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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 332 - Ruin The Source Income
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Is exactly for that reason why so many women force there luck to be Zhao Li Xin woman even though he already make his reputation as a mindless killer but that not stop them And Zhao Li Xin heaven-defying beauty also not helping, as dangerous being only incited their greed to tamed and that's what happened to Zhao Li Xin.

"What else happened?" Zhao Li Xin sign Bei Li Yan to continue his report. ​​

Bei Li Yan startled a little bit then he quickly composed himself and continue " Yang Qiong Yan and Yang Ao Shen visit Yuan manor two days ago, but no one knows what the reason is? but the rumor said is about marriage between Yuan family and Yang family but nothing conclude and Yuan Fei hasn't said anything to clarify"

"Could it be for Yang Qiong yan and Yuan Shan, but why Yuan Shan keeps chasing our Lord" Wu San Bo perplexed. Normally after the talk between the family even though it is not official yet, the maiden should be confined at her courtyard to maintain their reputation until she gets married, so how can Yuan Shan brazenly chassed Zhao Li Xin, does she 's not afraid her family wrath?

"If not Yuan Shan, who else?" Bei Li Yan frown get deepen than suddenly he snapped back "Yuan Xue An!" he clapped his hands.

"Are you sure? With her condition, she wouldn't be able to bear a child" Wu san bo not sure with Bei Li Yan's conclusion.

Suddenly Lory chimed in "Unless is not about finding a wife….what if they aimed for Yuan Shao"

The three men stunned and they staring ant Lory with a shocking face. what Lory had said is make sense, Yang Qiong Yan tries to rope Yuan Shao before but he failed so they do a roundabout way through the only person that matters for him, Yuan Xue An.

"Yang Qiong Yan" Bei Li Yan look down and mutter than suddenly he lifts his head again "Is it Lao Min Na again?" she feel in indignant every time Lao Min Na plays her petty tricks on them.

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"We didn't hear any news about her recently, should we hasten the plan milord?" Wu San Bo smiles wickedly.

Zhao Li Xin becomes silent seems immersed in deep thought while his finger tapped the table in monotone sounds than suddenly his finger stop moving and he raised his head "Do it!" he said firmly.

"As you wish, Milord" Wu San Bo smirked there's a vicious glint in his eyes.

"Oh yes, next two weeks sacred mountain peak would descend from the mountain and gracious us with there presence in the royal Banquet" Bei Li Yan make cynical smiles "This Banquet is to celebrate the Emperor birthday and I heard the first young master Xie Xiu Wei will come with his beautiful fiancée Nan Yu Wei to honor the Emperor" he makes an exaggerated gesture with his waving hand, he almost looks like an actor at the opera.

Lory was stunned when she heard Nan Yu Wei's name "The holly lady? How is she now?" the last time she saw her Nan Yu Wei got hurt by the trinity fragments that reside inside the providence swords and because of that she was unconscious when she left.

"Not good," Bei Li Yan said indifferently "Her cultivation regressed to only King level and peak stages too" Bei Li Yan hit his knee and laugh heartily.

Lory click her tongue in a helpless expression "She must hate me very much"

"Well, she does…" Bei Li Yan can't argue with that.

"Don't worry she can't touch you" Zhao Li Xin assured her.

Lory patted her cheeks "I don't mind she touch me a little because that means I could touch her….I might surprise her don't you think?" she smiles mischievously.

Zhao Li Xin's face turns dark, she doesn't know what she wants to do but he doesn't like the words she chooses.

Bei Li Yan eyes glint with excitement and curiosity "Can I see both of you touches each other"

Lory's mouth twitches slightly "That sounds wrong, but why not" she make naughty chuckles.

"DENIED!" suddenly Zhao Li Xin slammed the table and surprised Lory and Bei Li Yan.

"No one can touch my woman for as long as I lived!!" he shouted angrily.

The room becomes pin-drop silent, if they did not understand Zhao Li Xin's character they might though he make a joke, Lory scratches her head helplessly, her fiancee is so adorably weird it so hard for her to hate him.

"I'm joking, calm down…" Lory chuckles when she sees Zhao Li Xin's grumpy face.

'Hump' Zhao Li Xin snort in disdained, men or woman his Princess is off-limits, he would cut anyone hand who dare to touch her.

After a few more hours of discussion, Wu San Bo and Bei Li Yan excuse themselves than begin to proceed there plan, Wu San Bo had the list of every merchant, stores, and official who work with Lao Min Na. the first thing he does is shaking the market value balance its quite simple if you have big capital like Hei Shen sect, all Wu San Bo needs to do is gather the merchant making a deal than overflowed the market with a cheap product like white rice, grains, and herbs.

The market value would drop automatically because people would shift to the cheaper source, after that the value of other product would drop too, like the price of one bowl rice who use to be five-cent copper falling to two-cent copper when the herbs price falling than the price of one dish also decreased and the price of having a meal at the restaurant becomes cheaper and just like domino everything is starting to crumble.

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Than Bei Li Yan would spread about the rumor about failing price of goods, dismissal in a lot of sores and restaurant, overall they created chaos as if the economy would be falling, is amazing what people would do when they got panic, they begin to sell there business at a low price because they scared they will lose more money over time.

In short time Wu San Bo had bought a lot of business in Ching Su city, even though is only small business and medium class business who doesn't have much capital to go on but that's enough for Hei Shen to start there territory expansion in the Liu yan Kingdom, in a swift they have equal Lao Min Na business monopoly in the capital city.

Two gentlemen sit on the lavish restaurant cheers with there cup.

"You must give me thirty percent of you're profit like you promised" Bei Li Yan smiles charmingly.

"You mean twenty percent" Wu San Bo smiles kindly.

Bei Li Yan chuckles "No, you said thirty percent, I remember it" he tapped his temples with his long finger.

Wu San Bo remains his calm composure "You remember the wrong Brother, I believe I said twenty percent" he emphasizes the number.

Bei Li Yan sigh he hold his cheeks elegantly "I wonder what Yang Qiong Yan said when he knew about this" he wickedly smiles than he giggles again "Who knows I got thirty percent profit from creating a small ruckus"

"He must infuriate, throwing the wine cup and scream 'I can't believe this' like that," Wu san Bo smirked.

"Lao Min Na must be very furious she loses a lot of money" Bei Li Yan gloat imagined her anger when she heard the news.

"Of course she is…" Wu San Bo sips his wine slowly than he lifts his head again "Its twenty percent by the way…." he reminds Bei Li Yan.

"Really?" Bei Li Yan feigning innocent.