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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 251 - Begin The War
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Meanwhile, Bei Li Yan try to send message to Mong Ki about Lory wellbeing but too bad Zhao Li Xin already enters the Lu clan territory, he already breach the first gate, Wu San bo subordinated has disabled the array the guards were panic the great array that they were proud off destroyed just like that, the Lu clan people try to block Hei Shen sect but they were all killed by Mong Ki and the shadow guards, they scream and pleading but just like there Lord had said 'No mercy'

Lu Clan had no choice but retreat, then they blow the whistle to called their horde of the beast for help, from a distance the beast is howling, their roar echoed in the air Zhao Li Xin stood on the ground his expression hide behind his cold mask. ​​

"Jin Hao" he called.

A white-haired man with snow-white robes take a step forward he lit up the flare to the sky, a red light shined in the sky than dozens of flying beast fly on the sky the raider of the beast release white powder, the powder cover the area below after a few second the sounds of beast disappear, the Lu clan is confused why the beast is not coming then they look each other in panic, is the white powder is the cause of it? what would they do know?

They leave everything behind and running back to the main building, Zhao Li Xin raised his hand to stop his people chasing them "Let them know we have come" he said with a flat tone.

"Yes' Milord!" all of them say simultaneously.

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"Jin Wei. It's your turn now" Zhao Li Xin said with a low voice.

"Yes, Milord!" Jiang Jin Wei cupped his fist than he turns around and thousand people with silver armor and gold Lion mark on their chest waiting for his order, Jiang Jin Wei raises his sword to the air than he screams.


Thousand of people roar vigorously they take out there swords and spear and run forwards, their footsteps shake the ground the beast who is weakened by the poison cannot match them, all of them slice to the ground and the grass is tainted by crimson liquid, the beast whimper and cower some of the beasts who able to run is running in frenzy some is hiding, Zhao Li Xin didn't care with beast, the animal only has one track mind so he's not bothered with them but the human….now that is something else.

Hei Shen had charged forward leaving a trace of smoke behind them but one man stays still, he looks around him, numerous beast and hundreds of people corpses scattered on the ground the air filled with pungent smelled.

"She would hate this…" Zhao Li Xin murmured.

"She would be sad you killed for her" Jin Hao rest her arms behind his waist.

"I killed them because I'm sad….is not for her, it won't bring her back" Zhao Li Xin turn bleak.

None of them say anything, Jin hao hadn't heard any news from Bei Li Yan or Mong Liu so he didn't know if Lory is still alive or not and that make him vexed.

"Tell them to spare the children and if the women are surrender, let them go," Zhao Li Xin said with a quiet voice.

Jin Hao stunned "You let them live, I understand about the children but women….you know how they are" he can't believe he let Lu clan women lived, he knew what kinda women who grow up inside a poisonous place like Lu clan, they are as vicious and cruel as the man and sometimes worst.

Zhao Li Xin turns quiet, behind his wide sleeve his handhold a blue necklace "I do this for her…." he whispered to himself but Jin hao could hear him clearly.

Jin hao takes a deep breath "As you wish" he replied.


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Lory suddenly awake, her heart suddenly aching she clench her chest and frown.

"Ri Yi, what's wrong?" Bei Li Yan patted her shoulder.

Lory shakes her head "Nothing, are we arrived yet?" she rubs her chest and the pain eased up then she lifts the window curtains. After two days they finally arrived at Lu clan territory, it should take longer but with Qi Lin pulling the carriage without stopping unless when Lory need to take a leak they arrived at Lu Clan territory.

"Yes we are near the border Lu Clan territory," said Wu san Bo "Do you want to get rest, you look very tired" he worriedly asks.

She never used to ride carriage no matter how long she had been using the carriage she always get nauseous and sore after the long hours, and she's been ride for three days non stop of course she looks terrible but she insisted to continue without stopping, she's so worried about him and she missed him dearly, Lory can't wait to see him again so this much suffering is nothing.

"I'm good, we need to hurry" she firmly said.

The others can't refute her so they hasten the Qi Lin to move faster, Bei Li Yan told Mong Liu who is acted as a coachman to feed the sacred beast with third-grade elixir so he can't move without stopping, normally as proudful beast Qi Lin would never let anyone treat him like a mere horse but when girsha give him the look 'show me what you got' expression, the Qilin become overly excited, which is baffled Shin Jiu.

Suddenly a white eagle enters the windows which surprised Lory for a second, Bei Li Yan took the eagle he checks the eagle's feet and there's a little scroll on it, Bei Li Yan opens the note and his long eyebrows creased.

"What's wrong?" Wu San bo asked.

"It's not good…." he replied, he crumpled the note and burn it into ashes, then he shifts his gaze to Lu Jiang Yi "Tell me why the Sacred Mountain Peak wanted this kid?"