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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 358 - When They Get Bored
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"Hey when I think again, I think I need your help, right now," Lory said than suddenly raised from her chair and moves behind the screen divider.

"Okay, what do you need" she follows Lory from behind. ​​

Lory opens up her drawer again and she found white fur cloak "The abandoned restaurant that we had visited at that time, no one enter that place isn't it?"

"Yes, that place is bought by Uncle, to hide the existed of the flower so no one allowed to get close," said Ming Yue Yin.

"That's good" Lory sigh in relief "I need to visit that place right now" she put on the cloak behind her shoulder.

"Right now?" Ming Yue Yin gasped "Are you going out like this?" she sizes Lory up and down with baffled expression.

"My appearance?" Lory touches her face than she checks her reflection on the mirror, a lady with pale skin with bluish wavy hair staring back at her, her purple eyes blink a few times as she realizes she still in her original appearance, after the cursed created havoc inside her body the low-level spell like shapeshifter spell is washed away like dirt on a rainy day and because her mana depleted she hasn't activated the shapeshifter spell again, Lory checks her left wrist and of course, the spell marks disappeared.

"I forgot…" Lory bit her lower lips, fortunately, Ming Yue Yin reminds her.

"Can you change back to you're 'Normal' appearance?"

"No, my mana is….near-empty" Lory let out along heaved.

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"Than what?" Ming Yue Yin opens her hand with question looks.

Lory clicks her tongue exasperatedly "We do the old way then!" Lory sits in front of the mirror she tied her hair to low bun hairstyle than she raised her hood to cover her hair than she put on a white mask to cover her face than she turns around at Ming Yue Yin "How do I look?"

"Like you got something to hide" she replied sarcastically.

"Good enough" Lory ignores her teasing "You came with me!"

"Wait!" Ming Yue Yin takes out the silk glove from her spatial ring "You forgot to hide your skin color" Ming Yue Yin help Lory to put on the glove.

"Thank you" Lory pull up her mask and her purple eyes glittering like a gemstone under the sunlight.

Ming Yue Yin was dumbstruck for a moment as she clear her throat as she pretends to be casual "No problem" she averts her gaze from Lory's eyes.

"Oh, I need to call Girsha too" Lory closed her eyes and a moment later the white bird breach the window and perch on her shoulder.

[After two worlds you finally become a woman, congratulation!] although he teasing her but he feel genuinely glad she finally experiences what normal women should be, well as normal as she could be though...

[Yeah, I hope it will not bring harm to him, if something happened to him because of this, I will become a nun]

[Don't worry, I will watch over him] Girsa reassured her, although she said in a playful manner Girsha knew if something happened with Zhao Li Xin, Lory will lose her minds just like what happened with Lucas once.

[Please pay attention if he go rampage and killing people like crazy] Lory remaind Girsha earnestly.

[...….] Girsha narrowed his eyes on Lory [Dear, you need to be more specific….]

[True…] she forgot Zhao Li Xin is already like that even before she met him.


Inside the cold study room Zhao Li Xin was checking the mountain scroll of the report from his Kings Palaces, after the troubles with Sacred Mountain Peak Society escalated, Zhao Li Xin order to gives tight investigation about everyone inside the society wether is insignificant information or not, everything should be reported Zhao Li Xin also investigated misty lake, Yang Qiong Yan and Yuan Shao family including the Emperor because of that the report becomes double on Zhao Li Xin desk.

Used to be Zhao Li Xin will have a bad mood while checking all the new but today the Lord seems overjoyed, the heavy temperament that uses to surrounding him like a dark cloud suddenly disappeared, and not just his mood even his working speed also double then he used to be.

Mong Ki and Mong Yi already heard the rumor about the 'Cooked Rice' it seems the rumor is not false at all. They also feel happy because there Lord doubles there salary and gives them three days vacation the maid and servant also given a week to return to there family if they want to, such a great blessing and the entire Hei Shen becomes ecstatic.

"What is Xie Xiu Wei do right know?" Zhao Li Xin rolls the scroll and puts it in on the side before open up the new one.

"He still searching for Nan Yu Wei, he blames Young Madam and Milord for Nan Yu Wei disappearance"

Zhao Li Xin smirked "He tries to kill my wife and blame her because his stupid fiancée didn't have enough ability to do so, how foolish" he scoffed in contempt.

"And The empress?"

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"The Empress demoted from her position to noble consort, the empress is so shocked by the news her health suddenly turn to worst and she has bedridden ever since," said Mong Yi with flat tones but that didn't hide the vicious glint in his eyes. Compare to what they did to there mistress this is not enough.

"The emperor also sends more gifts for Young madam, as consolation gift," Mong Yi said with sarcastic tones. After what happened at the gathering the emperor sends a lot of gift to Yong Heng Manor, mountain box of jewelry and treasures filled the Manor main hall but Hei Shen people are far from impress, compare to what Zhao Li Xin use to give to Lory this is nothing not to mention their young Madam will not interested too with this mountain of treasure she might even think this is a hassle.

Everyone let out a long sigh after they check if there any threat hidden inside the box they transferred everything on the treasury room swiftly. only the housekeeper who checked if the gift according to the list the eunuch gave them, they don't want the Emperor suddenly framed them for stealing their treasure, meh, this measly treasures who want them anyway.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door, Zhao Li Xin raised her hand to give permission while his eyes remain on the scroll, Mong Yi than open the door and the housekeeper enter the room, the old housekeeper cupped his fist courteously and said: "Milord, master Xie come again and this time he brings many Sacred Mountain Peak members, I think this time he will not leave without proper answers" the housekeeper said calmly without showing any worries.

"Oh, something is more important master, the young madam leave the manor with Empress ming, she said she only leave for a few hours and promise she would return immediately so Young Madam said Milord doesn't need to be worry"

"Who else she bring with her?" Zhao Li Xin's face slightly becomes tense.

"Mong Liu and three other shadow guards, Empress ming also bring her female bodyguard the Su's sister with her" said the housekeeper.

Zhao Li Xin let out a long heaved "That should be enough…" Zhao Li Xin doesn't like to let her out of sight but confined Lory is like trying to grasp sands with bare hands, the tighten your grasp the more she will slip through you're finger, all he could do is try his best to prepare a precaution measures for her.

Zhao Li Xin frown for a minuted than he suddenly lift his head "Where were we?"

The housekeeper bow his head again "Master Xie and his minion is outside the gate, Milord" he sigh inwardly.

'You forgot already'

"Oh…." He finally remembers, he put down the scroll on the table than lean his back and lift his winecup while contemplating for a while before he takes a sip of his wine calmly, he licks his lips and put down the winecup and he shifts his gaze to Mong Ki and Mong Yi "Are you guys bored?"

Mong Ki and Mong Yi understands what Zhao Li Xin means, both of them wickedly smiles "We are, Milord"