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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 268 - Home
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The room atmosphere suddenly becomes awkward. Lory could hear imaginary crickets sounds on her head, people on Zhao Li Xin side pretend they didn't hear Bei Li Yan ingenious comment.

On the other side sacred mountain peak member turn somber they are stunned because the expert Nan Yu Wei brought is not weak how could they all died here, deep down they realize Hei Shen power is no jokes. Xie Xiu Wei also thinks the same he begins to calculate his next move, he knew he can't fight them now not with a sufficient amount of power. ​​

Meanwhile, Lu Qian Gong hopes they would fight and hurt each other or perhaps kill each other, that would be amazing!

Unfortunately, Xie Xiu Wei is smarter than that, he gives sign to his people to retreat and she jumps to his greys hawk while carrying Nan Yu Wei "You lucky I need to take care of my fiancée first, I lend you the sword but soon we will come for the sword!" he said with arrogant face then the hawk spread his wings and flew away.

Lory watches the dozens flying beast disappeared behind the cloud than she turns around at Zhao Li Xin and frowns "Do they just escape?" Lory store the sword inside her spatial rings.

Zhao Li Xin nods his head "They are…" he said firmly.

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Lory mouth twitch, what a classic villain ways to retreat, she only saw in movies so she was amazed when she saw it in real life if only she has her phone.

Meanwhile, Lu Qian Gong and other lu Clan member become sullen what a useless teammate, in the end, the sacred mountain peak only save themselves and let the Lu Clan deal with their own problem, is not Sacred mountain Peak problem afterall Lu Qian Gong didn't give Shin Jiu to them.

Lory heaved then she looks at Zhao Li Xin after they exchange a loving gaze to each other she turns around to Lu Qian Gong.

"Have you made out your decision yet?" Lory smiles sweetly.

Lu Qian Gong's face turns ashen, he is barely able to make a sound.

And just like that Lu clan is disappeared from the world, Lu Jiang Yi destroy Lu Qiang Gong cultivation and all of his family, all of them locked up in the underground dungeon inside the Lu Clan residence and people who get involved also punish the same ways and the other who is not involved they are driven out from the Lu clan territory with only small amount of money.

At the end this is the best option for the Lu clan at least they still alive, the next morning all the Lu clan reluctantly leave the place they were grown, it's sad but this is the cost they have to pay for pretend they didn't know what Lu Qian Gong and the others had done.

The Lu clan become another powerful clan who was trampled by Hei Shen Sect the name of He Shen soar to the sky it make people amazed and terrified at the same time, many powerful sect and clan has reminds there members not to provoked Hei Shen sect in any way and stay away as far as they can from them.

Meanwhile, Bei Li Yan bought a luxurious manor at Ching Su capital city of Liu Yan Kingdom, the morning come while Lory who finally have a good rest snuggle inside the warm blanket, she hears the sound of birds chirping but she knew its not Girsha because the birds chirping sounds innocent and lovely.

Lory is not like typical heroine who sleeps beautifully like sleeping beauty, she sleep face down with her cheeks press the pillow, her hair is messy and her mouth slightly open and she faintly snore maybe because she's to tired but she does sometimes snores, she knew its time to wake up although her eyelids refused to open, she stretches her limbs on the bed and groan tiredly, she wipes the remaining saliva on her mouth 'So not lady-like' she opens her eyes while yawning but than she froze.

A handsome face staring back at her with gentle smiles, his eyes brimmed with deep adoration as if he was looking the most beautiful woman in the world it's embarrassing because she's far from it even her real appearance could only get to 'Oddly Beautiful' categories in this world.

"Li Xin!" Lory shriek, her reflex is cover her face with a blanket "Why are you her….wait, since when you are here?" she frantically said while fixing herself under the blanket.

"Not for long…." he lies through his teeth "Why are you surprised, is not the first time I'm doing this?"

Lory helplessly put down the blanket "I know….its been a while…." She sighs when she gives up trying to fix her bird nest hair.

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Zhao Li Xin chuckles, he doesn't see anything wrong with her she is exceptionally adorable today if Lory heard this she would force him to find Jin Hao to check his eyes.

"Go take a bath, everyone is waiting for you for breakfast," said Zhao Li Xin.

"Am I the only one who wakes up late" Lory gasped, she immediately jumps off the bed.

"It's fine, you don't need to be hurry!" but Lory already got out from the room, Zhao Li Xin watches her with long sighs but smile hasn't disappeared from his face, He lay down on Lory messy bed Zhao Li Xin closes his eyes to inhaled her faint scent on the bed the storm inside his heart subside and the sun rises again, he feel calm and peaceful….finally.

And not just him the Hei Shen sect also become peaceful again the heavy atmosphere that surrounding them for more than a month disappeared without trace, the air becomes light and they finally can breathe again, Mong Ki and Mong Yi also become relaxed and they have the best sleep in their life even though is only for two hours, Bei Li Yan lively personality is returning he starts to annoy other people again, Jin Hao face become more lighten, Wu San Bo didn't change much but he looks more relax and Jiang Jin Wei become less serious and teased Bei Li Yan once a while.

Maybe not even Lory understands her irreplaceable position for many people especially Hei Shen Sect members. Meanwhile inside the bathroom lory is alone in the bathtub like she always does, Girsha also nestles on the warm blanket above the small stool next to the wooden bathtub, Lory opens her palms and the providence sword appear.

Lory take a deep breath then she closes her eyes, the room is illuminated by bright white light the sword floating above her palms than crumbles leaving only silver metal shards than suddenly wind twirl around her and the shards melt into her hand than the wind gradually subside, Lory feel another chain is released, she feels her heart is lighter, her iris turn to purple and the shapeshifter spell disappear and she returned to her original appearance.

The power of 'Mana' fills her veins it gives her a sudden rush of energy, Lory rests her head on the bathtub. The curse is weakening and she becomes stronger it makes her excited, she turns her gaze to Girsha [Do you think Lazarus could feel this?]

[I do not doubt it…] Girsha words become heavy.