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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 300 - Royal Visit III
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"It seems her highness knew about my Fiancee?" Lory smiles at her.

Qian Mu Ting tried to hide her guilt, "I think many people know about Lord Long Ming, after all, he is very famous, I don't think there is anyone in this world who has not heard of his name" she said with a shy smile, it is true that she admires Zhao Li Xin everyone only sings praises about him and many people fear him, Zhao Li Xin is like an immortal who standing at the top of the mountain, distant and aloof so how could she not admire him.


But then out of nowhere, she heard Zhao Li Xin taking a wife from a low-born woman from a small village. Shee had to admit that she was very disappointed in Zhao Li Xin, for Qian Mu Ting a man like Zhao Li Xin could marry any woman he wanted, but why should he choose someone like her who not only had a lowly background, she was even unable to cultivate.

It was difficult for Qian Mu Ting to accept someone like Lory as Zhao Li Xin's wife, maybe she would feel better if Zhao Li Xin married someone who not only had an excellent background she but also a talented cultivator, maybe someone like Lao Min Na the savior of her brother or maybe Nan Yu Wei the holy woman from the Sacred mountain peak society

"Your Majesty, you seem… troubled, may I ask what is troubling you?" Lory put down the teacup and the maid handed over a wet cloth to wipe her hands.

Qian Mu Ting hesitated but then he steeled himself and said: "Sorry if I offended you, but is it true that you were a servant before?" she held his breath, she wondered if she offended Lory.

The maid serving Lory glanced at Qian Mu Ting with an annoyed look, Lory smiled calmly, "I am" Lory replied easily.

Qian Mu Ting was confused why she didn't see any embarrassment or awkwardness on Lory's face, not even the slightest bit, Qian Mu Ting quickly maintained her composure as she pretended to be gullible and asked Lory again, "They said...you can't cultivate too?"

The maids who were present were almost unable to contain their anger, Qian Mu Ting was clearly trying to humiliate her master, how dare she is!

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Their master would cut that woman's tongue in a second if she were here, they all glared at Qian Mu Ting and her maid viciously.

Qian Mu Ting shuddered as she felt everyone was threatening her with their gazes but she couldn't back down now, she was adamant to remind Lory that she wasn't worth Zhao Li Xin.

On the other hand, Lory was very relaxed, she didn't find Qian Mu Ting's question offensive, because that's just how it was so she answers easily "That's right, I can't cultivate" she admits lightheartedly.

Lory's calm demeanor amazed the maids in the room, they had never seen Lory interact with outsiders before so they didn't know if Lory could handle the princess who was used to schemed inside the harem.

"That's all your question, princess?" Lory tilted her head with a friendly smile.

Lory's relaxed attitude made Qian Mu Ting uneasy as she subconsciously clenched her fists under her wide sleeves, Qian Mu Ting was annoyed as to why Lory was so calm, once again Qian Mu Ting threw an offensive question. 

"It must be difficult for you to be Long Ming's fiancé, maybe you don't know but many women covet your position, they are all average strong and very beautiful women and sometimes they won't hesitate to use violence to get what they want" Qian Mu Ting subtly scared Lory to see her reaction.

Of course, Lory wasn't scared at all, she chuckled and say: "Oh I know what you mean, actually I've met some of them" 

Qian Mu Ting sneered in his heart but it didn't show on his face, "Don't you feel worried?" she cannot believe that Lory didn't afraid at all.

Lory burst out laughing "Perhaps I would...if only Li Xin didn't kill, burn or dispose of her before I started to worry" Lory elegantly covered her laughter with her sleeves.

Lory deliberately shows her relationship with Zhao Li Xin just to give Qian Mu Ting a small lesson for her subtle threat.

The maids were also holding back laughter when they heard what Lory said, they know with their lord's temperament why should Madam worry? 

Their lord will get rid of anything and everything that gets in his way, and the Madam, not to mention he is also very attached to Madam, iso is unlikely he would be seduced by other women.

