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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 299 - Royal Visit II
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Lory wasn't surprised they would get news from the royal family, after all, they had caused a lot of commotion last night and also damaged a lot of buildings because of that it was normal for the Emperor to be furious not to mention Zhao Li Xin and his people were just visitors to the kingdom but Lory was confused as to why the Princess is looking for her and why not Zhao Li Xin instead? was it because of Zhao Li Xin's infamous reputation?

Zhao Li Xin told Mon Yi to make them wait for Lory, she didn't care if she was the Princess or the Emperor himself. Visiting without giving advance notice and interfering with their free time is very rude. After all, Lory is still tired from last night, why do they have to interrupt Lory's rest time, they are lucky Lory is kind so she grants their wish if up to him he will kick the princess out of the Manor.


Lory brushes her hair then she turns her eyes at Zhao Li Xin in confused looks "Why the princess is here, why she wants to meet me? is it because I'm your fiancee or because they scared of you?"

Zhao Li Xin takes the brush from Lory's hand then he brushes her hair gently "I think both..." he said indifferently, Zhao Li Xin then put down the brush at the table and begins styling lory's hair calmly without hurry.

"We make them waiting, would they be angry with us?" Lory watched Zhao Li Xin's indifferent expression from the mirror reflection.

"They barged into my manor without notice, expecting us to be ready and prepare to greet them, they totally clueless about my temperament. It's lucky for them I only make them waiting," Zhao Li Xin said concisely, then he put his hands on Lory's shoulder he looks at his work of art on Lory's hair in the mirror and smile in content "So for today, do you want to wear emerald or jade?"

After interacting with Zhao Li Xin for a long time, Lory more or less understood Zhao Li Xin's temperament, according to her Zhao Li Xin's temperament was like the temperament of the old kings she used to meet and also from the books she read in her old world. Zhao Li Xin is arrogant, cold, distant and he didn't abide by the common rules of society knowing he can live above it.

it might sound bad but people with this type of behavior are the result of bad experiences and trauma in their childhood which forced them to act like this to protect themselves that's why Lory didn't hate Zhao Li Xin's temper as she could only imagine what he had been through in the Jiang Wei Kingdom.

Lory shrugged her shoulders "It's up to you" she didn't understand the fashion in this world that liked bright colors and excessive jewelry so she let Zhao Li Xin dress her up like a doll.

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"In that case, both..." she made a rare happy smile for him.

Lory propped his chin on the table while seeing Zhao Li Xin's happy expression putting a flower hairpin made of pearls and emerald gemstones in her hair, she started to wonder if she should worry about his new hobby?


inside the main hall of the manor, four women waited impatiently "This is unbelievable, how could they make us wait so long?" The maid stomped her feet in annoyance. Since becoming the Princess' personal maid, this was the first time she had been treated like this, never before had they been forced to wait for the host when they visited someone's home.

"Tan Qi, minds your attitude, remember where you are" Another maid who looked much older rebuked the young maid then she poured hot tea for her the princess. The older maid's name was Tan Zi she also felt displeased with this hostess' treatment towards their princess but before she came the Empress kept reminding her not to offend Long Ming and his Fiance if anything happened even the Empress could not help them.

That's why his daughter was forced to hold back her anger and drink her tea calmly. Qian Mu Ting is the third daughter born to the Empress, she is only sixteen years old but she has a mature demeanor beyond her years, she is also smart, wise, and has a calm demeanor not to mention she is also very beautiful and graceful like an orchid flower.

Qian Mu Ting was chosen to visit Long Ming Manor because compared to the other Princesses he was the smartest and also the wisest, Long Ming was known to have a strange and very cold temper but Long Ming was so powerful and rich that the Emperor and Empress chose him to attract attention, but if it's didn't work then she had to approach his fiancé first.

Rumors said Long Ming's fiancé was from a lowly family and she was a servant in a noble family before Long Ming brought her in, people also said his fiancé was a kind and gullible young woman maybe that was what attracted him.

Qian Mu Ting decided to approach Luo Ri Yi first before she approached Long Ming and that was why she personally visited Lory, she not only wanted to show her sincerity Qian Mu Ting also wanted to flatter Luo Ri Yi by making Luo Ri Yi her close friend.

  However, who would have thought that Luo Ri Yi would make him wait like an ordinary person, only a simple servant would dare to make the royal family wait.

