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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 369 - Persistent
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Qian Mu Ting realizes the slip of her tongue but it was too late because Yuan Shao furiously glares at her, Qian Mu Ting wants to slap her own mouth, she wants to persuade him but instead, she make him angrier.

"General Yuan, I don't mean…." ​​

"You mean cannot be clearer your highness" he quipped, he straightens his back and clasped both of his hand on the table, he expression become grimed at first he still courteous with Qian Mu Ting he understands she also didn't have a choice but follow the emperor order but when she suggested him to take his beloved woman as a concubine the string conscience in his heart suddenly break, whatever little feeling he has to Qian Mu Ting, wether is a pity, remorse or responsible is dissipated without a trace.

Her words remain him of his pitiful mother, should he make the woman she loved to lived her lived like his mother, absolutedly NOT! He will not make the same mistaked as his father.

"Your 'kindness' is unnecessary because there would not be a marriage between us" he adamant to refused the engagement between them.

She feel her heart just droped, is that it? is that how she end? Her face become white as sheet she knew her mother will not forgive her this time and so is her father emperor, what about her reputation? People would make another bad rumor about her and they would laughing at her, she can imagined other ladies in the city would mocked her how could she held her head high after this?

"You can't do this to me!" she suddenly cry "Why you all do this to me? I didn't do anything wrong but why you humiliated me like this, can you give me a face even a little, what have I done wrong!" she scream at Yuan Shao.

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Yuan Shao frowned although she screams at him but it feel she talk about someone else, he takes a deep breath seemingly tired to entertain Qian Mu Ting any longer "Her highness, this is not about you, there something in this world cannot be forced"

"I cannot take responsibility for you're future nor I don't want to sacrifice my future for you, you lose your position but I also gave up my career and my family, there also a possibility I would be banished from my owned country, this is my price and I take this gladly, please don't focus by your owned misery all of us have our own predicament, not everything is about you…" Yuan Shao word is calm and clear he is not angry or trying to comfort Qian Mu Ting, he just how him the fact of there situation.

Qian Mu Ting didn't answer her head cast down, Yuan Shao rose from his seat "You can rest here for a while her highness, I'm sorry I can accompany you, I will ask someone to send you out, have a good day your highness" he cupped his fist courteously and then he left leaving Qian Mu Ting recuperated herself inside the pavilion.

Tears fall on her cheeks, she doesn't want things to end like this, so what if everyone has their own predicament is not her problem as long it's not her why should she care, is it wrong thinking about her own happiness? is she being selfish, so what, this is her life!

Qian Mu Ting wiped her tears, she will not be given up she doesn't want to be the leftover princess but she can't do this on her own she need help.


Meanwhile, in Yang Manor, the door on the study room abruptly open Yang Qiang Yan startled and his eyebrows creased deepen, he was in a very bad mood these few weeks because of the trouble in his business and now someone dares to provoke him.

"Cousin is the new is true, Qian Mu Ting will marry Yuan Shao?" Yang Wei Lan glare with bloodshot eyes.

Yang Qiong Yan slammed the book report on the table with an upset look "That's right, what it got to do with you?" he chides.

"Cousin, you know exactly how I feel with brother yuan, how can this happened he should marry me why suddenly he engaged with that b*tch, this is wrong!" Yang Wei Lan moves back at forth while screaming and whining.

Her behavior only driven yang Qiong yan crazy, he already overwhelmed by the loss of his business because of Zhao Li Xin one by one his business is close down if not having deep trouble whether it is late payment, losing an employee or losing the business partner.

Lao Min Na subordinated has shown her disappointment but this is not his fault someone playing with him and he knew it was Zhao Li Xin but what can he do with him, he doesn't have enough power to handle Hei Shen Sect.

"Watch your mouth! How dare you cursed royal family, who do you think you are, do you want to destroy your family to ninth-generation!" Yang Qiong yang can't hold his anger anymore and he berated Yang Wei Lan mercilessly.

Yang Wei Lan startled and her face turns pale, this is the first time Yang Qiong Yan scream at her "Co..cousin. why are you angry with me? I just…"

"You just what? Throwing tantrum like a little girl? Begging and crying to your father to let you marry the man who never gives you the slightest glance, someone who hated you, just remember this as long the yang family blood runs to you're veins, Yuan Shao will never love you!" he had enough with Yang Wei Lan childish behavior, she never does anything other then making a messed outside if she can't contribute anything the least she could do is stay still and be quiet, How hard it could be?

"Cousin….what…what's that supposed to mean" Yang Wei Lan lips trembles in fear she doesn't understand why her dear cousin so mean to her, she just vents her anger because the engagement between that wretched woman and Yuan Shao, she wants Yang Qiong Yan coaxed her and perhaps solved her problem, but why?

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"Cousin you know how much I loved Yuan Shao, why are you telling me this….." tears stream down on her face, her heart aching so bad, she dreams to marry Yuan Shao since she was a child but that man always cold to her, she's not stupid of course she knew Yuan Shao didn't like her but if she marries him she believes after a few years she would able to melt his icy heart, that's why she insists to marry him but now her dream is crushed because of Qian Mu Ting.

Yang Wei Lan tears smudged her make up it make Yang Qiong yan feel disgusted "Get out!" he yelled "Not like someone I have a lot of things to do" he scoffed at Yang Wei Lan.

Yang wei Lan bit her lower lips and run out of the room in cry.

The room become quiet after yang wei lan left, Yang Qiong Yan sighed he lean his back on his chair and he closed his eyes to calmed himself, suddenly he feel very tired.

'Knock knock' someone gently knocked on the door.

"Come in" Yang Qiong Yan said without open his eyes.

Yang Qiong Yan assistant the room, he bowed courteously than he handed small scroll "Second princess personal maid send this for you young master"

"Second Princess, Qian Mu Ting?" Yang Qiong Yan frowned, he wonder what does she want?

"That's what she said young master" said the assistant.

Yang Qiong Yan open the small scroll when he read the message inside the scroll his eyebrows furrows but than smirked come to his face, he closed the scroll then he burns it with the candle near him "Who else knows about this?" asked Yang Qiong Yan.

"Just me young master," he said.

"Good, don't let anyone know about this" sad Yang Qiong Yan and the fire burn the small scroll into ashes.