Qian Mu Ting's face sank, she heard what Zhao Li Xin had done to every woman who dared to threatened her even Tang Mei Yi who was rumored to be close to him for years was killed by Zhao Li Xin hands even Lu Yao and the Lu clan cannot escape his claws, a chill ran down to her spine would she end up the same if she keeps bothering Lory.

Qian Mu Ting clenched her jaw, she hated how much Zhao Li Xin loves his wife, why is that woman so lucky, she's not even pretty!

"You're highness, what do you think my fiancee needs?" Lory suddenly asks a seemingly random question, and yet Lory continue, "A woman with a great background, a woman with wealth or a woman with powerful cultivation or perhaps all of them in one but you're highness you forgot he already has enormous power, infinite wealth and family background? he wouldn't throw away his title as a Prince if he thought a background is worthy" lory sips her tea to moist her throat, Qian Mu Ting's faces turn ashen she can't deny Lory's words.

"He doesn't need a woman to give something who already his, so you're highness you don't have to worry Zhao Li Xin knew my worth and I know mine, you don't have to understand you're highness you just need to accept it" Lory make solemn smile than she takes another sip.

Qian Mu Ting face turn stiffed she barely can't maintain her calm demeanor, that woman reminds her, no he warns her not to be delusional and accept the fact that Zhao Li Xin only want one woman in his life, she told her Zhao Li Xin didn't care with background, power whatsoever he doesn't need a woman to give what he needs and if he needs something there's only one woman who can give it to him, that is the woman who sits calmly in front her with an annoying smile on her face.

"I'm...I'm glad to hear that...." Qian Mu Ting smile who didn't reach her eyes.

"Thank you, do you want to stay for dinner, it would be an honor for me" Lory courteously asked.

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Qian Mu Tin contemplating for a second, then she lifts her head "Unfortunately I have something to do, Miss Luo I hope you don't mind"

"Of course not your highness, let me send you off" Lory bow slightly.

"Thank you" Qian Mu Ting smile kindly.

Lory escorts Qian Mu Ting to leave the manor, they walk side by side in a comfortable distance while their maid follows behind them.

"It's a nice hairpin, is that emerald or jade?" Qian Mu Ting suddenly asks.

Lory subconsciously touched her hairpin "I don't know, I only wore it because it looked nice" she answers lightly.

Qian Mu Ting sneered at her foolishness, no wonder she didn't know she's only a commoner. Qian Mu Ting guessed Lory might never see jewelry before, she's lucky Lord long Ming likes her but for how long? she wondered what this vixen would do when Long Ming finally grew tired of her.

"I never pay attention to my jewelry but if you wonder, my favorite is always blue Saphire" Lory make a playful smile.

"Why don't you ask Lord Long Ming, are you worried that he might not fulfill your wish?" Qian Mu Ting jokes but Lory could hear the ridicule behind her words, but she doesn't mind.

Lory chuckled lightly "He will fulfill my wish if I asked but it's fine, Just because I want it doesn't mean it has to be mine doesn't it" Lory looked as she smiles meaningfully, Qian Mu Ting suddenly became confused as if Lory could see right through her. All of a sudden she feel ashamed she subconsciously lower her gaze.

The front gate was opened by the guards, at the outside, several soldiers had been waiting for Qian Mu Ting, they were kneeling on the ground at the same time as they saw her arrive, a luxurious carriage stopped in front of the stairs right in front of the gate, the maid courteously lifted the curtains for Qian Mu Ting to enter.

Lory cupped her fists and bowed gracefully, "Please send my and Long Ming's regards to the Empress and Emperor, please say we both thankful for their concern"

Qian Mu Ting grits her teeth in anger, Lory subtly implies to her that she and Zhao Li Xin know what their true intention is so Lory reminded them not to cross the line, Qian Mu Ting could barely maintain her gentle facade, she nodded her head gracefully and entered the carriage in a hurry.

Lory saw the line of soldiers along with the huge luxurious carriage disappear in the distance, she hoped Qian Mu Ting would understand, she didn't want Qian Mu Ting to get hurt because of another man's greed.