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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 327 - Meeting The Enemy
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Her jokes are too powerful even Zhao Li Xin loses his grip on his winecup and Yuan Shao choked by his wine and cough profusely, Ming Yue Yin face turn bright red, even though they used to be blunt but this time she was shocked by Lory words.

"Aunty!" she glared at her with a shocking face. ​​

Lory forgot people in this world are very conservative especially when it comes to s*x, they are not like people in her world who used to talk about this stuff easily during lunch as if they talk about the weather, Lory makes apologetic smiles "Sorry…"

"Who told you about that?" Zhao Li Xin also uncomfortable for Lory knowing about dirty things like this "Is it, Jin Hao, no…is Bei Li Yan isn't it" his eyes glint dangerously.

Lory feel imminent danger for Bei Li Yan survival she quickly rebuked him "No, not them!" as she scratched her head awkwardly "When I lived in Lao Manor, I heard a few things from the maids, well you know how active Prime Minister Lao is" Lory shift the Blame to Prime Minister Lao.

Zhao Li Xin gritted his teeth "That old pervert" he does knows Prime Minister Lao likes to indulge himself with a beautiful woman, he blamed the Lao manor to teach his Princess this disgusting matters.

Only Ming Yue Yin who gives Lory a meaningful glance, she could have guessed where Lory actually has that knowledge, Lory exchanged a glance with Ming Yue Yin to keep quiet. The two 'BFF' have a tacit understanding to Blame Lao Min Na family instead.

"You should not learn that unscrupulous matter, that's not something a young woman like you should know" Zhao Li Xin reminds Lory strongly, he doesn't want her tainted by this improper knowledged. If only Zhao Li Xin knew she learned this at school as part of the s*x education curriculum, she remembers the title of that subject is called 'S*x is Fun' maybe is not that fun in this world, Lory can only nod her head obediently when Zhao Li Xin reprimands her.

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Finally, after they finish they're meal and Zhao Li Xin stop reprimand her also the two overeating women finally digest they're food, they decide to enjoy the festival again they also still need to look for rainbow candy and rabbit lantern for her but than Zhao Li Xin said his servant already bought everything and send everything to yuan Xue An courtyard as they speak. T

hey got nothing to do but enjoy the fun and so they left the tea house but suddenly they bump to the last group they want to encounter.

"Brother Yuan" Yuan Shan shocked when she bumps to the unsociable Yuan Shao, even though Yuan Shao is famous general and handsome but he is very cold he never greeted her, he always frown at her as if he saw a bug.

Yuan Shan try to get close to him because Yuan Shao is the eldest Son of Yuan Fei and also the sole Heir of Yuan family but no matter what she does Yuan Shao never pay her attention he always treats her coldly other then to Yuan Xue An she never smiles to anyone not even to his father Yuan Fei.

Yuan Shao only glances at her before he shifts his gaze to somewhere else, his behavior make Yuan Shan embarrassed especially in front of Yang Qiong Yan. She doesn't understand why he never treats her kindly, why he only dotting Yuan Xue An? Isn't she, his sister too?

"General Yuan" Yang Qiong Yan greet politely "What a coincidence meeting you here" he smiles who doesn't reach his eyes.

"Marquis Yang" he nods his head, even though he doesn't like Yang Qiong Yan but he still needs to give him a face. on the other hand, Yang Wei Lan's face beamed like lightbulb she looks at him with yearning eyes, Yuan Shao is tall with broad shoulders and a manly handsome face even though his expression a little bit stoic and stern but that only adds his heroic charmed.

"Brother Yuan" she called shyly.

"Miss Yang" he only replied briefly than he looks away again. but still, a second glance from him would send butterfly to yang Wei Lan's stomach, her face blushed heavily.

"You seem not alone" Yang Qiong Yan can only see Zhao Li Xin back and his back hides Lory and only show half Ming Yue Yin figures so he's not sure who are they, meanwhile Zhao Li Xin far from care with other people he rather teasing Lory then spend a second with other people.

"Friends? Why don't you introduce us?" Yang Qiong Yan tries to probe.

Ming Yue Yin hear Yang Qiong Yan flirtatious voice she take a step forwards than she smiles

"My name Jiao Zi, nice to meet you Marquis Yang" she cupped her fist courteously.

Yang Qiong Yan startled when he sees the beautiful woman in front of him, she has a common name that does not suit her elegance and dignified aura "Jiao Zi, such an interesting name" he could guess that's not her real name but for a woman dare blatantly lie in front of him it either she brave or stupid maybe even both.

"It does isn't it…" Ming Yue Yin grinned, she knew he could guess she's lying but so what? She had no obligation to tell that 'pig' her real name.

Her sassy replied gain Yang Qiong Yan interest, he smiles wickedly at Ming Yue Ying but she's not scared she already numbs after a lot of practice with Zhao Li Xin this little intimidation is nothing for her and so she smiles sweetly at yang Qiong Yan, on the side Yuan Shao annoyed by they're exchanged smiles.

"Don't you said you want to taste rainbow candy, we must hurry before it runs out" he blocked they're gaze with his big body.

"Is it very popular?" Ming Yue Yin's attention back to food again.

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"Yes, it does!" he assured her.

Lory than peek from Zhao Li Xin's arm, Yang Qiong yang stunned by the woman who stares at him with beautiful doe-eyes he never saw any woman who has clearer eyes like hers, is like her gazes penetrated to his soul 'Such beautiful eyes' he thought. Zhao Li Xin feel upset when Yang Qiong yan staring at Lory than he blocked Lory's face with his wide sleeve.

Yang Qiong yang snapped back than he sees Zhao Li Xin menacing stare, suddenly Yang Qiong Yan feel his heart stop beating "Lord….Lord Long Ming?" he stupefied.

Zhao Li Xin only shows his side face but that's enough to stun every woman who coincidently passing by including Yang Wei Lan and Yuan Shan but Yang Wei Lan only stunned for a moment before her attention back to his idol man who facing his back towards her. Yuan Shao doesn't realize Yang Wei Lan's jealous eyes when he talks with Ming Yue Yin that because he doesn't realize how tender his voice when he talking to Ming Yue Yin.

Yang Wei Lan never saw Yuan Shao treat any woman like this before she thought he doesn't have it in him. He always polite and courteous with other women but he keeps a clear distance and treats them with a cold and stoic face that's why she never feel bad whenever he treats her coldly because that how Yuan Shao normally is, but than she sees him treat Ming Yue Yin with care and gentleness how could she accept this if stare could kill, Ming Yue Yin should die a hundred time right now.

Meanwhile Yuan Shan staring at Zhao Li Xin without blinks, she thought she was dreaming how could a perfect man like him exist, his eyes, nose, and lips everything about him is perfect, his long black hair sways slowly when the wind blows, he looks like an immortal descend from heaven.

Ming Yue Yin notice Yuan Shan weird gaze to Zhao Li Xin, she leans at Lory and whispers "Look, she doesn't blink"

"I know, is she got stroke?" Lory frown anxiously than she shifts her gaze to Yang Wei Lan "Hey, I don't know what her problem but I think she wanted to kill you"

"Who? That girl?" she glances at Yang Wei Lan indignant face, Ming Yue Yin snort in disdained

"Get in line…"