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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 269 - Home II
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After she takes a bath she already expected some clingy Lord would stay in her room but he still have commonsense to stay behind the paper screen, Zhao Li Xin sits on the couch drinking his wine leisurely while Lory changed her clothes to soft peach and white hanfu, she dress more feminine for today after too much adventure and almost died situation she wants to relax and doll herself like normal woman would.

When she got out she sits in front of dresser, Zhao Li Xin pick up the dry towel from the side table and help her dry her hair, he uses a little bit of his qi to make his hand as hairdryer, his move is quiet and gentle makes Lory yawn a few times, to saves the time she wear light make up while her Lord do the hairstyle, no matter people look at it in this world or her world they would find them weird couple but every relationship is unique as long they happy to each other everything else it doesn't matter. ​​

"You braid my hair?" Lory smiles while smearing a little rouge on her lips.

"Hm…" he answers briefly "Give me the cherry blossom hairpiece, please"

Lory searches her jewel box than she found a hairpiece that looks like a cherry blossom flower bit made with colorful gems and silver, such a delicate and intricate art, she didn't want to know the cost of it "This one!"

"Yes.." he said casually, he just glance at the hairpiece once before he put on in her hair carefully, Lory watch Zhao Li Xin serious expression from the mirror reflection she still didn't understand why he likes playing with her hair but Zhao Li Xin didn't have many hobbies so as long he's happy she didn't care how weird is this.

"Done!" he smiles happily, which is very rare for someone like him.

Lory Lit her head towards him "Thank you" she smiles sweetly, Zhao Li Xin find her adorable he holds her chin then gently kiss her lips, it's long and yearning kiss it make her heart almost jump out of her chest when he stops kissing her Lory's face is red as ripe tomato, this sudden attack is too much for her frail heart, she needs a heads up!

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He fixes her rouge than he notices her shy expression he make seductive smiles "Let's have breakfast"

'Will you eat me?'

She shakes dirty mind out of her head "Okay, you still have pink blossom tea right, my stash is done"

"Of course, I found another tea for you it calls 'Sun citrus' its a little bit sour like lemon and it has yellow color too like honey," said Zhao Li Xin while interlocked their hands together.

"Really, that's great! I take it as my new stash!" she playfully swings their hands.

"As you wish" he chuckles.

In the dining room, they're's a big round wooden table with giant chandelier above, everyone already gathered around the table the four king palace, Ming Yue Yin and the Fu's, Li Mo Zhen and Yang Xi Yin also come but the elders already return to Jiu Yun Sect, Shin Jiu and Lu Jiang Yi is coming too, suddenly the morning become more lively.

"Aunty you late!" Ming Yue Yin complains immediately the moment she sees her.

"I'm not, you just come early" she dodged beautifully.

"Nice, I'm gonna use that since here on," said Bei Li Yan.

The servants pool the chair for her and Zhao Li Xin "You need to pay royalty" Lory reminds him.

"Is this satisfied you?" he opens the three-layer bamboo basket with pastry in the shape of colorful flowers.

Lory's eyes become wide "It's so beautiful!" he pinches the pastry with her chopstick then she takes a bite and her eyes glowing "its tasty! Jiu comes here, its very good!"

Shin Jiu gets off from his seat and tottering towards her Lory feed the pastry to him, both master and disciple brimmed with joy, suddenly Ming Yue Yin complain again "Aunt, that's not fair, you never feed me!" she pout.

Fu Xiao Jin and Fu Ying look down pretending to eat they just to embarrassed with their empress behavior, Lory clique her tongue she looks ay Ming Yue Yin with disdained "But you old…."

The eighteen years old empress feel her heartbroken, a certain Lord also jealous "You never feed me too…." He looks dejected.

Lory feel the gaze of other people, she clears her throat awkwardly than she leans on Zhao Li Xin and whispers on his ear "Let's do it privately…"

Of course, they all can hear it since they all-powerful cultivator, Yang Xi Yin face turn bright red it make Li Mo Zhen chuckles, the others pretend they do not hear it while Ming Yue Yin make annoyed expression, the only one who feel elated is Zhao Li Xin his expression only slightly change but for Jin Hao who sit next to Zhao Li Xin, he feel his Lord exude with pink bubbles it become uncomfortable he shift his seat away from Zhao Li Xin a little bit.

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The breakfast who use to be quiet become noisy, normally noble people didn't talk while they're eating but Hei Shen sect never bend with rules they do whatever they feel comfortable with and Ming Yue Yin let down her tittle whenever she's wit Lory and this behavior affected the rest of them, the dining table become noisy with people laughing and chatting.

Zhao Li Xin uses to hated noise but when he sees hear her laughter he feel they're's nothing wrong being noisy, it's a good thing he can hear her voice again, the world becomes too quiet when she's not around.

"Oh yes, this is northern Kingdom right" Lory wiped her mouth clean "Do you remember Huo Long said we need to go to the north to find ….what is it, a sword I think ?"

"Oh…" Zhao Li Xin has forgotten completely "Crimson Lightning Sword" he explains it to her.

"Another sword?" Li Mo Zhen asks.

"I guess so…." Lory shrugs her shoulder "Someone asks us to search for it but we didn't have time so this matter postpone for a while" she didn't know why but she has a hunch this sword is important for Zhao Li Xin but where they start?

"I know the story about a lightning sword," said Shin Jiu while chewing the pastry.

"What? Are you sure?" Lory gasped.

"It just a story, isn't it grandpa?" he turns his head to Lu Jiang Yi.

"Well….they're' is a story like that I heard from my father but I don't know if it's true or not?" said Lu Jiang Yi