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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 256 - The Demon Lord Is Arrive II
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The door of the main hall gently open, a man with black robes and golden mask enter the room her black hair fluttering behind his back, his move is calm and quiet but every step he takes shaking everyone heart to the core, the Lu Clan members gulped there saliva, there hands trembles and there face cover with thin layer of sweat.

Lu Qian Gong sits on the main seat, his chair is a few steps above the floor make him looks and feel like an emperor, such a delusion for small-minded man. Lu Qian Gong hides his anxiety but his hand trembles under his sleeve, he regrets he has underestimated his power and persistence but most of all his feeling for his woman. ​​

If only Lu Qian Gong humbles himself even just a little bit he should condemn Lu Yao's behavior perhaps disowned her, she's dead afterall so what the used but no…he keep provoking him, thinking he would not waste his resource just for a mere woman, how wrong he is…

Zhao Li Xin stops in front of the stairs he lifts his head he stares the old man on the highest chair, their's nothing reflected inside his cold dark eyes perhaps is a question 'Is this all you got?'

Stare by his empty gaze make Lu Qian Gong breathe hitched, Mong Yi, take out a chair from the spatial ring he put the chair behind Zhao Li Xin, than Mong Yi take out a small table next to chair, Zhao Li Xin flicked his robes and casually sits, he crossed his legs leisurely while Mong Ki take out a wine cup and a flask than he poured the wine calmly.

The room as quiet as a graveyard only the sound of pouring water could be heard, no one date to talk and no one dares breath too hard, they stood their waiting and praying for help to come.

Zhao Li Xin take off her mask and his 'heaven-defying' appearance appear, they heard the rumor that Long Ming is Zhao Li Xin the sixth prince of Jian Wei Kingdom is the most handsome man in the country turns out is not just a rumor.

He does very handsome but at the same time he doesn't look surreal their's something about him that make them shiver to there spine, he likes a jade sculpture, so perfect but empty and cold almost inhuman.

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Zhao Li Xin put down the winecup on the table beside him gently, he leans his back on the chair than he stares at Lu Qian Gong.

"Where were we?"


"You're majesty, the bing Fang has ruined our formation!" Fu Ying screams in anger.

Ming Yue Yin cliques her tongue in annoyance, she takes out another sword with her left hand with double swords she leaps to the sky and slices the flying beast into pieces, the blood burst like a red firework.

When another bing fang attack from behind her suddenly the Bing fang body split in two and a woman with soft green hanfu appears, her beautiful face looks fierce, Ming Yue Yin and the beautiful lady land on the ground smoothly.

When a horde Bing Fang beast launches towards them, a white lion with wings roar and pounce toward the beast. Ming Yue Yin watches the beast with awed, the beautiful girl approaches her with a big smile.

"You're Majesty" he cupped her fist courteously.

"Who are you?" Ming Yue Yin asked.

"My Name Yang Xi Ying, I'am miss Luo Ri Yi's friend, I come here to avenged her!" he said with determination.

"You do?" Ming Yue Yin grinned.

"My heart cannot rest if I don't destroy the Lu clan!" her beautiful eyes filled with murderous intent.

Ming Yue Yin smiled mischievously, she swings both of her swords "Well Miss yang, welcome to the party than"

A Lo Tie beast charged towards them, Ming Yue Ying jump to the sky while Yang Xi Yin dodge to the side she crouches on the ground and hurt the beast left front legs, the beast loses it balance and from the sky Ming Yue Ying pierce her swords to the beast head and the beast press to the ground and dead with blood flown from it's massive body.

Ming Yue Yin grins widely "I like this party!"

Ming Yue Ying laughing "I know right,"

Li Mozhen who watch his fiancée from somewhere else was a relief when he finds her okay and surprisingly she make new friends. Than three Lo Tie beast surround him, Li Mo Zhen make a stance with his swords then the beast jump toward him at the same time, Li Mo Zhen twirls to the sky like a tornado and the beast suddenly chopped to pieces, Li Mo Zhen land on the grass gently.

"It seems you're cultivation raise again master Li" Jin Hao walk towards him with a gentle smile is very contradicting with the bloody sword on his right hand and the Bing Fang head on his left hand.

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"Its all thanks to you master Jin" Li Mo Zen humbly said.

Jin hao throws the beast head on the side like trash "Its nothing…" he said calmly.

"If ist's continue like this, it will end soon," said Li Mo Zhen, other then the beast their's almost no one left from the Lu clan members, perhaps they are dead or they are run.

Jin Hao pressed his lips together "No, they would take this lay down, Lu Qian Gong is like cockroach…..he must have something else to ensure his survival" Jin hao store his sword on his spatial ring, their are only a few beasts left so he lost his interest.

"Jin" Jiang Jin Wei comes from behind him, Jiang Jin Wei stares at the distance.

Jin hao and Li Mo Zhen follow his gaze, from the horizon a small back dots appear and increasingly multiply, Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Yin also realize another arrival coming towards them.

"Firefly Dragon" Li Mo Zhen murmured.

"Ah, the insurance has come…" Jin Hao said in a relaxed manner.

"Who is that?" Li Mo Zhen was stunned with so many firefly dragon appearances.

"Sacred Mountain Peak," Jin Hao said.

Jiang Jin Wei scoffed "How stupid, they real doe make a deal with the devil"