A moment later the door is opened from outside, a few maids enter with a woman wearing white hanfu and green leaf embroidery enter the room, the faint light illuminated the fabric of her dress make the fabric shiny just like water surface and the leaf embroidery make the dress looks delicate just like fairy dress from the storybook. her hairstyle with half bun and small braids adorn with flower hairpin made from an emerald gem, silver, and long pearl tassel.

Unlike other noble daughters, she doesn't wear heavy make-up or draw her brows exaggeratedly, she just applies powder lightly on her face and smears her lips with rouge just to give it a hint of color, as a result, Lory looks naturally beautiful. 

Lory smiled politely at Qian Mu Ting and nodded his head gracefully to show her respect. While doing so she didn't seem awkward or forced on the contrary she looked very natural as if she had been drilled in this manner for a long time.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Lory sounded apologetic without being humble.

The maid brought by Qian Mu Ting flinched they were all suppressed by Lory's aura they unconsciously lower their head.

Lory didn't realize that she was emitting a majestic aura that could match any empress in the world, her standing posture, and the way she put her hands in front of her stomach while looking at Qian Mu ting without being arrogance but not modest either.

"Apologies for coming unannounced, Miss Luo" Qian Mu Ting's smile stiffened as he felt like an ordinary woman in front of the Empress.

However, Lory didn't realize that he was leaking too much of an imposing aura to the poor princess, lory thought since his guest was royalty so he had to pay the highest respects to honor the princess, which meant Lory dug all of his Princess lessons to the surface and came out of it in practice.

Who would have thought it would just be a bike ride.

"It's a pleasure her higness, please take a seat" Lory politely motioned for Qian Mu Ting to sit down, then the Maid in the manor helped Lory into the main seat next to Zhao Li Xin's, showing her strong position as a hostess.

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A second later more maids entered the room. They all carefully served Lory with her favorite 'pink flower' tea and sweet cake, meanwhile, Lory sat quietly, she didn't look awkward or proud. Lory clasped her hands together in her lap, her back was as straight as a bamboo pole, she looked graceful and more dignified than any princess Qian Mu Ting had ever seen.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit her highness" Lory asks with a soft voice, her gazes remain calm and her polite smiles unperturbed, she is calm and poise she doesn't look intimidated by Qian MuTing Presence.

Qian Mu Ting suddenly felt tense under Lory's gaze, her hands started to get wet and clammy from being too nervous but she kept reminding herself that the person sitting in front of her was just a lowly person who had a lower status than her so she shouldn't be nervous.

"I heard about the commotion last night, my mother empress told me to check your condition, she wants to know if you are okay or need something?" Qian Mu Ting said with a friendly smile.

Lory raised an eyebrow in surprise "I didn't know the empress would care about me, it's an honor please tell her Your Majesty I feel grateful and honored by her noble concern, and please reassure her that I'm fine" replied Lory politely.

Qian Mu Ting's face contorted in annoyance, she can't found any fault with Lory's manners and words because everything was perfect and this made Qian Mu Tin very annoyed.

However, as a princess Qian Mu Ting was able to hide her discontent while maintaining a gentle smile, "We are delighted to welcome the Hei Shen Sect to our Kingdom, originally the Emperor wanted to invite you to the palace so we can know each other better. Too bad something bad suddenly happened that made the Emperor worry that you will be disappointed with our Kingdom, moreover the Emperor is also worried about lord Long Ming's condition, is lord Long Ming okay?" she said in deep concern.

Lory wouldn't have realized Qin Mu Ting's intentions had Lory not seen the longing in her eyes, Lory stifle a smile, after all, Qian Mu Ting was a young woman so it was understandable she couldn't hide her feelings completely.

'So Zhao Li Xin is the one they are after, no wonder' Lory sips her tea calmly then she placed the teacup on the table "Of course, what could have happened to him?" Lory answers nonchalantly.

Qian Mu ting's face turned slightly red, "You're right, Master Long Ming is strong, nothing can happen to him" there was a hint of admiration in his voice that Lory could easily notice. It seemed that the Emperor wanted to make Zhao Li Xin his Son in-laws but because of Zhao Li Xin's temper, the emperor resorted to a detour to introduce her daughter to him first.

'Okay let them try' Lory took another sip of tea with a mischievous smile hiding behind the teacup.