boy it meant for Zhao Li Xin. its funny for a grown man like Zhao Li Xin to be called boy but in the eyes of a creature who is lived for more then a millennium, humans like Lory and Zhao Li Xin is like a child for him.

[Cultivated inside his ring, I think] Lory said without open her eyes, the sun is so warm this morning make her feel warm and fuzzy.

[He didn't tire you out today?] he teased Lory with 'knowing' eyes.

[Shut up!] Lory finally opens her eyes and her cheek blushed with faint pink who knows is that because the sun or something else [He was well behaved last night….so we just sleep] she doesn't know why she needs to explain herself.

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[Why are you so shy, you need to work hard to produce Lucient heir] Girsha sighs than he said again [Do you know how thin is the Lucient line is, they're's only you, Lucas and Marcus who inherited the blood of Lucient compare to the emperor of this world they have an abundant prince and princess as there sucessor]

Lory can't refute him, Lucient line is thin as a strained of a hair. For old lineaged like them normal family would have grandfather, grandmother, uncle, cousin and such but in her family they're only the three of them and no one else, her father is the only child than again one child is normal in Lucient, having three is considered to be a lot in her family and rare.

Lucient family never expand too far away from the first line, if people draw a family tree for Lucient family you will see they have one straight line of a successor, many of Lucient heir died in there early aged mostly because of war, a mission or something else (likes Lory) it was ironic because people who have powerful Gift like them should lives longer then normal human but sadly most of Lucient heir barely past the aged of sixty, only a few of them died because of old age, why this happened? No one knows some say its the God's will.

[They're's no hurry, can you see I'm back to my teens know….let me enjoy my youth] Lory waved her hands carelessly, she will think about a child when she get rid the cursed and make sure Lazarus never appear in any world only than she would think about children.

Girsha rolls his eyes [That brat empress is right, you acting like an old lady…]

[Shut Up, Old birdie!] she clicks her tongue from annoyance.

[Hey, I have interesting news] Girsha raised his imaginary eyebrows.

[What?] Lory shift her gaze down to Girsha.

[You know that woman called 'second princess' is meeting with that man called yang Qiong….something] Girsha has trouble remembering human's name.

[Yang Qiong Yan?] Lory reminds him.

[Yes, that one!] Girsha flap his wings [The man with the preppy look and fancy clothes, the one we met at the brothels]

[Why Qian Mu Ting meeting with Yang Qiong Yan? Wait…I don't know you keeping watch Yang Qiong Yan, are you interested in him?]

[He is Lao Min Na right-hand man, she make him handle all her business in the Liu Yan Kingdom, that's mean that woman immense trust on him and he must have some kinda ability to make Lao Min Na that way] said Girsha while rolling the grapes from the bowl with his claws.

[So you following him?] she was stunned for Girsha enthusiasm.

Girsha suddenly stare at Lory like a fool [Me? of course not] he rolls his eyes again [I send my little bird to see what happened]

One of the 'first kind' power is the ability to control other animals by inserted his consciousness to a certain animal, meaning everything that animal feel, see and heard will be transferred to Girsha and because he shares a connection with Lory soul he can sharing his consciousness with Lory too.

[What do you think there doing?] Lory tilted her head as her curiosity increased.

[Why don't you see yourself….] Girsha stare at Lory and his green emerald eyes shined with dimmed light and so Lory dark iris turn to purple and her eyes flickering with dimmed lights.

Suddenly the view in front of her changed, she see a white cloud and blue sky than she sees human and building far below them all like a miniature toy, Lory could feel the cold wind in her skin and the smelled on the air, is like watching everything in four dimensions.

[You okay Lory?] girsha voice ring on her head.

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[I'm good…] she replied after taking a deep breath to adjust her mind. Its been a while since she connects herself with other creatures, her body feel slightly uncomfortable but her heart elated because this means Girsha power slowly return maybe because after the third fragments the curse weaken.

The small bird is a grey swallow bird, the swallow flapping the small wings before skimming through the sky underneath the inconspicuous carriage take a turn to the quiet alley, the little swallow follow the carriage from the sky. The carriage make another turn at the end of the street than take the long road and stop to a small embroidery shop.

A woman got off from the carriage wearing a bamboo veil so no one can see her face but from her silhouette, it shows her petite figure, the maid who helps her also wearing a veil so if anyone sees them no one would know who they are. The swallow bird perch on the roof nearby the birds eyes locked on the woman with a bamboo hat.

A veil can fool a human but its useless to fool an animal, animal cannot recognize humans face like humans differentiated the animal face. but what animal recognize is the sounds and the smelled of human so its useless for her hiding her face but than again how could she knew she was followed by an animal.

The swallow bird flapped it's wings again and flew inside the shops, the lady with bamboo hat and her female servants are welcome by beautiful woman, the woman bends her waist gracefully than she leads them to the inner room of the shop. the embroidery shop looks small and modest from the outside but who knew at the inside the place is larger then it shows, it looks small because its divided by bamboo three and small moon gate.

The beautiful woman leads them to the winding path until they reach secluded courtyard surrounded by bamboo tree and a small pond, the beautiful lady knocks on the door a few times after she heard her master permission she opens the door and invited the lady with bamboo veil hat to enter, but when her servant wants to follow her master the beautiful lady stop the servant with polite smiles.

The female servant becomes anxious but the lady with the bamboo hat shakes her head, the female servant becomes quiet she takes a step back obediently than the beautiful lady closed the door from the outside.

The door was closed with small 'Thud' sounds.

A handsome young man sits on the chair while sipping his wine calmly, the lady was quiet for a second but than she let out a long exhale and she takes off her hat and put down the hat on the small table near her than she walk towards the young man.

A flirty Smiles bloom on his face "Second princess…" he called.

"Young Master Yang…" she replied in monotone voice ignoring his seductive gaze on her.