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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 281 - The Empress And The General
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Ming Yue Yin frowned it clearly show she didn't like to meet him again but is not the same with Yuan Shao his eyes sparkle when he sees Ming Yue Yin but the spark only show for a second so no one saw it except the busybody princess, Yuan Shao knew her identity as Liang Zu Empress he confuses how could an Empress stay in Hei Shen manor?

But than he remembers he heard the rumor that the Empress is supported by Long Ming and his sect, is it the rumor is true that the Empress has a dubious relationship with Long ming but that can't be right, Long Ming seems to love his fiancée deeply. ​​

"Pardon my rudeness you're majesty" Yuan Shao cupped his fist respectfully.

But his behavior irritated her more "Why are you here General Yuan, I hope you're emperor would not send more women for my uncle" she said with a scowl.

"Uncle?" Yuan Shao confuses, he never knows Empress Ming has an uncle at Ching Su city.

"You're Majesty, general Yuan come as a guest" Lory explains formally to Ming Yue Yin but her behavior make her feel uncomfortable, it feel weird when lory acted so formal in front of her.

she puss that uncomfortable feeling behind her back she understands Lory did this to keep her imaged as an Empress "Is that so, as long he didn't come for trouble" she make cynical smile.

Yuan Shao didn't feel offended on contrary he was amused by Ming Yue Yin compare to other women he knew Ming Yue Yin is quite adorable not to mention she also strong, smart and cunning he also admires her to able to rule the Kingdom in such a young age she even clean up the messed the previous emperor left off and fixed her Kingdom economy.

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"Don't worry you're majesty, I'm here for personal matter" Yuan Shao explain calmly.

"Yes, he came on behalf of his sister from now on we will together is it not General Yuan" Lory smiles kindly at Yuan Shao.

"That's right Miss Luo" he replies politely.

Ming Yue Yin heard about Yuan Shao's younger sister her expression become gentle "Oh, how is she?" she genuinely concerns for that little girl.

"She will be fine…eventually" he said with a somber expression.

Ming Yue Yin suddenly feel bad for him, she begins to regret being harsh to him "As long you accompany her soon or later you're sister's condition will become better, is not like everything has happened is you're fault" she comforts him although she feel awkward while doing it.

Her concern make Yuan Shao mouth slightly curved, Ming Yue Yin feel awkward when yuan Shao staring at her.

On the sidelines Lory pulls Zhao Li Xin collar than she whispers on his ear "Is it just me, but I see a spark between them" Lory grin widely.

Zhao Li Xin frown than he looks at Ming Yue Yin and Yuan Shao, he look stare at them with blank look "I see nothing…" he replied.

Lory snorted exasperatedly "of course, you don't" she grumbles.

Ming Yue Yin averted her gaze from Yuan Shao "So how is the plan?" she asks Lory but her expression turns sullen when Lory stare at her with 'Aww so sweet' expression.

"Aunty!" Ming Yue Yin glared at her.

Lory awoke from her daze "Oh, General Yuan Shao sister will live in this manor for a while until we find the right place for her sister"

"Is that a wise choice?" Ming Yue Yin pursed her lips

Yuan Shao feel dejected Ming Yue yin might not want a random noble daughter to stay at the same place as her no matter what she is an empress so this is understandable but his heart suddenly becomes heavy but her next words make him ecstatic.

"Do you know how many enemy in our tail" Ming Yue Yin roll her eyes "We still have unfinished business wit sacred Mountain Peak society, than the Misty Lake clan, and do you remember about the little treasure you stored in you're Manor, do you know how many people want to lay there hand on that little treasure and don't forget…Lao Min Na"

Turn out ming Yue Yin worry for Yuan Shao's sister safety when he realizes that his heart becomes light again, he didn't know why is Ming Yue Yin opinion influence him greatly.

Meanwhile, Lory's expression becomes blank, a certain princess didn't know she has so many enemies in a short time, when did this happen?

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Ming Yue Yin rubs his forehead tiredly "You forgot aren't you?"

Lory smiles dryly "More like oblivious…." she still in awed.

"You are a procrastinator don't you know that?"Ming Yue Yin sighs deeply.

"She's allowed to do that" Zhao Li Xin suddenly cut off Ming Yue Yin words, he gives ming Yue Yin warning looks, no one can't reprimand his princess no matter how close they are especially when he is present.

Ming Yue Yin realizes she out of the line and annoyed Zhao Li Xin, she shut her mouth immediately. Zhao Li Xin stroke Lory head gently "Don't worry about them, I take care of them" he kisses the top of her head softly than he shifts his sight to mong Ki "Call Bei Li Yan and Wu san Bo"

"Yes, Milord!" Mong Ki cupped his fist than he lifts the room swiftly.

"This Manor is my fortress, no one can get in or get out without my permission if this place is not safe than nowhere else is safe, is up to you if you want to send you're sister here or somewhere else, I can arrange it easily" for other people Zhao Li Xin word my sounds exaggerated but Yuan Shao could feel the array hat surrounding this place is no jokes and he notice dozens of shadow guard hiding inside the manor not to mention the servants and maid at the manor all of them is strong cultivator.

Zhao Li Xin is right this place is a fortress, after what happened with Lory a few months ago the protection around her is increased a few layers.

Yuan Shao nods his head "I will send my sister to monastery three days later, I will give you the map after that"

"Sure…" he answers perfunctorily.

Suddenly the housekeeper entered the room, he cupped his fist and bow courteously at Zhao Li Xin "Milord someone wants to meet you" said the housekeeper.

"Who…" he asks with a low voice.

"The fifth prince and his Fiancee"