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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 267 - The Providence Sword II
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She grip the sword handle with complacent smile she wanted to show that woman how stupid she is to return her weapon on her hand but suddenly something tingle her hand and a second later she feels a sharps nails claws from her fingertip and spread throughout her body, she can't even scream when her body jolted, she wants to let go but her hand is numbs as if the hand was glued by the handle she can only trembles by the excruciating pain.

"S….sto…stop!" she begged. ​​

Than something throws her body to the wall the thick wall crumbles and people can hear the sounds of bones cracked, Nan Yu Wei falls on the floor with face down, he coughing a month of fresh blood, all of her body aching the dantian inside his body is heavily injured she can feel her cultivation decreased a lot.

No one understands what had happened why she become like that, why the sword rejects it owned owners the Hei Shen people now shift they're glance to they're mysterious mistress.

Lory let out a long heaved than she raised from her seat she patted her robes casually, she walked towards the sword with Girsha perch on her shoulder comfortably, the only people who make a wide grin of excitement is Ming Yue Ying when Lory move calmly and confidently the flash of her dream run back to her, Ming Yue Ying could see the majestic figure she saw in her dream, the woman who stands above all and worship by many, Lory figured overlapped with the Princess Lorient in her dream, Ming Yue Yin can't hold her thrilled she pressed her lips so she, not cheers.

Lory stop in front of the sword, she leans forward than she seizes the sword handle slowly, everyone breathing suddenly stop, there waiting for what happened to Nan Yu Wei happened to her but strangely nothing is happening, Lory smile faintly she pull the sword from the floor than the sword trembles heavily, everyone watches her with worried, Zhao Li Xin immediately jump towards her he can't let anything happened again to her.

[Don't be so angry, I'm here…..] she whispers, gradually the sword calmed down and it glows with dimmed white light [I miss you too..] Lory caress the sword gently.

"Lory are you okay?" Zhao Li Xin can't get rid of his worries.

Lory smiles at him "I'm fine, this one just angry because she was touch by an awful woman"

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"This one?" he confuses.

"Another fragment of me, just like the sacred tree and the white sword" she explain it to Zhao Li Xin.

"Is that so, its a good thing, will you absorb the power right now?" he remembers what happened with the white sword so he could guess what would happen next.

Lory shakes her head "Nah, too many people….maybe later" she doesn't want to create unnecessary commotion, who knows what rumor they would spread.

Suddenly the roof of the main hall explodes, people are screaming in shocked, Zhao Li Xin shield her from debris that falls.

From the sky dozen of man riding Bing Fang beast but one man riding a grey giant hawk, he wears lavish gold and white robes with dragon embroidery on his chest and shiver 'guan' headwear to cover his topknot hair, he has handsome and charismatic appearance is easily to described him as immortal emperor who use to describe on a book.

He jump off from his flying beast, he gently carry the half-unconscious Nan Yu Wei, he is distraught by her terrible condition, than he glare to Zhao Li Xin but than he is stunned when he see Lory is holding the providence sword.

"Give it back, that's not yours!" she glared at Lory viciously.

Zhao Li Xin faces become dark, she pulls Lory closer in a protective manner, Lory smiles calmly "Here, take it….." she challenges him.

The handsome face eyebrows furrow, why that woman given up easily but he can't let the powerful divined weapon taken by stranger, he sign his people to take the weapon away, Zhao Li Xin exchange glance with Lory he will not let everything belong to his Princess taken away but Lory gives him reassuring smile so Zhao Li Xin can only comply.

The handsome man subordinated take a long strides toward Lory and Zhao Li Xin he gives them threatening look which is ignored by Zhao Li Xin and Lory make amused expression, the supposed to be feared subordinated feel annoyed but he didn't have time to quarrel with them, Lory shoves the handle to him with playfull smiles it make the subordinated suspicious, he slowly reaches his finger to the handle but when the tip of his finger touch the sword surface he suddenly push away with high speed than his body hit the wall until it crumbles and the debris cover his unconscious body.

The handsome man and his subordinate dumbfounded, they never knew since when the sword could reacted like that than they all stare at the mysterious woman who hold the providence sword with calm expression.

"What have you done!" the handsome man thought Lory must do something to the sword.

Lory sighs "Did you never heard 'Not everything you take is a given'?" Lory said calmly "You can only used this sword because 'this one' is asleep, when he awoke he will never let anyone touch him, he is very sensitive" Lory raised her eyebrows with concern expression.

"How can't a trust you, that weapon belongs to our people for centuries you think we would be so stupid to given up that weapon to you!" he can't believe any words from her, he certain that woman must do something to the sword "TAKE THAT SWORD AWAY FROM HER!" he shouted to his subordinated.

A bunch of people with yellow uniforms pounces toward her but suddenly four men jump from behind Zhao Li Xin, with one quick move the handsome subordinate killed in instant, some people who remain alive decide to retreat, they look at the four men who stand gallantly with horror.

'Who are these strong people are?'

Mong Ki and Mong Yi stand close to Lory, there watching the enemy with vigilant.

The handsome man gritted his teeth, he could have guess who they are and after all, he knew the reason of Nan Yu Wei come is to persuade Long Ming but he could never have thought Long Ming would hurt a beautiful woman like Nan Yu Wei if Lory knew the handsome man thought she would say "What's the point in that?"

"You are four King Palace?" he guesses.

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"We are?" Bei Li Yan make seductive smiles "And who are you?"

"Xie Xiu Wei," he said shortly.

"Oh, my.... the young Master of Sacred Mountain Peak, what an honored" Bei Li Yan said with dazzling smiles that able to stirred man and woman heart, but four the other king palace it only make them feel goosebumps.

"Hump, you say that after you dare to hurt my fiancée?" he scowled at them.

Lory make annoyance face 'If she already has fiancée why bothered Zhao Li Xin, D*mn two timers!'

Bei Li Yan raised both his hand "Well, it is not us who hurt her, I think her weapon is the one responsible with that….if you don't believe me you can ask other sacred mountain peak members…." He searches around him but he can't find anyone with a yellow uniform.

"Where, where are they?" he asks Jin Hao.

Jin Hao give him side glance "Dead"

"All of them?" Bei Li Yan Gasped.

"Hm…" Jin Hao answer perfunctorily.

Bei Li Yan scratches his head, than he smiles to Xie Xiu Wei awkwardly "Sory they all dead….."