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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 360 - When They Get Bored III
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Xie Xiu Wei thought he would use extra force to enter Yong Heng Manor, he already surrounded by Hei Shen members, the soldiers with silver armor has surrounded them while aiming their spear towards them, the black shadow guards stand above the roof eyeing them like a hawk, and the simple maids and male servants who supposed to be terrified for the incoming fight stand calmly but with vigilant, turns out every single of them is a powerful cultivator and yet all of them dress like a humble servant.

Xie Xiu Wei looks calm but his hand soaked with thin layer of sweat, The elders and his close subordinated also engulf with anxiety although they're expression remain composed but it reflected in they're eyes for someone who has discerning eyes. ​​

His father has reminded him not to fight with Long Ming head-on for his reputation is no jokes, normally Xie Xiu Wei never against his father words but then Nan Yu Wei disappeared after she failed attempt to kill Long Ming woman, she heard the rumor that Nan Yu Wei chassed Luo Ri Yi during the fight but then something happened, Luo Ri Yi remains unscathed but Nan Yu Wei disappeared without a trace, Xie Xiu Wei wants to ask what happened at that day but every Sacred mountain peak members that follow Nan Yu Wei are killed so no one can provide him with concrete information.

Suddenly the gate open and the old housekeeper bow his head slightly "If you want to meet our Lord, please come" he raised his hand to invited them to come.

The old housekeeper warm smiles raise the suspicion in Xie Xiu Wei's heart but he can retreat now, as a man he cannot fall from Long Ming intimidation. Xie Xiu Wei balled his fist than he climbs the stairs in front of the gate and slowly enter, the soldiers make way for them, they're Lord has given Xie Xiu Wei and his people permission so they have no reason to stop them but they do not lose their guard down and the shadow guard also keeps watching them from the roof waiting for any of them make sudden moves.

The tension make the sacred Mountain peak members anxious and they never feel this way to anyone or anywhere. they don't want to admit it but they all feel intimidated by Hei Shen Sect.

The main building double door suddenly opens by two people wearing a dark uniform, Xie Xiu Wei subconsciously halted his pace and so his subordinated behind him.

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From behind the door, a man with a beautiful face like an immortal appears, his dark robes embroidery with black and golden flame, his wide sleeve sway gently as he moves with calm pace, his long dark hair left untied behind his back it shows his carefree and indifferent character with the common rules.

Xie Xiu Wei feel bitter inside because he knew how much Nan Yu Wei admire Zhao Li Xin he hated to admit but if he a woman he would also mesmerized by Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin stop his pace his face remain cold and void from any feeling makes anyone who stares on him feel restless for some reason, Xiu Xiu Wei eyebrows gradually furrow, the man in front of him is like a jade statue so flawless and yet so cold he doesn't understand why Nan Yu Wei adore that man very much is it because of his face?

"Lord Long Ming" Xie Xiu Wei nod his head.

Someone suddenly run with black wooden chair and put right on time when Zhao Li Xin flicked his robes to sit, his face remains expressionless as he replied calmly "Young Master Xie" then Mong Yi put a small table next to Zhao Li Xin and without hurry he arranged the wine flask and the wine cup neatly on the table before he pours the wine without hurry.

Sacred Mountain peak had seen a lot of arrogant man in they're life and the truth is all Xie family is fulled with arrogant people but they never seen anyone like Zhao Li Xin, his behavior supposed to be arrogant but his face remain indifferent he doesn't look proud or haughty on contrary he look slightly bored and Hei Shen people also acted casual as if nothing weird happening in front of them.

"Why don't you invite me in, Lord long Ming? or is it common for Hei Shen to welcome their guest on the yard?" Xie Xiu Wei quipped.

"You're not my guest" Zhao Li Xin answer bluntly.

The sacred mountain peak members face turn red from indignant but Xie Xiu Wei remain composed, he already knew about Long Ming infamous temperament "If you say so, then lets not beating around the bush, where's Nan Yu Wei?" Xie Xiu Wei also didn't have time to waste so he become direct.

