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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 215 - The Wings
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Lory suddenly is awaked but what she sees beneath her make her wish she didn't wake at all, she saw a grey river getting closer and closer to her, the gravity pulls her thousand miles and hours and with this height, she will be dead for sure. ​​

Lory's hand moves wildly looking for anything to grasp but no avail, she is in freefall than suddenly Girsha dives at her in a speed of light, he turns to orbs and pierces to her chest, Lory feel a sudden warmth engulf her then next moment giant white wings emerge behind her back.

Lory gasped in shock, she didn't know Girsha could make a wing appear she also didn't know she has enough power to be merged with him, the mark on her body had disturbed the connection between them so for Girsha and Lory able to merge together it would drain every drop of there mana they've got and it will affect both of them greatly.

Just before her body hit the water surface her wing spread than it flap a few time the wing movement make a big ripple on the water surface like a helicopter but suddenly the wing disappeared again and Lory fall in the water with big splash but luckily because her wing the height of her falling was reduced tremendously make the impact less deadly then it supposed to be.

But the problem still not over, the current water pulls her into the water Lory sank quickly she was choked by the amount of water inside her nose from the water forcefully enter her respiratory tract make her coughing heavily.

Her survival instinct suddenly kicked in she pushes her legs and arms to moves desperately, but the harsh current swept her under the water again, Lory painstakingly tries to keep herself floating when the blood on her chest flowing rapidly make her every move is excruciating.

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[Lory, WATERFALL AHEAD OF US!] Girsha scream through telepathic.

[Can we merge one last time?]

[Only for a few seconds but I will be in a deep sleep for a few days after this…] said Girsha.

The current is getting faster, Lory almost hit by the rock she kicks the rock to dodged herself from crashing [On my mark Birdie!] she spit the water out of her mouth while warry for another rock that blocked her way.

[Okay!] Girsha firmly said.

Lory can feel sound of swishing water increasing and the clamorous sound of falling water is getting closer, she sees the gigantic waterfall in front of her, Lory heart beating like a drum her eyes scurry around searching for anything to give her a good momentum than all of the sudden her eyes fixed on the rock who sticking out of the middle of river right in front of the edged of the waterfall.

'That's it!'

[On My mark, spread our wings!] Lory warns him.

She got closer to the rock, Lory lifts both her leg in front of her and waiting for the current to slam her to the rock, Lory braces herself for the heavy impact than a few seconds later her feet hit the rock and her body scrunch.

[NOW!] he shouted.

Suddenly her white wing spread behind her back, the wing pull her out of the river than she used the rock as a stepping stone and then he jump out of the plunging water, just like a kite Lory flew away from the waterfall foam beneath her, the cold wind graze her skin it's give her yearning sensation she thought she had forgotten.

But after a few seconds suddenly the wings become unstable [Sorry Lory, I can't take it anymore…] Girsha said in a tired voice.

Than her wing abruptly disappeared and Lory bounce on the water surface twice before she plunged into the water with another big splash, the cold sensation awaked and her adrenaline rush in she push herself to swim to the shore despite the blood who keep flowing on her chest when her feet touch the ground she pull herself out of the water.

Her knee fall on the ground, both of her arms withstand her trembling body and the blood on her chest dripping to the ground Lory breathing heavily, she feel cold, hurt and obviously wounded.

When she sees the arrow who still stick on her chest Lory gritted her teeth, she grabs the arrow with her hand than she hissed slightly and with one quick move she pulled the arrow out of her chest, Lory scream to relieve her pain after the arrow pull out she throws the arrow on the side than she lay her back down on the ground.

She panting heavily while her body is freezing cold her teeth were rattling with loud sound she knew she must quickly maintain her wound before she died from the blood loss but all of her power used up for merged with Girsha and just like him who fall in a deep sleep turns out so is she, but she probably dead if she sleeps right now, without her power and Zhao Li Xin there's a high chance she would be dead in this place.

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She tried to think what should she do but her conscious slowly disappear and she begins to feel very sleepy, she knew this is not good she has to stay awake but her eyelids refuse to listen to her, she didn't want to die here, she promised Zhao Li Xin she would return home so she must fulfill her promised, she can't lie again, she has to come home!

But her conscience slowly fading, even though she try so hard to remain conscious her body won't listen to her, she feel her power drained from within her, then her breathing become faint and it gets slower until she can't take anymore and then she faints.


"What's wrong Gao Di?" a little boy around seven or eight years old with chubby face run towards his little monkey, the little monkey with yellow fur make a gibbering sound and pointing at the body near the river, the little boy was shocked she almost falls on his butt.

"Is she dead?" he said timidly.

The monkey pressed his ear on the body chest after a while the monkey shakes his head than he showing his big grinned than the little boy timidly move closer, the unconscious person is a woman and she bleeds heavily he feel bad for her but his grandfather reminds him not to stick his nose to other people business and this woman seem was hurting by someone so maybe she has a lot of enemy following her and so he feel reluctant to help her.

"Come on Gao Di, remember what grandpa told us!" he beckoned his monkey to left with him, the little boy look at the pale woman in front of him and he feel in dilemma what should he do but he also has a lot on his plate so he can add more trouble thing in his plate, the little boy clench his fist he turned his sight away from her but just when he takes the first step he heard her whisper.

"Home….I'll come ….home"

the little boy turns back and he frowned deeply, he bites his lips as if he was immersed in a deep though after awhile he takes a deep breath then he called someone "Bai Zi!"

The albino tiger suddenly appear from behind the bush, the boy and the tiger staring at each other "Don't look at me like that!" the boy puffs his cheeks cutely but only make his face rounder then he already has.

"Let's take her with us!" he said to the tiger, the tiger then growl, the monkey and the little boy drag her body and raised her to the tiger back then she suddenly wince when her body recklessly move by a little boy and his monkey, the little boy didn't realize he make her wound become worst but it's not his fault, he just a kid after all.