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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 336 - Accident Happened
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Zhao Li Xin returns from the mystique realm inside his spatial rings, the robes, and his hair still soaked from the seawater. The room as quiet as ever only the sound of curtain fluttering when the wind blows from the window. He pinches between his glabella the words from Huo Long still echoed in his ears, his heart palpitate but he doesn't know why.

It's useless overthinking something he doesn't understand so He pushes the thought behind his back, he takes off his half soaked robes than suddenly someone barges into his room.


"Li Xin are you here?" Lory called abruptly.

He faintly smiles "I'm here, I…."

Lory didn't wait for him to finish his sentence she lifts the curtain then walks past the screen divider "Xin what do you think I should wear for…." Lory's mouth hangs loose she freezes when she sees him stark naked on the contrary Zhao Li Xin only surprised for a second then his expression turn calmed again, he has no problem letting her sees him naked.

"For the gathering?" he nonchalantly continues her sentences.

Lory's eyes bulged then her chin quiver "No! I mean Yes! I mean sorry!" she should close his eyes but instead she widens her eyes subconsciously. His broad shoulder, his firm muscles, and his perfect carved abs, how could she look away from this tantalizing scene and Zhao Li Xin also did not hurry to wear his robes because his princess still ogling his body, let's gives her sometimes.

If it's other people he would already gauge their eyes but because she's Lory, he doesn't mind he feel quite proud he can make his Princess reacted like that, he wonders if he should make a pose to satisfy her.

In the meantime, Lory fighting her urged to look between the triangle between his legs 'Should I take Look? No, Don't look Lory! Bad Lory!' her face never been redder and her heart beating so loud just like a drum but still, his inner thought continues to fight whether he should look or not.

"Well if you like it so much, why don't you touch it?" Zhao Li Xin chuckles when he sees her flustered face, she looks like a fish out from the water.

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Zhao Li Xin teased snapped her back, she smiles awkwardly "I…..eh…no…..thank you, I should go, bye! thank you!" then she cursed herself inwardly, why the hell she say thank you for?

Lory force herself to look away she turns around in a hurry then accidentally hit the small table "Ouch!" she hit her knee than she winces.

"Lory are you okay" Zhao Li Xin almost drop his robes again to help her but Lory raised her hand to stop him.

"I'm good!" she closed her eyes then take long strides but sadly she accidentally hit her head to the screen divider frame "Ouch" she screams in pain again but she ignores the pain, she rubbed her head the scurry out of the room, Zhao Li Xin watches her run with worry but after he heard the door slammed closed he startled, she listened to her fast footstep then he suddenly chuckles.

His Princess is so cute, the only thing bothers him if one day they do the deeds he afraid he can't hold himself, what would happen if he accidentally pushes her too much? oh well, when that happened he would ask Bei Li Yan how to control oneself desire.

Lory run out of the room, she run in front of the pond to cool herself, her body feel hot and her face become red as a tomato, he can feel smoke burst on the top of her head. Lory cupped her red face with both her palms, she can't believe what she just saw.

"Goodness is.....a big bird!" she muttered with a shocking face.

[What big bird?] Girsha suddenly perches on the stone lamp near her.

[I….no…] she stuttered.

Girsha notices her erratic breath and her flushed skin, he wonders if she met a beast and got scarred although that probability is slim, he can't stop feel curious [You see a bigger bird then me?] he asked in a serious tone.

Lory was stunned when he heard the words 'Bigger' she remembers her biology class the teacher say something about the male organ that can swell twice or thrice larger suddenly her face become as white as sheet, she's not sure what her teacher taught, she wishes she pay more attention that day Lory slowly shift her gaze to Girsha [God, I hope not!]


After the fiasco Lory hides inside Ming Yue Yin courtyard, she didn't know how to face Zhao Li Xin right now, she knew he wouldn't angry or thinking badly about her but she sure he would tease her endlessly and she can't handle him right now although she's not the shy type but caught red-handed ogling his body is a great embarrassment, she ashamed to admit she is a big pervert.

"It's amazing how much expression you can make in a minute" Ming Yue Yin suddenly make a comment.

Lory startled than she pursed her lips in with annoyed face "Shut up!" she chides her.

Ming Yue Yin ignored her, she already immuned by Lory scowled, Ming Yue Yin bites a sunflower seed she peels off the shell the put it on the empty bowl "So what would you prepare for tomorrow gathering?" she asked nonchalantly.

She suddenly remembers what she was thinking before "Oh yes, about that…what do you think I should wear?"

"Why don't you asked uncle about that?"

Lory's face slightly blushed "It's better to ask a woman right," she said with honest expression, completely conceal her lewd imagination every time she thinks about him.

Ming Yue Yin feel something not right with Lory but Lory never look normal anyway so she pushes the question behind her back, she bit another sunflower seed than she said "Just wear your normal dress but don't wear a bright red dress because red is the Empress color, avoid such a color informal gathering with the royal family and don't wear a dress with phoenix embroidery for the same reason as before" she said with mockery tones as if she forgot about her owned status.

"Sure, other than color what else I need to pay attention" she picks the flower seed than she bites down the seeds until cracks.

"Well I think from the way you dress normally it wouldn't have problem" Ming Yue Yin sigh "What I'm worried is what if they schemed behind you're back, we should be careful with everything we eat and drink"

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Lory take out the necklace that hidden behind her collar "I got this so poison wouldn't be a problem"

"Oh, that is uncle amulet isn't it?" Ming Yue Yin did not dare to touch it she just scrutinizes the necklace with her eyes closely "With this, we can remove poisons from the threat but we still need to be vigilant, I got the new Nan Yu Wei will be presences, also Yuan Shan and the second Princess including the Empress all of them have a big motive to harm you"

"Yeah…they all my fiancée admire isn't it" Lory feel perplexed. She props her chin on the table "I used to think Zhao Li Xin is too cruel with his admires but now I think he's not cruel enough…you think I'm mean" she weakly smiles.

"No, if it's me I might beat all those shameless women black and blue with my own hands" Ming Yue Yin wave her hands carelessly. She doesn't feel Lory thought anything wrong if there is Ming Yue Yin thought lory is too soft-hearted, sometimes that worries her.

"Tck, I don't get it, Nan Yu Wei already has a fiancée, Qian Mu Ting is a Princess and Yuan Shan still young and beautiful, why all of them acted as if their's no other man then my fiancée, why are they so desperate?" Lory let out a long heaved.

"But there are not many men like Uncle, he is young, rich, powerful, independent and his face….that heaven-defying handsome face is hard to resist" Ming Yue Yin explains calmly while pouring herself a cup of tea.

"But you and Yang Xi Yin never interested in Zhao Li Xin" she tilted her head confusedly.

"Xi Yin already head over heel with Li Mo Zhen and me…." Ming Yue Yin sighs "Uncle is too scary for me, even if he is not fell in love with you I will never be attracted to him when I see through his eyes is like falling in a void….too scary" Ming Yue Yin feel the hair on her neck raised.

"Really? I never feel he like that even from the first time we met, honestly I think he is a passionate man" Lory suddenly blushed when she remembers how he kissed her.

"Uncle does look and feels different when you around…." This is the fact that no one can't refute "But people didn't know that, they might refuse to believe that, a great powerful Long Ming will succumb on the hand of a woman who has no power and background, how can anyone accept that"

"That's why they keep coming?" Lory wryly smiles.

Ming Yue Yin grin widely "Yup!"