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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 292 - Sudden Attack II
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Someone rolling inside the room and then he lay face down, blood is trickled from the corner of his mouth, he painstakingly withstand his body with his trembles arms, he glares to someone outside the hole, Lory and Ming Yue Yin look each other in a wary looks then the man on the floor clenched his chest "You d*amn Hei Shen people, you thin sacred mountain peak would scared of you, we will make you paid for all of you've done!" he roared furiously.

Then someone is laugh in melodious sounds "Really, how?" then something hit the wall again but this time no one pierces through the wall but only make the wall shaken a little bit then Lory hears the sounds of bones breaking and someone groans. ​​

"With this little power you think you have the ability to against us?" he mocked the man who still lay on the floor.

Lory and Ming Yue Yin got curious they walk slowly to the hole and peek who is the man outside because his voice sounds familiar, Lory and Ming Yue Yin suddenly gasped.

"Master Wu!" Lory exclaimed.

"Is that Wu San Bo?" Ming Yue Yin squints her eyes to see clearly.

Wu San Bo stands on the edged of the roof his silver robes fluttering when the wind blows on his robes, it took a while to recognize the two young master only when Mong Yi and Mong ki appear in front of Lory with an anxious face only then he certain who is the two young men.

"Mi…..Mi…Miss Luo, Empress Ming!" Wu san Bo loses his cool he begins to stutter why is she inside Drinken Flower? Is Bei Li Yan know about this? No most important is, is that 'Demon Lord' know about this?

Ming Yue Yin waves her hand awkwardly with a wry smile toward Wu San Bo, not long after her female bodyguard appears in front of her suddenly Wu san Bo feel the incoming headache.

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The man on the floor painstakingly pull her body from the floor he swallows the pill to relieve his pain then he realizes Lory and ming Yue Yin is Hei Shen people, in anger he pounces toward them with all of his power but he forgot there was a stronger Hei Shen shadow guard beside her.

Mong Ki blocked the man's attack then he kicks the man right in his stomach until he vomits in the air, the man flies out of the holes and coincidently he flew in high speed toward Wu San Bo.

Wu San Bo twists his waist and gives another kick to the poor man and just like pinball the poor man who lory didn't even knew his identity yet bounce from wall to wall and then fall on the ground with a loud boom.

"Master Huan!" another people with lavish yellow uniform appear and help the poor man from the ground, it took a lot of effort because he was press to the ground until make a human mark on the ground. Lory then clapped her hands when she remembers where she saw that uniform before, it's the sacred mountain peak uniform.

"Ri Yi!" Bei Li Yan gasped when he saw her dress as a man.

"Li Yan?" Lory also stunned.

"Yue Yin!" Bei Li Yan shocked, even more, when he sees Ming Yue Yin in a man robes.

Ming Yue Yin smiles awkwardly "Hello..."

Then someone suddenly embraces Lory from behind, when she smell the scent of agarwood and pines tree he didn't need to guess who is he, "What are you doing here?" he speaks closely to her ear. Even without seeing his face Lory could feel Zhao Li Xin's anger.

"Uhm…." In this situation Lory needs to find excused A.S.A.P someone teaches her if you don't want to be scolded you must angry first, she always thought that was a stupid idea but for now, it doesn't sound so stupid.

"I…I looking for you but…..but they said you visit brothels, of course, I would be worried, every woman would be worried if their fiancée visits the brothels, this is not my fault!"

Zhao Li Xin turns her body to face him "Who told you I visit the Brothels?" he said in a menacing tone.

"Uhm…." From the corner of her eyes, she can see Mong Yi and the other shadow guard give her 'X' signal anxiously.

"That…that's not important, why are you here?" Lory throws the question back on him.

"Because of you mad at me so I have a meeting with Bei Li Yan to sort of some problem, what are you doing here?" he returns the question. Lory didn't expect he would throw her a curveball, this is not good!

Lory then shift the conversation "I saw General Yuan and the fifth prince have a meeting with Marquis Yang, I heard they plan something bad to you but not general Yuan, that man is very upright!"

Zhao Li Xin stare deep to her eyes "You eavesdropping their conversation, you know how dangerous is that? what did I say about stay away from trouble?" he reprimands her softly.

"Avoided when you can…" he said weakly like little kid who caught stealing candy.

"And what you do?" Zhao Li Xin's voice deepens.

"I can't…." she said helplessly, lory is not someone who avoids trouble she was drawn by it.

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They embrace each other without cares about other people's presence other people might embarrassed watching them but Ming Yue Yin and Hei Shen people already numb with this, so no one bothers them. Bei Li Yan approach Ming Yue Yin to asked her what the heck she's doing, Ming Yue Yin explains it from the beginning then Wu San bo jump from the roof and joins the conversation, no one care with the pink bubble scened behind them.

"I think is better to put Yuan Shao's sister close with us, we don't know how much Lao Min Na would know?" said Ming Yue Yin.

"That's what I thought too" Bei Li Yan agrees with her but then he realizes the wrecked on his Brothels and his face turns livid "San Bo you must pay for the damaged at my place!" he complains.

"I will, you are so stingy…" he grumbles.

"What you mean stingy, why don't I break one of your stores and see how you feel!" Bei Li Yan berated him "And what this sacred mountain peak do in here!" he noticed a few people of the sacred peak mountain members are still there.

"I caught them lurking this place," said Wu San Bo, "I think they already know this place is our turf"

Bei Li Yan stunned "How could they?"

"I don't know? let's asked them" Wu San Bo smile deviously while cracking his knuckle, Bei Li Yan chuckles he knew what Wu san Bo meant, the yellow uniform men suddenly feel the chill on their bones, the two men stare at them like a beast eyeing for their prey.

"Killed Hei Shen people, we are sacred mountain peak fear no one!" one of the leaders shouted bravely to his subordinated it was quite a moving sight if only his legs didn't tremble so much.

"I'm bored, this can be a good exercise" Wu San Bo stretched his arms.

"I hope the will not fall easily" Bei Li Yan scoffed "No one bothers us, your King is boring as hell!" Bei Li Yan reminds his subordinated who are prepared to charge to the enemy.

The beautiful women with skimpy red robes had no choice but lower they're swords reluctantly, too bad they can't join the fun.