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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 356 - Everybody Knows
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The ceremony between them is a tradition among the Lucient when Lucient's descendant want to show they're devotion to they're love one they didn't use dowry, rings or vowed when they marry they're spouse, but instead, their bond they're body and soul by the spell that only known by the Lucient heir it shown that they willing to loves they're spouse in this world and hereafter.

Although she does this spontaneously but she didn't regret it, Zhao Li Xin always their when she feel lonely, he never forced her to talk about her past even though he knew she keeps secret from him, he never doubts her or suspicious about her but instead he gives her all the trust and loved she ever need without asking anything in return other then staying by his side. Before she realizes she already feel in love with him and didn't remember how she lives her life in this world before she meets him. ​​

For Lory falling in love with him is easier then breathing, the pained she used to feel become more tolerable after he came, bound her self with him as natural as the sun rose every morning. This ceremony is to show him her commitment to him, she always feel guilty because she keeps postpones they're wedding and becomes more guilty because Zhao Li Xin never complains about it even though sometimes he expresses his dissatisfaction with the situation.

Lory is awaked with sore all over her body thankfully the necklace recover her body in speed by combined it with her healing power the loved marks on her body gradually fading and the soreness also slowly dissipated, she knew she can't resist her and only with the last strain of her conscious she make sure he never saw her back and he almost fails a few times.

For someone who never interacts with opposite sex Zhao Li Xin has a profound knowledge about men and women intimate matters if not because she stays with him for a long time and understands his temperament she will thought he must have a lot of practice with other women. Lory might not have experience but she have enough knowledge about this, is not like s*x is taboo in her world.

"Lory, you need to take a bath and have dinner, you're body still unwell" Zhao Li Xin prop his hand with his fist on the bed, his voice is seductive and gentle.

Lory too tired to open her eyes "Who's fault is that" she scoffed exasperatedly.

"Me…" he shamelessly admits without feeling guilty at all.

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Lory stretch her limbs she let out a long sigh her eyelashes fluttering before she open her eyes than she glare at Zhao Li Xin not because what they had done but because she worries about his safety, she doesn't have enough knowledge about Lazarus cursed because no record about it and she had search thoroughly, she doesn't know how this will effect him or will this effect him? She also blames herself for being 'easy' but than she sees his handsome face, messy long dark hair and he wore nothing underneath inside the blanket, Lory can only admit her lost and waves her white flag inside her head.

Zhao Li Xin is in the best mood he ever got since he was born, he feel so happy he almost feel unreal, when Lory stare at him in dazed he chuckles lightly "What's wrong dear, you want another round?" he teased.

Lory pursed her lips "You…why are you keep going when I say to wait?"

"Because you didn't sound like you want to wait…" he said calmly without any doubt on his tone "And judging by how you moan I know you enjoy it as much as I do" he chuckles.

Her face becomes red as a ripe tomato, she can't deny that! Lory shook her head profusely she has no time for that because she has something more urgent to consider with, she must observe Zhao Li Xin condition for a few days and if he shows any symptom being affected by the cursed she will give all her power to protect him even if that means she has to put her own soul at stakes. Than she takes a deep breath to calm herself and organize her thoughts to make some plans and the first thing she had to do is not repeat her mistakes again.

Lory raised her back and she sits on the bed while covering her naked body with the blanket than she stares firmly at Zhao Li Xin "Li Xin their something I need to be sure before we process our relationship to the next level so please understand me this only for one time, is not because I don't love but on contrary I really really love you so I hope you understand my decision" Lory feel nervous when she talks with him she hopes he will not misunderstand her.

Zhao Li Xin frown in discontent but than he sighed "You sure about it?" he also raised his back and the blanket fall on his waist and bearing his hard chest "Than I will not force you…" he smiles amicably at her.


Lory wake up the next morning feeling defeated 'Why this is happen again?'

Zhao Li Xin wakes up next to her with bright smiles plastered on his face he feel very satisfied and his mood has reached the sky. His arms is behind his head while his other arms under Lory head, it seems they just finish another round of vigorous battle and is easy to see who is win in this battle.

"You agree it only happened one time" lory whines at him.

"No, I agree I will not force you…" he corrected her.

"Than what you just do?" she rebuked him with upset looks.

"I seduced you…." He smiles cunningly.

"..." Lory than realizes she just make a big mistake, she should not underestimate her opponent.


Lory finally able to kick Zhao Li Xin out of her room before she got eaten again. even with amulet and healing gift Lory still feel listless, she eats her breakfast with half dozed eyes and she can wait to drag herself back to her bed. For as long she knows Zhao Li Xin he always been trustworthy and honest to her but only know she realizes when it comes to bedroom matters he is full of lies.

He keep telling her this is his one last time but he lie! And he lies to her for the whole night it seems Zhao Li Xin just a normal man after all. Lory noted herself not to believed him next time! Wait, is their going to be next time?

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'knock knock' than someone called her from behind the door "Aunty, can I come in?"

"Yeah…" she carelessly answer.

And the door slowly open, when Ming Yue Yin see Lory tired face she clicks her tongue with annoyance "Uncle really had bullied you, huh?"

While munching her meal she nods her head "He is…" and than she sighs "someone needs to remind him when people said 'all night long' is just an impression he should not take this seriously…"

Ming Yue Yin pull the chair in front of her "You lucky he let you go after one night, with his cultivation level he can go for days" she said casually while picking up the Bok Choy with the chopstick directly to her mouth.

Lory frown as she felt Ming Yue Yin exaggerated Zhao Li Xin stamina but she's not, high-level cultivator body has exceeded the strength of normal human that's why Zhao Li Xin didn't eat or rest as normal people should it becase his body is altered by his cultivation, Lory doesn't realize Zhao Li Xin is being considerated with her body so he let her go after one night because he feared to damaged her body.

It takes a while for her to realizes this but first, something suddenly bother her "Wait how do you know what happened with me and Li Xin?" she suspiciously stares at Ming Yue Yin.

"What you mean?" Ming Yue Yin confused with lory weir gaze than she said again "Everyone knows, why do you think they served red rice on you're bowl?" she said nonchalantly.

"Be….because Its healthy?" Lory nervously smiles.

Ming Yue Yin chuckles "You so funny"