Zhao Li Xin twists the winecup on his hand "Probably dead…" he answers lightly then he takes a sip of his wine.

Xie Xie Wei and other his subordinated face turn ashen, he clenched his fist and glared furiously at Zhao Li Xin "You kill her!" he hissed while holding his anger. In Xie Xiu Wei mind the one who kills Nan Yu Wei must be Zhao Li Xin or his subordinated never crossed his mind it was Lory herself who killed her and Zhao Li Xin would never tell them, he worried they would shift their anger to Lory, it's better for everyone never know what Lory could do, it safer this way for her.

Zhao Li Xin sneers "She tries to hurt my wife so she must bear the consequences, its that simple.." he take another sip before he put down the wine cup on the table gently.

"She's you're wife now?" Xie Xiu Wei confused because he didn't hear anything about wedding and ceremony around Yong Heng Manor so when this fiancée turn to wife? Marriage is a serious and complicated process and involved a lot of people the fastest weeding at least need three months to prepare, especially someone with high status like Zhao Li Xin, he can't just marry away like commoner isn't he?

"She always be my wife, my one and only wife" Zhao Li Xin clasped his hands above his stomach his gaze becomes soft when he mentions the word 'Wife' but only for two second his face turns dark again "And you're people try to kill my wife and you dare to come here asking about that wretched woman!" Zhao Li Xin hit the table near him and the table shattered into pieces.

The air around them suddenly become heavy and the oxygen feel depleted make them hard to breathe, Hei Shen people take a deep breath to push they're Qi to create a barrier around them because Zhao Li Xin aimed his anger to Xie Xiu Wei and his subordinated Hei Shen people didn't affect too much by their Lord enormous Qi, it seems their Lord had better control of his power after he met with Luo Ri Yi, what a great surprised!

Xie Xiu Wei was dumbfounded, he doesn't know how to inform his father about Nan yu Wei death. The providence sword is taken in frontof him, he still can't find the sword and now his own fiancée died right under his nose, what would people thinking about him, he will become laughingstock. He failed so many times his father might not trust him to be his successor and choose his other brothers instead, what should he do now?

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"Nan Yu Wei plans to kill your wife is beyond me, this is her own fault it got nothing to do with our society but your wife has taken our divined sword if you return the sword, we will not prolong this matter anymore" Xie Xiu Wei have a certain feeling with Nan Yu Wei but as a man between ambition and woman they mostly choose the first, he can always find another Nan Yu Wei but the position of the leader of Sacred Mountain Peak is only one and he have work his entire life for this position, he could never let it go.

Zhao Li Xin stifles watching the hopeful gaze Xie Xie Wei try so hard to hide, Zhao Li Xin leans his back comfortably as he speaks calmly "Oh, that sword…I think we lost it"

"WHAT!" Xie Xiu Wei and the elders shouted at the same time.

"Long Ming, don't you dare Lied to us!" the other elder loose his composed.

"Is their anything in this world I didn't dare to do?" Zhao Li Xin snickered.

Mong Yi and Mong Ki glance at Zhao Li Xin for a second 'Yes, other then against Miss Luo our great Lord dare to do anything!'

"You already killed our Holy Lady and now you refused to return our divined world, How dare you!" more elder become furious, no one dares belittle the Sacred Mountain peak Society, not even the emperor himself, how dare a young Sect like Hei Shen challenged them.

They all forget Hei Shen never challenged them it was them who keep provoking Hei Shen and Zhao Li Xin.

"Young Master Xie, we Sacred mountain peak has a long history we should not take this lay down or people would not respect us anymore, Nan Yu Wei is our Holy lady if we can't protect her honor how can we protect the leader and Xie family honor" the elder with gray beard incite Xie Xiu Wei anger.

Xie Xiu Wei as a young and overbearing young master forgot about his father's warning, influence by his subordinated Xie Xiu Wei narrowed his eyes "Long Ming you didn't give me a choice!"

Zhao Li Xin smirk evilly "No, I don't"