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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 258 - Inevitable War
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Nan Yu Wei didn't feel offended on contrary she chuckles "You didn't change"

Everyone staring at Zhao Li Xin, they wonder what kinda relationship they might have especially Ming Yue Ying she glare at Zhao Li Xin with probing looks, he ignores everyone his hand froze in the air than he looks at Mong Ki "Do I know her?" he squints his eyes. ​​

Mong Ki who also indifferent like his Lord didn't have a recollection about Nan Yu Wei he throws a question glance at Mong Yi who also looks contemplating than he shakes his head "I don't know either Milord"

"Don't bother" Nan Yu Wei suddenly speak "The first and the last time we met is five years ago when you destroy another Sect, just like this one," she said nonchalantly.

He clasped his hand together on his knee he looks very much relaxed "You came here to stop me?"

"If we can avoid it, why should we?" she smile softly at him.

Her smile can melt any man's heart but sadly Zhao Li Xin as not any man, his eyes remain cold and indifferent "What do you want?"

"Cooperation" she clapped her hand excitedly "Why don't you give the Lu clan a chance and we can work together"

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"What can you give me?" Zhao Li Xin asked indifferently.

"Anything you want" she replied confidently.

"I want my fiancée back….."

The room becomes quiet again, Nan Yu Wei sigh than she leans her back she stares at Zhao Li Xin's cold eyes "I can give you another fiancée" she finally said. It's a preposterous suggestion for everyone who knew Zhao Li Xin feeling to Lory they suddenly stop breathing and look at Nan Yu Wei with pitiful gaze even Lu Qian Gong feel worried for Nan Yu Wei.

Zhao Li Xin stifles "Really, who?"

Nan Yu Wei frown she seems immersed in deep thought than she suddenly awake "Well, it can be ME?!" she said like she offering candy to him. All the man inside the room looking at Zhao Li Xin in envy but Hei Shen people roll their eyes inwardly while the sacred mountain peak make a disapproved expression.

"You?" Zhao Li Xi seizes Nan Yu Wei's flawless face than he scoffed with contempt "Unworthy…thousand woman like you is not worth even a single strain of her hair so I'm…strongly declined" he emphasized the word 'Strongly' to ridiculed her.

Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Yin hold the urge to clapped there hands and cheers for Zhao Li Xin while Jin Hao and Li Mo Zhen chuckle, Jiang Jin Wei can only sigh, no one can match his lord poisonous tongue.

The calm Nan Yu Wei expression slightly changes but she quickly collected herself before anyone noticed but of course, it can't escape Jin Hao keen eyes.

"I heard she just a wasted woman who can't cultivate, she even comes from a humble background, a servant if I'm not wrong" Nan Yu Wei state the fact but their's mockery in his tone and the same time confusion "So what can a woman like that give it to you?"

Zhao Li Xin closes his eyes, her beautiful eyes flash on his mind it gives him comfort and aches at the same time then slowly he opened his eyes "Peace…." He said with a low voice, his somber expression hide behind his mask but everyone could feel his grief.

Nan Yu Wei stunned, is he being serious? Is he really grieving for his fiancée? Is he in love? That' can't be true isn't it, a man like Zhao Li Xin would never know or even interested in something called love, this is impossible! Suddenly she feel uncomfortable as if she is choked by something it make her hard to breathe, Nan Yu Wei takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"Are you become crazy like this, because of her?" she asked seriously the playfulness in her eyes disappeared but no one notice only a few keen men in the room notice it.

"Crazy?" Zhao Li Xin frown "You think this is crazy? You wrong….this is me being sad, you haven't seen me crazy but if you force me I can show you what crazy really is" his wicked smile behind his mask but everyone knew his not throws an empty threat, everyone becomes more anxious, Nan Yu Wei face also become rigid, he threatening her Zhao Li Xin didn't care if he must against Sacred Mountain peak or whatever when he wants to get through they must step away or else.

"Her grace, let's not spend more talk with them!" one of the experts Nan Yu Wei can't hold his anger anymore, Nan Yu Wei position is impeccable in there place she should be worship like a goddess for outer worlds but this man keeps humiliating her, this is outrageous.

"Our lady graciously gives you honor she even sacrifices herself to be your fiancée, how dare you refuse and humiliated her! what Hei Shen sect do you think you so great!"

Jin Hao chuckles he opens up his folding fan than fanning himself "If my Lord accepts every woman who wanted to be his fiancée, I'm afraid no matter how big Hei Shen sect is we don't think we can accommodate all of them" he said with worry face.

"YOU!" the expert pointing at Jin Hao with a red face, another person has humiliated his Lady he can't take it anymore he pounces at Jin Hao than Jin Hao jumps in front of Zhao Li Xin to protect him not like he needs it.

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Two fist clash to each other the shocked from there qi energy created a waved and push people who are not strong enough, Nan Yu Wei frown because Jin Hao could match her expert, she didn't know Hei Shen kings are powerful. The expert also shocked Jin Hao could block his fist, he throws another fist towards him but Jin Hao easily dodged it. the expert become furious every attack he releases was missed, in his anger, he hit the heavy table towards Jin Hao.

Jin Hao smirked he balled his fist and hit the flying table and the table explodes into pieces, people evade the wood shards even the Hei Shen people must take cover, Zhao Li Xin becomes annoyed.

"Jin…" he warns him with a low voice.

Jin Hao smiles helplessly "Sorry, I got toe excited"

"Make it fast…" Zhao Li Xin said lazily.

"Okay, okay" he sighs deeply, every time he fights in front of Zhao Li Xin his Lord always make him finish the fight quickly even though he still not finish playing, what a joy killer.

The sacred Mountain peak people become dark, Hei Shen people treat there expert like a joke, what a disgrace!

Nan Yu Wei looks calmed but she was cursed Hei Shen people inwardly, they all despicable people why all of them have the same temperament like there Lord "Elder Kwan, end this quickly!"

"Yes, Holy Lady!" he answers firmly but deep down he complaining he does try to end this quickly, do they think he's playing right now? the elder Kwan feel very wronged.

The Elder Kwan raised his power he accumulated his energy on his palm then he leaps toward Jin Hao, at the same time Jin Hao collected the cold energy surround his body and move the energy on his hands when Elder come there palms clapped and the energy wave spread throughout the room, people pushed farther than before, Fu Xiao Jing and Fu Ying shielding Ming Yue Yin and Li Mo Zhen protecting yang Xi Ying while the other gather there Qi so their not got hurt only Zhao Li Xin who sips the wine with boring expression.

Jin Hao was pushed few steps back but the expert elder Kwan was pushed farther until he kneels on the floor and coughing blood. Jin Hao breathe deeply and the cold energy surrounding him increasing and his breath become white smoke, he hit the floor and icicles appear from beneath the floor and hit the weak elder Kwan, he stabs by the icicles just like porcupines.

The blood from the lifeless body flown down from the icicles than slowly the ice melt and Elder Kwan's body falls on the floor who is tainted by mixed of water and blood.