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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 229 - Mad Man
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Lu Xi Xi roll on the floor like she was in fire, her face become red and she hyperventilated, she whines and scream in agony, Lu Han Zhuo quickly order someone to call the physician, the old physician arrived in hurried so many Lu Clan faint and unconscious especially women so the physician have they're hand full and this time another one seems in shocked too but when he arrived he shocked from Lu Xi Xi screams.

Lu Han Zhuo called the strong maid to hold her down so the physician could check her condition, Lu Xi Xi acted like she was possessed her arms were held by two strong maids and her leg hit the floor crazily and she screams saying she is hurt repeatedly, her condition make everyone scared. ​​

"What's wrong with her?" Lu Han Zhuo screams at the physician.

"Chaotic heart poison!" the physician gasped than he presses his lips into a thin line.

"What is that? Can it be healed?" Lu Han Zhuo fretted when he hears about poison on her Daughter's body.

The physician shakes his head "Sadly no, the only thing miss Lu could do is to endure the pain for two days if she able to survive these two days the poison would be disappeared by itself"

Lu Han Zhuo becomes more stress "How could she endure for two days, she would be dead the next hour if we don't help her!"

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"Is there no way to help her?" Lu Qian Gong frowned he didn't like it when he can't do anything when Long Ming hurt his member it makes him feel weak and useless.

The physician sigh "I'm sorry clan leader, they're's nothing we could do but the good thing is the pain would reduce every two hours for an hour... before the poison acted again" he said timidly.

Isn't that mean Lu Xi Xi would be tortured with pained for two days, they're' nothing good about it "What so good about it! Find other ways, you can't let her die like this!" Lu Huan Zhong berated the physician, no matter what she still his daughter how could he let her suffer like this.

"I'm sorry Second Master, they're's nothing I could do" the Physician bows his waist a few time anxiously "This poison created by the white dragon palace King himself no one have the antidote other than them, please forgive me!"

"What!" Lu Huan Zhong stunned, this Long Ming is very cruel and vicious he wants to torture Lu Xi Xi to make mocked him at the same time make him suffer.

Suddenly a woman with lavish hanfu run in hasted her gold hairpin jiggle following her footstep, she is a beautiful woman in a late thirty but his appearance looks like a young maiden, she runs at Lu Xi Xi with tears cover on her face.

"Xi Xi, Mother is here, Mother is here! What happens with you?" he holds her daughter but Lu Xi Xi screams frantically as if she didn't realize her mother is they're.

"Husband what happens with her, how could she become like this!" she screams in panic.

Lu Huan Zhong feel bad for his wife and daughter "Its Long Ming doing, he poisons our daughter" he clenched his jaw tightly.

His wife agape "What…what you mean she was poison, you…you said she will become Long Ming wife, how could she end up like this, what did you do!" she berated her husband angrily.

Lu Huan Zhong who already got a headache from what happened earlier becomes angrier after he listens to his wife outburst "What I do! Is it you who told me it is a good idea to send her to Long Ming, how dare you blamed me!" he shouts at his wife.

"That…that because…." She tongue-tied, she can't refute her husband she didn't know Long Ming can be so cruel, her daughter is very beautiful and gentle why can he like her daughter and even if he didn't like her why should he hurt her?

"Father, can you help Xi'er? Do you have a way?" Lu Huan Zhong pleads his Father, he can't stand her daughter screaming begging him to help her.

"Please Father-in-law, lease save Xi'er" she hit her head on the floor a few times desperately, she thought she would become Long Ming mother-in-law and she would bask with wealth and glory but who could have known her dream is crash even before it starts and now her daughter life is on the line, she feel remorse but everything is too late.

Lu Qian Gong gritted his teeth, he said he wants the Lu clan to understand his pain so this is what his mean. He wants Lu Qian Gong to feel powerless watching his granddaughter in pain without no way to help her, Long Ming want him to understand he pain, sadness, and desperation he wants him to know they're's nothing he could do or give to replace what he had loss.

"This is Long Ming message for us….." Lu Qian gong murmured but everyone could hear him clearly. Every single one of them feel there heart loss and fear creep into every corner of the deepest of their heart.

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"You take mine so I take yours….but more will come so be prepare….I'm coming"

No one said anything anymore only know they realize what kinda person they had provoke, this man is not like other men they know, this man didn't have common sense, he doesn't care about loss and profit, he doesn't care about fame or what other people said, this man is crazy, powerful and very sad, and that's three deadly combination.


Jin Hao and Jiang Jin Wei troops are on the way to Lu Clan territory, Jin Hao is on his tent when suddenly someone asks permission to enter his tent "Master Jin we have great news?"

Jin Hao sigh since when they have good news ever since Luo Ri Yi has gone nothing good is happening in Hei Shen sect "Enter…" he said lazily, he sits on lotus position on his comfortable bench when one of his subordinated enter with familiar box, Jin hao eyebrows creased together he thought he had seen that box somewhere.

His subordinated kneeled on the floor with beaming face he hands over the medium size box "Master look at this, we found it in the jungle, it quite far from the waterfalls, that's why it takes this long to found it"

"Waterfalls?" Jin Hao frown and something suddenly hit him like lightning "Luo Ri Yi lunch box!" he rises from his bench abruptly.

"Yes, thankfully someone recognizes this box and we have confirmed it with the chef who prepares this box he said this is the same box he had prepare for Miss Luo at that time" he feel excited when he reports this if Luo Ri Yi still alive then this is a miracle!

"My god…" Jin Hao's hand trembles when he held the box.